Trippy Music


Well-Known Member
I've had an even more detailed one in a vision...
Lets just say the story behind those patterns are very old and very secret, try and ask someone well trained in islam about it and see how evasive they become.
There are no signatures in a corner like modern artists, but apparently their are distinct schools/families each with their own identifiable patterns and representations of the multiverse.


Well-Known Member




Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
OK This one is really tripping me out this morning .... taking into consideration the current unrest at the yellow sea !!



I Love DubStep

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
manslag means manslaughter in my language.
second degree ... murder ...
Dutch roots ??

No wonder all your stuff grows so well ... it's in the blood !!

purplehazin !!!
That is a great tune right above me ... nice and mellow .... psy trance amps me up a bit to much when I am in front of my pc's. :)


Well-Known Member
This song is awesome

Ah this "laying in the hammock on a cool autumn night" type of song reminds me of a brief period from the "Rolling" soundtrack. An indie documentary on ecstasy... I'm washing into those colors as we speak ;)


Well-Known Member
second degree ... murder ...
Dutch roots ??

yup basicaly, slag is dutch (I think they add a t to it though) and afrikaans for slaughter, a butcher is called a slagter. (the ag is like the beginning of the name Achmed)

No wonder all your stuff grows so well ... it's in the blood !!
:) Yeah I guess I look like the average dutchman (calling an afrikaner a dutchman is supposedly some kind of insult)

purplehazin !!!
That is a great tune right above me ... nice and mellow .... psy trance amps me up a bit to much when I am in front of my pc's. :)


Well-Known Member

Lol, Ok, I'll have to smoke this big fat bud alone now.

The ziplock bag is going way too fast :P, was only like $30


Well-Known Member
lol, the camera basicaly pulled in the lense and said replace battery as I took that pic, probably why it focused so shitty, wasn;t even worth trying to load a bigger version.
But no, its mighty nice mids hey, sure it has seeds in but so has nearly everything you get in africa. Don't let that mislead you though.

purple stanky

New Member
oh no not at all! if your smoking it im sure its fanastic =)
im just the kinda person who really likes to see every detail of the buds
and i was lookin for a better pic so i could see the tricome coverage. i fuckin love that kinda pic =)


Well-Known Member
Dont know how much you like electronic music,

But this guy is a brilliant intelligent dance musician


Beautiful vibrations in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Lol, that one has long ince been smoked.
I'm growing some local bagseeds at the moment, sadly my huge plant that I topped using Uncle Ben's method for 4 colas, turned out to be a male afterall, hats off to him though, it does make a nice plant.

Most of my plants are still smallish and I seem to have found a better spot than last year as my big one is not flowering yet appart from one or two white hairs here and there, normally mine starts flowering long before summer is here.
I got one lady thats a nice mutant with 3 main colas (the main cola is actualy the lowest of the three arms)... was just a funky plant, I didn't do anything to it.



Well-Known Member
I feel like ive lost some of my soul to that song. Horrible! hahaha Alot of my friends love 16Bit hes fucking mental hahaha. Good stuff in that sense, just not my cup of tea :)


This piano lick in this song, was shot into my brain like a bullett whilst coming down from Mescaline, i transcended :)