So here are the pics of 6 1/2 weeks into 12/12. I know there is alot of yellowing. I also know that my plants are good to go at 7 - 7 1/2 weeks (depending on the strain), and that 8 weeks is pushing it. Platinum is the only strain that can go 8 weeks, but it has also dropped off in yeild, so I will be replacing it with J1. Im sure some people would doubt the harvesting times. Here is how I do it, use bush master, go from 24/7 veg to 12/12, grow vertically, and have a co2 controller. If you can, giving the ladies 24 hours of dark before going into 12/12 will also force flower a little faster. The majority of the ladies are Banana OG, then Platinum , and OG, with a few test runs of J1 (doing amazing) and Pinapple Express (waiting to taste). I will be pulling the plants at week 7 or 7 1/2, depending on my schedule. Pic number 2 is OG on the left, and Banana OG on the right. I plan on breeding the two, but I plan on doing alot of stuff.
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Here is the other octo at 1 1/2 weeks. J1, Banana OG, OG, Platinum, and Pineapple Express. This was after 3 days of Bush Master at 1 ml/ 1 gallon water, with nutes at 1/3 strength.
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