At least Im smart enough not to be duped into posting a bullshit video and not even knowing THE STORY BEHIND THE VIDEO....FYI loudmouth, the kid in the video has his clothing removed AT THE REQUEST OF HIS FATHER, NOT TSA. Thats the kids parent in the striped Rugby shirt, man maybe you should actually keep up w/ current events and find a less opinion based source of your "news."
Ill answer your question if you answer mine.
Only had that happen once to me, I got arrested and was being processed. Happens to all that go into the pokie....ya know to keep out contraband out.....if it makes you feel better, the charges were dropped against me later
And again, Im comfortable;e w/ the size of my penis, so I dont mind if it means keeping me and my family safe. If I was that concerned about the process, I simply wouldnt fly. I suppose if I was hung like a flea I would be opposed to the whole process
So heres my questions to you:
You are so up in arms, how many times have YOU been patted down by TSA?
What would you deem to be a fair yet inclusive search?
Try to answer without all the hyperbole if thats possible for ya.