Well-Known Member
True the News doesnt show crap.. BS happens daily. I do know if anything South Central is where its still poppin. Shyt hasnt changed for thoes who are Active yea.. but in the BIGGER picture, Man am I sure Happy we have Cameras on Every street light.. Could you imagine how Dark LA would be if their were no Cameras, or if the COPs took a WEEKEND off. +REP to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
WHERE EVER your From 1 thing we have in COMMON is WE SMOKE THE BEST

been living there my entire life... my older brothers and sister went through the riots and crap. dud i know what you mean but in reality what happens here they don't show on your evening news... the world doenst give a shit about what happens here, or if another hispanic/black kid dies in a cop shootout because they thought he was pulling out a pistol from his backpack.. you beainig from LA Raw you shoudl know this too!