Super Lemon Haze, White Widow & 60DW 400watts


Well-Known Member
sweet, nice one, sounds delish "ice kush" lol, makes me think of a 7Eleven Slurpee. look forward to some pics man. cheers.


Well-Known Member
horribleherk they are looking great man! well done.
Im loving my slh they are so resinous already its insane, definitely keeping this strain in my garden for a while.

For those wondering what happened to this journal i've started a new indoor batch and had to make more room, so the slh im taking outdoors and back in each day to finish off what a pain in the ass but it's gotta be done. I have a slh mother in it's own room vegging away, i plan on taking cuttings again soon for my slh scrog, so i will continue this journal once that is operational, so i won't scrap this journal just yet and thanks for everyone who's been following and hope to see use back here soon :joint: peace


Active Member

learned a lot about slh and growing I can't wait for mine

thanks for the info

how do you rep someone bcuz this shit is off the hook


Active Member
lookin good masterhemp,just started super lemon haze seeds myself i got 5 seeds,put 3 of them in my proprgator they germinated quick sprouted alright but 2 out of 3 died i knew it wernt the way i was growing them cos ive also got 3 violator kush an ther doin fine
anyway my haze is growing very slow.............did u get any plants what died or hermied?,not lookin forward to any of that stuff
sub'd anyway,cant wait to see more master
rep to u


Well-Known Member
Hey ABM thanks for stopping in and for the rep, i haven't had any die on me i only planted 2 out of 5 seeds and both of them germinated fine, i took clones off them and now have 1 slh mother, post a link to your journal i'll check it out it's good to see more slh growers around :D
i will post some pictures of my slh buds in 1 or 2 weeks from now and then i'll be getting ready for my slh scrog

EDIT: I might aswell post these 2 pics for now, i got them uploaded anyhow :P
Trichs are still mostly clear in these pics, i'd say about 70% clear and 30% cloudy



Well-Known Member
Steve sorry i missed your question mate, i havent even subscribed to my own thread so i missed it lol
I found that the SLH is a slow starter but once it gets going you better watch out, especially once you flick the switch to 12/12 thats when they really take off
My SLH are getting the chop this weekend, pics to follow :hump:

dirk d

Active Member
nice grow hemp. how tall are your SLH?? mine are about 3 feet after 1 week of flower and im thinking they are going to be freakin monsters after 10 weeks
nice grow hemp. how tall are your SLH?? mine are about 3 feet after 1 week of flower and im thinking they are going to be freakin monsters after 10 weeks
Yeah they will be some monsters.Look for it to stop at 4-4 1/2 feet then start packing the weight..