There Is Scientific Proof of a Creator. Evolution Can Be Disproved


New Member
always outside the box looking in to find what I left there to begin with...language so does not allow these thigs to come across....ahh well i sent it so you will find it



Well-Known Member
always outside the box looking in to find what I left there to begin with...language so does not allow these thigs to come across....ahh well i sent it so you will find it

what your trying to say is thought is created outside the box?

i still dont know alot of things. i began my journey not to long ago, so i still have alot to discover!! im always looking to expand my knowledge.


New Member
stop wanting...for if you want then all you will receive is the want

Acknowledge and it is is now in existence forever...unless you start wanting again then it is gone and all your are left with is the want...follow?


when you go there you are driving and have complete control...when the primalities come out to play just study how exquisitly they are ther skin shines and the artistic beauty of their is truly awe it is your created it all so examine your skill and relish in it....dont try to get anything or anywhere....just enjoy the journey and love the art



Well-Known Member
stop wanting...for if you want then all you will receive is the want

Acknowledge and it is is now in existence forever...unless you start wanting again then it is gone and all your are left with is the want...follow?


when you go there you are driving and have complete control...when the primalities come out to play just study how exquisitly they are ther skin shines and the artistic beauty of their is truly awe it is your created it all so examine your skill and relish in it....dont try to get anything or anywhere....just enjoy the journey and love the art

yes completely understood that.


Active Member
Perpetuating ignorance, is an insult to mankind.

Perception is a matter of perspective.
Follow the evidence, not faith.

If you choose to worship, why not go all the way?
Find the origins of your God, so that you can become closer to him.

Ever heard of Ezekiel's Wheel?
How about the Book of Enoch?
How about Sumeria?
What about YHWH of Midian?
Would it interest you to know you are actually worshiping the volcano god YHWH?
What about the multitude of stories banned from the bible?


I have read all about that crap. Your attempt to mix together several different stories show that you did not fully understand what you where reading or that your are purposely mixing them in an attempt to cast some sort of doubt. But contrary to what you believe I read a lot more than you think.


Active Member
A more accurate way to put it; A tiny fraction of scientists, most outside their field of expertise, signed some paper for reasons other than science.

Yeah why don't you take a closer look at the names and what their professions are before you make such a statement. At least take the time to google a few names before making such baseless claims. Most of those people are professors at major universities. If they where that full of crap than they would not be employed.


New Member
"what your trying to say is thought is created outside the box?"

True pure thought; the essence of all

now the scales are falling from his eyes that he may see...and see he does...for the truth he has yearned for and sought lies not without but within...awesome my smoke and be merry

For I am venturing now ....



New Member
Yeah why don't you take a closer look at the names and what their professions are before you make such a statement. At least take the time to google a few names before making such baseless claims. Most of those people are professors at major universities. If they where that full of crap than they would not be employed.
Wish to clarify that I seek not to put you down but to lift you...higher power, creator, god, whatever find it ...the one that fits for you and you hold onto it with all you are my friend

And that will NEVER fail you nor anyone


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I have read all about that crap. Your attempt to mix together several different stories show that you did not fully understand what you where reading or that your are purposely mixing them in an attempt to cast some sort of doubt. But contrary to what you believe I read a lot more than you think.
I did not mix any stories. I merely lined out a few different questions about your religious history.
If you can't see this, Then you have either failed to understand, or you are lying about your literal exposure.
Name one question in my series that is out of context of your direct religious history.

Ever heard of Ezekiel's Wheel?
How about the Book of Enoch?
How about Sumeria?
What about YHWH of Midian?
Would it interest you to know you are actually worshiping the volcano god YHWH?
What about the multitude of stories banned from the bible?


Active Member
yess! you have collapsed your chakras before and astral projected then :) ive done it. did you experience that lifting feeling of your eternal body leaving and that "tube" type thing right after when traveling into Time Space- Space Time. where you travel down it its spiraling and vibrating and just all crazy and fast. then its kinda like you wake up and your where you want to be, no sensation of the physical, no boundaries. yet its kinda like you are in your physical. man soo hard to explain!

yeah I practice asshole projection all the time. mostly when I eat taco bell.


Well-Known Member
Yeah why don't you take a closer look at the names and what their professions are before you make such a statement. At least take the time to google a few names before making such baseless claims. Most of those people are professors at major universities. If they where that full of crap than they would not be employed.
I did google the document, and discovered that mainstream science, through peer review, rejected it. The signatures represented about .01% of the scientists in the relevant fields, with most admitting they deny evolution for religious reasons, not science. Fact is, evolution is overwhelmingly accepted throughout the scientific community. So if your logic is, scientists must know what they are talking about, don't you have to side with the majority? Otherwise you would have to believe that rather than being the fault of scientific merit, it is instead a result of a conspiracy among experts to mislead the public.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and do some reasearch. When you examine the names of those scientist lots of suspicious things stand out. For example...
The Discovery Institute deliberately misrepresents the institutional affiliations of signatories of the statement A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism. The institutions appearing in the list are the result of a conscious choice by the Discovery Institute to only present the most prestigious affiliations available for an individual. For example, if someone was trained at a more prestigious institution than the one they are presently affiliated with, the school they graduated from will more often be listed, without the distinction being made clear in the list. This is contrary to standard academic and professional practice and, according to Forrest and Branch, is deliberately misleading. For example, the institutions listed for Raymond G. Bohlin, Fazale Rana, and Jonathan Wells, were the University of Texas at Dallas, Ohio University, and the University of California, Berkeley respectively, the schools from which they obtained their Ph.D. degrees. However, their present affiliations are quite different: Probe Ministries for Bohlin, the Reasons to Believe Ministry for Rana, and the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture for Wells.
Many of those who have signed the list are not currently active scientists, and some have never worked as scientists. At least one other signatory, Forrest Mims, has neither a PhD nor any formal academic training in science.
In addition, mainstream science released a document signed by experts who do believe in evolution. Called Project Steve, the document was restricted to only those scientists named steven, or a variation. Despite this restriction the list is much longer.

Despite the list's restriction to only scientists with names like "Steve", which in the United States limits the list to roughly 1 percent of the total population, Project Steve is longer and contains many more eminent scientists than any creationist list. In particular, Project Steve contains many more biologists than the creationist lists, since about 51% of the listed Steves are biologists.
In a response from the discovery institute, (sponsors of the original list) they admit evolution is the accepted theory.
If Project Steve was meant to show that a considerable majority of the scientific community accepts a naturalistic conception of evolution, then the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) could have saved its energies -- that fact was never in question.


Active Member
I did google the document, and discovered that mainstream science, through peer review, rejected it. The signitures represented about .01% of the scientists in the relevant fields, with most admitting they deny evolution for religious reasons, not science. Fact is, evolution is overwhelmingly accepted throughout the scientific community. So if your logic is, scientists must know what they are talking about, don't you have to side with the majority? Otherwise you would have to believe that rather than being the fault of scientific merit, it is instead a result of a conspiracy among experts to mislead the public.

As far as I can tell you read one wiki thread and stuck with that. Come on man really your going to throw out that pointless number (.01%). That means nothing. You are correct they did not try to get every scientist to sign it. They just got some major figures in American education to sign. This was a major statement about evolution theory put together by scientists from MIT and many other major universities. Just because a few of them admitted that they are religious does not automatically discredit their credentials. That's like saying that every atheist opinion about evolution should be thrown out because they are biased. It goes both ways.


Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell you read one wiki thread and stuck with that. Come on man really your going to throw out that pointless number (.01%). That means nothing. You are correct they did not try to get every scientist to sign it. They just got some major figures in American education to sign. This was a major statement about evolution theory put together by scientists from MIT and many other major universities. Just because a few of them admitted that they are religious does not automatically discredit their credentials. That's like saying that every atheist opinion about evolution should be thrown out because they are biased. It goes both ways.
Nice job moving the goalpost. The point wasn't that they are religous thus can't be trusted, it was.. they admit the conclusions they signed were based on religious views, not science. If the point is who's got the bigger list, then check this list, which has multiple documents with thousands of scientists signatures all supporting evolution, in addition to dozens and dozens of quotes from experts denouncing creationism. So if your original point is, a few scientists that signed a suspicious document actually meant it, then you are correct. If your point is, evolution is not supported by an overwhelming majority of scientists, even your document disagrees.


Well-Known Member
well..i read some of this....and ummm...where is the proof...or is this just another...i say its it must be facts thread?


Well-Known Member
nvm..after reloading i saw the HOUR LONG vid that was posted....yet again i ask..where is the proof?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
All hail the Volcano God!
Down with the Bull God! Long live the Volcano God!
I have come from his mountaintop, set a fire, with 10 rules.


Well-Known Member
No real examination of evidence has occurred. In any case, he is far from disproving evolution, which the tread title promises.
thats what most religions are good at....false promises and exaggerated claims...i said its fact..believe it..and you get to live in the clouds