I will share what I have learned through trial and error,first thing you have to consider is what size line you are going to use to connect them togeather.my first attemt was with 4 buckets,a 400 gph pump and an 18 gallon tote as my res,and 1/2 tubeing conecting it all togeather.it filled the first bucket to fast and ended up over filling,so I put a ball valve on the line between the res and the first bucket,it worked but not what I was aiming for,so I added another set of 3/4 inch lines from the out end of the first bucket to each bucket and back to the res. so what I have is a 1/2 feed line with a total of 1 1/4 inch out and back to the res.I still have the ball valve to control flow and for quick res changes,my first grow with it is just in its first weeks and so far all is well,I dont let my ppm go over 1000 and my ph between 5.5 and 5.80 still tweaking it a bit with the timeing on the pump,so just remember to have a larger line out than you do going in and a ball valve to control the flow and it should work.I built mine because it was a pain in the ass taking care of single buckets,checking ph and ppms and res changes and crawling around on the floor,it sucked.so now I have everything up on milk crates,something you may want to consider when you have to do a res change cuz water wont flow up.I hope this bit of info helps you out and good luck