2000w-10'x10'-SensiGrow-AK48, Exile, Cloud 9, Critical +, P-Express, SuperSilver Haze

Yo the walls are sappose to be white.
For 2 k you should a 4'x8' space full of plants.
Your gonna have some trees tho. good luck

:idea: Hmmmmm white walls huh???? does that like, reflect light back or something??????? Wow i never thought of such things.......... :clap:

Uhmm.... thought people came to share knowledge and help out, not slander other people's grows..... In 'MY' opinion, I think your doing a great job so keep on growin'!!! Oh, and yeah.... your gonna have a nice forest going on once you kick it over to flower pimp!

Thanks sport!

lol White walls, Never seen such things........ Its cool though man, Ya like i said in the last post, i just threw all this together with what little money i had, I'm going to get some panda film one day just not at the moment, i do have some mylar im going to put up in the mean time, maybe lol. But right now there arnt buds, so for veg white walls weren't a necessity. But now that i'm in flower i will look at my what i can do for more light usage. On the 15th i will be ordering a 1000w hps and on the 30th another, then this 1000w mh will go into the veg room and replace the 400w MH hanging in there and then my 600w HPS and 400W MH will go somewere lol. But ya once these ak's are done i will do alot of upgrading to my whole basement, i do kinda know what im doing im just very broke lol hopefully soon i will not be. When i have the extra money it all goes to my plants, no more bars, no new kinect, all goes to the plants, except i had to get COD black ops. But yes i know some things aren't perfect and as time goes on i would love suggestions of things i should do to maximize the usage of my space, Thanks everybody for checkin in and Thanks for All the positive info guys!! lol
that tree of a lady you have right there is SSH auto? auto? really? haha doesn't seem so. anyway, what I wouldn't give for some real SSH clones. not auto's! dopest dope I ever smoked, but that was while I was in alaska...It's alllllll good there!

Ya i took a clone off this stupid thing just to see if it will root and stay in veg. Im done with autos and probably wont ever buy them again i just tried a few strains when attitude had that auto special i think in august. But ya this stupid thing is huge and better put of some good shit for how much space it fucken uses
Say bro.... my Xbox 360 died on me.... I want to get a new one just to play COD Black Ops... maybe. You think the game is worth it for me to go out and buy the console too?
lol Its pretty badass, graphics are a little wierd but still good. looks alot like world at war but better, lots of shit to customise like logos on everything. I like it but COD is all i play lol.
Quick update, ROOTS ive got about 8-12 with roots showing and alot more with little bumps that should turn into roots, 3 of them i split the stem to much and they turned brown so i tossed them and added some more. Cloning is pretty cool i must say and i like the fact i can check the clones so easily and see exactly when they root. Now i just have to wait for almost an inch of roots then to pots they go. Hopefully next round ill build my "Blazeoneups DWC recurculating 12 site " and get really rockin.
Nice op man looks like you have room in the basement to grow. +rep
Ya finally moved out of the Apt to a nice quite house in a not so good neighborhood lol, so i don't stick out at all. I think the neighbors with 90 cars and random shit all over their yard kinda makes my house a little incognito. But ya it has a full UNFINISHED basement, and im almost 100% percent sure im not the first person to grow here lol, lots of screw, nails, reflective foil of some sort, Staples, Plastic up in the rafters for blocking light, Extra 4" holes drilled for draining which is amazing, and extra breakers in the electrical box with nothing hooked up to them, lol their are now though. so ya it was a great first place to start a real grow and not some closet shit.
Just figured id post here since your a local! Nice grow, im not into soil but those plants look like they are very healthy. Just so you know I use panda film also and you should switch it around so the white side is out. White reflects the light, black doesn't. Your 2k watts just from 2 1000's?
and what kpac said (+rep) is a good idea. They house im growing in now the people before me were growing in it and got arrested because they had more then their legal amount. Once the police have a house on record, its permanent. I have my card but be smart cause getting charged with a marijuana offense is really irritating let me tell you hah.
NICE! Always good to see a local on here, Ya its not panda film, its the black plastic from home depot that 10 bucks for 25 feet lol, im going to shell out for the panda film one day just havn't had much extra around this time of the year. And hopefully my next round will be hydro, probably and DIY under currrent or a recirculating DWC and my basement will be alot more professional. Actually i use to have 2k in there with a 1k MH ( Vegging till 5 days ago so wasnt a big deal ) a 600w HPS and a 400W MH. I took the mh to put over the clones and left the 1k MH and 600 HPS in there till the 15 when i buy a 100hps. The other group of plants is in my roommates room he built on the opposite site of the basement under his 1k dual arc setup he just bought as he is still in veg and i have 8 plants that need more veg time. We've got 3 cards in the house right now and my buddys just expired hes waiting on CBR to make his appointment lol im actually the one who doesnt have a card yet. My medical records are a fiasco lol its kinda a long story. Thanks for lookin out, i actually already did a search but came up dry any tips or anything for searching for that kind of stuff??? But ya in the mean time we are all legal and good to go.
Well are you renting the house or buying it? Do you know the landlords? Start off by asking the landlord straight up, that's what I did but im close with mine. Other then that you can call the city and see if they have records which they most likely will. Me and my girlfriend both got our cards through cbr. I just got mine like 2 months ago finally!
Renting, hes one of those rent and never see again and thats what he told me. Lol he said unless theres a fire or shit breaks he wont see us till next year and i had a feeling he smokes so after im here awhile and he sees i take good car of the place. im sure he wont mind especially since its legal. One day ill buy a house but not untill i find one i like 100%
If its legal I wouldn't necessarily tell the landlord with all of the shows on tv about growers and how the house looks after they leave it.
he's gonna end up walking it with a fine tooth comb. There arent lease agreements that say no growing yet.
My landlord knows about my stuff but it will vary from person to person. Even if you are legal they still might not want you living on their residence while you grow. For example many medical patients live in apartments where they wont let them grow, so they get a caregiver lol. Most of the time if you get a reading that a person is 420 friendly then you should be fine.
Ya I use to live in a apt and ya i was not comfortable at all with even my little closet grow with 1 plant lol. If he has a problem with it, if he ever finds out, then ill move. i don't have a problem with that but i doubt he'll every have to go into the basement, there's nothing down there except the furnace and if that breaks ill just fix it myself. But ya before i moved in, the house was a dump and had cigarette tar all over the walls. I got him to give me like 300 off my deposit because i had to go in and clean before i could move in. I will be doing another update probably Friday or so, not much goin on except they're growing like crazy as they're in their flower stretching period now. Clones are rooting like crazy too, I thought i had to much light but i was just worrying to much. We planted one clone with only 2 little roots that were not even a 1/4 inch long (experiment) and so far after a day it hasn't died... yet.... Im just trying to figure out this cloning thing, so far all of our strains are reacting different. AK and exile love being cloned but widow and PE are a little harder. Super silver haze ( Auto ) my little experiment with the non-auto auto, lol, didn't root at all it died very fast lol i think its to far into flower. Going to build another cloner this weekend too just need to find another fogger.
Hmmm.... do they call you obiwankangrowbe because of your last name? (Kang) or did I just read into that a little too much?

No, I'm just a huge starwars fan, have a weird brown cloak with a hood, and i think my buddy was just baked and trying to make fun of me. either way, it's an honor to have a jedi grower name, and thanks for noticing, OGpanda"wan"? haha