Wally's closet. 600 Watter


Active Member
Don't worry man there will be some smell still...my Phresh filter basically removes the pungent "whoa" smell...but if you are in the actual room you can still smell it. You just don't smell it down the hall :)

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
wonderwoman are still on the right, VFT on the left. gradual flowering initiation starting tonight/tomorrow

about to get fat in here.

so without further adu, i bring to you




Active Member
Looking gorgeous Wally! :) Wow man, very very nice. Are yours just starting to show pre-flowers? I've seen them on 2 of mine so far, and they are 5 weeks old today as yours are. I'm watching this close close now as I'm getting ready to move to flowering mode soon too. Thinking I'm gonna wait about another week or so, wanna see pre-flowers on em first and also want to take clones and get my ez-clone machine up and going! Keep me posted man, I'm gonna be about a week or two behind you and will be watching to see how yours goes so I can learn all I can before mine start flowering! :)

Thanks again,


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
What else you got growing there??

And gorgeous beautiful green there Wally...great job!!:clap:

thyme and basil. the basil plant was one that has gone untrained and neglected. i just pruned it and up potted it. itll come back something fierce. the thyme was a clipping that i cloned. ive been training it to make it a real bush.

thanks so much!

Looking gorgeous Wally! :) Wow man, very very nice. Are yours just starting to show pre-flowers? I've seen them on 2 of mine so far, and they are 5 weeks old today as yours are. I'm watching this close close now as I'm getting ready to move to flowering mode soon too. Thinking I'm gonna wait about another week or so, wanna see pre-flowers on em first and also want to take clones and get my ez-clone machine up and going! Keep me posted man, I'm gonna be about a week or two behind you and will be watching to see how yours goes so I can learn all I can before mine start flowering! :)

Thanks again,

thanks mann. yeah i have preflowers showing so im starting my photo period change now


Active Member
thyme and basil. the basil plant was one that has gone untrained and neglected. i just pruned it and up potted it. itll come back something fierce. the thyme was a clipping that i cloned. ive been training it to make it a real bush.
My girl just told me I needed to grow a decoy so I was looking into a few herbs. I think she's paranoid about the neighbors seeing me haul potting soil and the like into our basement.