Air pumps for multiple dwc stoness

School me on air pumps.

I have 6 different DWC, some with water pumps pumping water and nutes to mroe than one bucket and I also have air stones the large circle ones and they are sitting on the bottom on some buckets but they are in all the buckets to stir the nutes and feed O2 to the roots.

So which air pump is capable of handling 6 with no problems with air pressure not being enough?

I cna go to the pet store and get the little single ones but I was looking to only get 2-3 and having those service my buckets.

I am baked with medibles today watching the football games. I used 1/2 oz of mids for one batch of chocolate chip cookies and they are arriving on my front door really soon...I can feel it in my eyes, they are starting to get squinty....niceee:leaf::leaf:


My current plans, which are subject to change at any moment, are for an RDWC system that will need multiple stones also, and I've got this old breast pump. It's been up in the rafters for just about forever on the theory that it might be useful someday, and it looks like I may have been right! The little sucker's got a 1/10 horse motor on it. After cleaning off a half inch of dust and hot wiring around a defunct power switch it's up and running like a top. Lots of air. I think it's gonna work.

If a titty machine won't pump my stones ...... I dunno what will.
Hey bro, the cheap air pumps from the pet store are just that, CHEAP!!. Sounds like you need some bubbles brother, check this website. The EcoPlus Commercial Air pumps are serious, and will bubble your ladies nicely. Good luck and stay irie mon..

I have seen those on ebay and someone else recommended them so thats what I will get, now just to find the best price.
I got a 4 port pump from Petco for around $25. I'm hoping that will be enough to run air to 4 DWC buckets. You could score one of those and a 2 port air pump (costs a little less) and run all 6 of your buckets with only 2 air pumps. I've run 4 plants in a single rubbermaid tub with one of those cheap $10 air pumps from the pet store and it worked for 2 grows and produced good bud, but all the plants were in the same container so I didn't need to send air to multiple containers. I hear the more bubbles you make the better the grow, but one single 4 inch airstone from a $10 air pump worked for me.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Had this one for almost a year and it's still working great. Be warned, it is a bit loud. Nothing too bad, but definitely not stealth. But at $1 per wt, it's a great deal.

35wt 950gph pump $35