Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.


bastard .............. i hate it when you rub it in.....

Next you will tell me you can get any flavor on nearly any street.
then you will tell me you can by plants off craigslist ......

stop it.... your killing me. so if it is legal just carry the plastic in. the neighbors are too busy seeing who you are. once they see trays they will sleep easy

they do sell clones on craigslist... i think fdd started a thread about it before...


Well-Known Member
they've been coming down hard on craigslist sellers. all the posts are getting flagged. no busts or anything.

dude, medical pays for my smoke. :)


Well-Known Member
so I have been going to the same hydro store for a while..The guy is real "used car salesman" like and always trys to tell me why everything im doing is wrong. And how hydro is this and hydro is he is never open when he is supposed to be..Like yesterday, He's closed sunday, monday and tuesday, so that already sucks, so I go yesterday to get my mylar and some other things for this new room and he's freaking closed..on wed. and it says the store hours right on the im pissed..i go back home, get the number for his other store that his wife works at, and she is hella rude and tells me the only mylar she has is 85.00 a now im even more
pissed..anyways, I call another hydro store ive never been to and they tell me they
have everything so i head out mind you this shop is like 20 mines from my house so im not too happy about that either,but at this point its' "fuck it" i need the stuff..THIS PLACE IS MY NEW PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They hooked me up....I got my mylar, and then looked around the shop a little, and ended up getting all this...notice the 10% discount and who has ever been to the hydro store and had a reciept this low???



Well-Known Member
here is the room progress....laid plastic down on the floor..i will get the treys in here soon...and the video is a short film I made called "relief"
i think you will like it...



Well-Known Member
ok that's just fuckin' funny. i said "i'm going do a bong rip while i watch this". clicked it then ripped it. we just smoked out. lol


Well-Known Member
ok that's just fuckin' funny. i said "i'm going do a bong rip while i watch this". clicked it then ripped it. we just smoked out. lol
lol.........i thought you guys would get a kick out of sure you've had your share of those nights....:mrgreen::peace:


oh man!!!

you almost MOTA vated me to go take a vid of my grow... haha

... i will smoke some more though!
nice room... good choice to move!

and i love the vid... post more whenever you get the chance...
... collect enough vids and you can put together a "how to grow" video tutorial... which there can never be enough of...


Well-Known Member
i love the vid. and the grow looks great. im doin something similar. i start with a 400w metal halide then flower under 1000w hps ive only got 12 plants though so i probably wont yeild as much ive got some hindu skunk and im mothering a bubbleberry plant also


Well-Known Member
i love the vid. and the grow looks great. im doin something similar. i start with a 400w metal halide then flower under 1000w hps ive only got 12 plants though so i probably wont yeild as much ive got some hindu skunk and im mothering a bubbleberry plant also


Well-Known Member
dude that grow is going to be sick. i have 12 plants flowering right now and soon to be about 14 more so i will have a lot going on. i only got a 600 watt and a 400 watt but well see how it goes. all the conditions are good and it should be exciting, cant wait to see how yours looks in a few weeks. i just put a few more pics of my set up, check it out if you want


Well-Known Member
dude that grow is going to be sick. i have 12 plants flowering right now and soon to be about 14 more so i will have a lot going on. i only got a 600 watt and a 400 watt but well see how it goes. all the conditions are good and it should be exciting, cant wait to see how yours looks in a few weeks. i just put a few more pics of my set up, check it out if you want
send me your journal........:peace: