first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Well-Known Member
Hey boys yall don't seem to happy about work and go let me know what that incense shit is all about lol also if work troubles you just remember what I told you gogrow anyone should be happy at work may bot be ideal but at least you aren't literally shit on and pissed on like me oh and yeah at least you don't have to see 100yr old balls or pussy! Also I just realized I suck bad today with typos!


Hey boys yall don't seem to happy about work and go let me know what that incense shit is all about lol also if work troubles you just remember what I told you gogrow anyone should be happy at work may bot be ideal but at least you aren't literally shit on and pissed on like me oh and yeah at least you don't have to see 100yr old balls or pussy! Also I just realized I suck bad today with typos!
I was gonna tell you last night that at least you get paid for it.... I gotta wash my wrinkly balls everynight for free :D
the 'incense' is just herbs like damiana and mullein sprayed with a synthetic cannabanoid to make it get you a lil buzz.... but they all suck 100yr old testicles...

we all already knew that you were bad with the typos, we just overlook it and decipher... no worries :D


Well-Known Member
Lmao yes well I knew you all caught that but I think I've managed to screw up every post I have made today normally I get at least one right! And go thanks buddy I needed that laugh but I sure yours are a nicer sight lol if yours looked anything like 100yr old balls at your age I'm worried buddy ;)


Lmao yes well I knew you all caught that but I think I've managed to screw up every post I have made today normally I get at least one right! And go thanks buddy I needed that laugh but I sure yours are a nicer sight lol if yours looked anything like 100yr old balls at your age I'm worried buddy ;)
I must say that i dont know on that one.... never had the displeasure of seeing a specimen of that many years... probably never will either... but hell, ballsacks are just un-flattering at any age, so I can only imagine.


Well-Known Member
I just got my 5 indica aurora seeds in the mail !.. such a clevar way they hid it. Sent me a letter for mints, and a container of test mints..with a little "hole the mints fall out" I WAS PISSED AT FIRST.. then i realized you can remove the cap and Whala.. a secret baggie hidden amongst the mints.


I just got my 5 indica aurora seeds in the mail !.. such a clevar way they hid it. Sent me a letter for mints, and a container of test mints..with a little "hole the mints fall out" I WAS PISSED AT FIRST.. then i realized you can remove the cap and Whala.. a secret baggie hidden amongst the mints.
thats cool as shit bro.... I've got some auto seeds that were shipped out today that i'm waiting on.


New Member
hey raw glad u got your beans but i have found it is not good to reveal shipping practices of seed banks as big brother may be watching but thats up to u just trying to offer advice
i would edit it out if it was me but im not u

I just got my 5 indica aurora seeds in the mail !.. such a clevar way they hid it. Sent me a letter for mints, and a container of test mints..with a little "hole the mints fall out" I WAS PISSED AT FIRST.. then i realized you can remove the cap and Whala.. a secret baggie hidden amongst the mints.


Well-Known Member
=/ They have already BUSTED these methods before (customs) .. ppl still send stuff in CUPs. :) my cousin works for the postal service, they KNOW HOW ppl ship stuff. DOESNT mean they can OPEN every CUP, MINT BOX, Shoe Box, Tee you know?


Well-Known Member
The FED know marijuana is shipped in through Containers at our Ports Daily.. UnRealistic to be able to check them all. same thing


Well-Known Member
Lmao well now that is why I love my bb pain in the ass the encryption because of the security verification it does but safe :)


Well-Known Member
Haha buddy it took me forever I have had several kick ass smart phones now what can I say I walk around looking like a bum but carry a 400 dollar phone lol I can teach ya :D you boys pick I don't keep up well everyday I have about 1500 emails from riu cross my phone as well as between 20-100pms these days has slowed down I email from 2 accounts on my phone text and I'm all while I'm here posting this phone is the shit!