the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
Not trying to hate on ya chi, but your bears O is a lil suspect. D is def legit. I played against Hunter Hillenmeyer in highschool, dude is a beast. But Jay Cutler needs to hold on the ball if yall want to win. You see what asante samuel did to Eli last week? Yeah def bring a RIU sign up there, would be epic.
how bout my chicago bears beating some eagle ass nigga yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... cutler is a goon they need to protect him better..... and vic wasnt on shit just like i said.. he kissed the cold chicago dirt more then once tonight!!!!


Well-Known Member
and brian urlacher was everywere today!!!!!!!!!! what a game he had

yeah and the hoe ass packers lost... we number one in our div!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha apparent;y some idiot fell and died at da bears game to while i was there... game started at 3 i was there for that and way before tailgating.. i diidnt even hear shit about this untill now and it happend there.. lol wtf!!!???

dude fell/jumped at 5 pm


Well-Known Member
hahaha apparent;y some idiot fell and died at da bears game to while i was there... game started at 3 i was there for that and way before tailgating.. i diidnt even hear shit about this untill now and it happend there.. lol wtf!!!???

dude fell/jumped at 5 pm
damn thats crazy


Well-Known Member
shitty ass day in da chi today............. zero sun, cold, wet, rainey..... yuck... ima cozy up with some grape ape and a lil 4 strain marbled oil!


Well-Known Member
hows shit goin chitown. im having my own turmoils but i'm doing better after reading up on some buddhism with the help of some hash ..

lifes a bitch sometimes tho.


Well-Known Member
hows shit goin chitown. im having my own turmoils but i'm doing better after reading up on some buddhism with the help of some hash ..

lifes a bitch sometimes tho.
it going..... still alive, still healthy.... just tryna get wealthy..... sorry to hear about your troubles....... glad the hash is helping haha

and yes life is a bitch........ but sometimes you gotta tell that bitch roll over and fuck!!!!


Well-Known Member
it going..... still alive, still healthy.... just tryna get wealthy..... sorry to hear about your troubles....... glad the hash is helping haha

and yes life is a bitch........ but sometimes you gotta tell that bitch roll over and fuck!!!!
hahahaha wish I could see it like that... I'm kinda sticking with life is a funny thing ... that helps a lil hah.

I feel liek my priorities are all fucked. it kinda sucks man but I"ll get through it. shit with that girl is like up in the air I have no clue whats happening right now even though shit was hella good. so I got multiple things fuckin with me at once... just waiting for that cookie to kick....


Well-Known Member
Poplars, just go by my philosophy of life, been through a lot in the last decade, dad died and so has my little brother. shit gets rough sometimes but youll get through it.

but my philosophy of life is, Life's a bitch... Fuck It!! no matter how bad it gets, just smoke a blunt and remember all the good times. Life is always worse when your dwelling on the bad shit in it. just what gets me through the day ya know, maybe it can help you.