No, no idea on the THC content, it's got to be high. If you don't heat it before you pick at it, it breaks like rock candy. Similar consitency to butane oil.. But once you heat it a bit it pours like molasis.
This was made from ICU#2 trim and Purplekush trim, it wasn't ALL leaf though i save the stems from inside the buds and all the left overs from rolling. Used a few ounces worth, got.. i'd say about 10 grams of purest of the pure. Really nice stuff. This is the BH personal stash right there. I only break it out when i have no buds to smoke or i feel like wowing some one

It's super potent, smoke this before work and it's an early day
This is your "A" wash, you can put some alc back in and let it sit a few days for some "b" wash dark green oil that will still do the trick.
If i had put this batch in some vials it wouldn't have cat hair and drywall mud bits, and dust in it.. lol. I still smoke it. hehe. I'll just re-use it in the next one.. Filter the crap out.
This is how i do it for anyone interested. Isopropynol 99% proof you want as high as you can get.. no 60 proof crap.. No smoking.. no stupid shit.. This stuff is no different than gas and fires.. Can go bad!
#1: Only use Glass as often as you can. You will be supprised what is leached from metals.
#2: Put your Alc in the freezer the night before you plan to do it. I have also done a few hours. You want it COLD, it looks like it gets more viscus when it's good. I don't know what actual temp is perfect but 4 hours at least or a night in there will give you the desired affect. I have joked about using dry ice to get it even colder but never bothered.
#3: Jar your trim and leaf, what ever your going to use.
#4: Mix the alc in with your trim, Don't let it sit long, i usually do a half hour.. The longer it sits the more the alc warms and the more chlorophyl your going to pull out, which we don't want. I have had good results putting the jar back in the freezer for up to four hours. Any longer and your starting to get into green oil teritory.
#4: wipe your pirex plate with some alc and some bounty to clean it
#5: Put a layer of bounty over the top of the jar that has the alc/trim mix, and use one of the wife/gf's hair ties to put over the mouth to hold the bounty in place.
#6: Turn it over to filter it out, i'll get some crap to blance the jar(s) on the sides to let it do it's thing.
After it is done filtering out you will know what kind of oil your going to have, put it on a white surface to see it. The redder your solution the better your oil is going to be. Some of the best mixes i have had almost looked clear to start, by the time the alc has evaportaed i was such a clear red hue it was amazing.
#7: I always let mine evap on it's own accord, i usually don't need it NOW so i can afford the time.
I have also cooked big and small batches. I recommend a double boiler system. Boil a pot of water and put your pyrex ontop. The steam from the pot isn't direct heat like an element, and it will help deter any stray alc fumes from egniting on the burner. SAFETY FELLAS!!! When a cookie sheet goes up in your face it's not a good day in the kitchen.
A slow cook off will not burn the oil and make it dark. It is alot like making sugar candy, don't burn the sugar
If you are mixing this into food or creams, you'll need a fat based product that will disolve the THC into the mix. otherwise you just have bits of thc floating in what ever you are mixing it with. Maybe try real butter. That has worked for me in the past for cooking, it's not an acetone type product. So it shouldn't irritate the skin, or taste bad in food. Bring the butter to a boil and mix in the thc concentrate.
Thats how i do that
