Slow growing and Transplant help plz :)


Active Member
This is my 2nd grow right now my plants are as followed...

1xLSD - first week of flowering
1xGreat White Shark - first week of flowering
1xStrawberry D-Lite - 4 weeks Veg
1xKings Kush - 2 weeks veg.

My two plants that are flowering are doing fairly well though not overly huge yet.

The plants in Veg however appear to be having some trouble growing. Here are some pics.

First is my puny little Kings Kush. Very small for 2 weeks :(


Next are two pics of my Strawberry D-Lite. Short and bushy but still seems small for 4 weeks.


and heres a pic of my veg room setup. There is no door so i keep the lights on 24/0


does it seem like i have too little or not enough light? Not close enough to plants or anything like that? Not sure why they're so small. The only one i'm feeding with nutes is the Strawberry since the Kush is still so small.

Also the 2nd part of my question is, because I am waiting 7 - 8 more weeks before i put the Strawberry and Kush into flower, what would be the impact of transplanting my Strawberry into its final 5 gallon bucket in the next 2 weeks or so? She is only in a 1 gallon pot now so i assume even with how small she is that her roots will be bound soon. I just don't want to put her in a 5 gallon for 6 more weeks of veg to find when i get to the flower room the roots are bound in the bucket. I'm not even sure if that will happen in Veg, i've only repotted to final pot right before flower.

Lot of info there any help GREATLY appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
your plants all look fine
you could use more light
the impact of transplanting now would be minimal,usual


New Member
You haven't told us how much light you have in there to begin with. But no I don't think your light is the reason for your slow growth, it looks like you got 60~80 watts in there?
When I see seedlings stretched like that I think they were watered too much and the medium was too wet before I think light but that's just me. As for the other plants as he said, they look fine, not so small for 4 weeks in soil.

The mother chamber on the bottom right has 44 watts and they grow fine


Active Member
I have a 42w and 2x23w all 6400k and 2x 2f t5's but I'm not sure their wattage. I may have watered it too much, should I make sure it's really dry before I water from now on? Also is misting ever good for small plants?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Your using some wimpy light,
but you'll get their.
And i recommend one more transplant before leaving it.
Your kings kush also looks like it wont survive.
Happy growing bro!


trying hanging your lights, just like outside plants tend to grow towards the source of light.
if you can, you can ghetto rig a 70watt MH outside lamp to a 3point plug, if you dont have a timer just use a surge strip as the on/off switch.
altogeather for the 3prung plug with about a foot of cable attached and lamp with light blub sould run about 50 to 60bucks at any home improvement store.
look under security lighting.
granted much more lite is needed so if you can get something with more wattage the better.
streching can come from improper lite sources, this could be a number of things, the main cause is incandescent lighting if any is near by is can affect your plants.

dont water so much, sometimes its good to let the soil get alittle dry , soil souldnt never be damp to the touch.
this can also vary by room temp, air movement etc.
i like to mist from time to time, but not to much.
plants release water into the air through the leafs, if the leaf is wet it will retain water.
misting also will let you know if you have spider mites or not...the water droplets will land on the webs and be seen more clearly.
overall let them dry out some or powdery mildew will set in.


Active Member
Your using some wimpy light,
but you'll get their.
And i recommend one more transplant before leaving it.
Your kings kush also looks like it wont survive.
Happy growing bro!
damn i was afraid my kush might die :( you don't think its at a point it can come back?
so your thinking go to a 3 gal then later to the 5 gal. makes sense