• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Opininons on the newest TSA airport Security.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here glad they now do strip searches and genital fondling to make sure no terrorists get on planes? Or are some of you like me and have this agenda of "Life ,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"? and would rather punch a TSA in the face than have them grab my junk.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here glad they now do strip searches and genital fondling to make sure no terrorists get on planes? Or are some of you like me and have this agenda of "Life ,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"? and would rather punch a TSA in the face than have them grab my junk.
. Of cource its B.S. they should be profiling instead of molesting and radiating everyone. I like to get a boner going while i'm in line and then try to flex it while their patting me if I'm unable to maintain a boner I try to fart.


Well-Known Member
I always thought I would start Moaning, and say things like " Oh God Yes, right there, touch me like that again!!". But something says i would punch the guy in the face.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
When getting gate raped by airport security my advice would be to tell the security guard that you're gay and that you'll be enjoying the pat down. This should make security will be must less likely to "touch your junk".


Well-Known Member
People are so stupid just allowing their freedoms to disappear. I think thomas jefferson was the one who said if you will trade your freedom for safety you deserve neither. They were talking about these xray machines that radiate you at the airport on the news and they said their not set up to see internally so if someone had something inside them it wouldn't stop them. First what a waste of time and money. and why would they tell everyone this on the news? they also said they that they think it has happened before that someone had suicide bombed with an internal bomb. So they get to fondle and x ray everyone and you get to pay more and wait in line longer but you still might not be safe.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I think thomas jefferson was the one who said if you will trade your freedom for safety you deserve neither.
I think it goes like this "Those who are willing to give up essential liberties for a little temporary security deserve neither" - Ben Franklin

Very true.

The worst part, this isn't even real security. If someone wants to get a bomb on a plane that bad they'll find a way to do it. This does nothing to prevent terrorism. When was the last time airport security caught a terrorist at those security checkpoints anyways? I've never heard of it happening.

The odds of getting killed by a terrorist on an airplane are extremely low. Air travel is very safe already when compared to other forms of travel. The only thing these enhanced security measures accomplish is to let the terrorists win. They are successfully terrorizing us. These new security features are what the terrorists want.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
When getting gate raped by airport security my advice would be to tell the security guard that you're gay and that you'll be enjoying the pat down. This should make security will be must less likely to "touch your junk".
Or maybe they'll get a girl to do it instead

2 birds with 1 stone


Active Member
It May Be Time for Trains, Ships and Mass Transit to Use Body Scanners, Napolitano Says

Published November 25, 2010
| FoxNews.com
Sept. 1: Transportation Security Administration employee Anthony Brock, left, demonstrates a new full-body scanner at San Diego's Lindbergh Field with TSA employee Andres Lozano in San Diego. Across the country, passengers must choose scans by full-body image detectors or probing pat-downs.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano hinted this week that the body scanners and "enhanced" pat-downs that have caused a ruckus at airports across the country could be coming to a train station, port or subway near you.
In an interview on "Charlie Rose" that aired Monday, Napolitano said terrorists will continue to seek vulnerabilities in the nation's transportation systems.
"I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime," she said. "So what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?"
Napolitano's comments came as outrage grows over what some call intrusive X-ray scans and pat-downs that the Transportation Security Administration has used to screen airline passengers.
The full-body scanners show a person's contours on a computer in a private room removed from security checkpoints. But critics say they amount to virtual strip searches. Some have complained that the new enhanced pat-downs are humiliating and intrusive, too.

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TSA officials say the procedures are necessary to ward off terror attacks like the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound plane last Christmas, allegedly by a Nigerian man who stashed explosives in his underwear.
And the procedures may be on the rise. Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, authored a bill in September that would allow testing of body scanners at certain federal buildings.
Despite attempts online to organize Thanksgiving travelers for a protest dubbed "National Opt-Out Day" on one of the busiest days of the year, very few passengers opted out of the full-body scans.
Napolitano has defended the screening procedures and criticized the protests.
"I really want to say, look, let's be realistic and use our common sense," she said last week, explaining that the screening technology has been in development since before the failed Christmas Day bombing attack last year.
"This is not about the government itself," she said. "We all have a role to play in security."
"And so I really regret some groups saying, 'Well, we don't want to be a part of that,'" she added. "I regret it because it's not what we're all about. What we're all about is shared responsibility."


Active Member
Deadlier Than Scanners: TSA To Spread Flesh-Eating Bacteria

Paul Joseph Watson
November 25, 2010
Now that the TSA’s new pat down procedures include reaching inside people’s clothing and directly touching their skin and genitals, communicable diseases are set to soar, with doctors warning of a new wave of infections that will pose a greater risk to public health than any statistical probability of being a victim of terrorism.

The TSA’s new pat down procedures threaten to unleash an epidemic of communicable diseases, presenting a threat more deadly than the radiation travelers will be exposed to if they pass through a naked body scanner. This will undoubtedly lead to thousands of deaths of people with weak immune systems in the long term.
The controversy again highlights the fact that the body scanner and pat down procedures, through the spread of infectious diseases like flesh-eating bacteria, will kill more people than they will protect through the speculative prevention of any terror attack.
Necrotizing fasciitis, commonly known as flesh-eating bacteria, can be spread from one person to another through close contact or inadvertently touching the wound of a person who is infected. The likelihood of this occurring now that the TSA have been given free reign to directly grope passengers under their clothing has greatly increased. The disease can be spread through contact with weakened skin, like a bruise, blister, or abrasion, or merely through minor openings in the skin such as a paper cut or a pin prick.
Cases of flesh-eating bacteria are on the increase and the disease has a 20 per cent death rate.
Syphilis, lice, gonorrhea, ringworm, chlamydia, staph, strep, noro and papilloma viruses are also going to be readily transferred to travelers since TSA agents do not change gloves between each pat down. Now that screeners are literally touching genitalia, the risk of transmitting sexual diseases will skyrocket.
While people are told to wear flip-flops in the gym or at the swimming pool to prevent infections transmitted via bare feet, the TSA makes people remove their shoes and walk through areas loaded with germs with no protection.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
“There is no doubt that bacteria (staph, strep, v.cholerae etc.) and viruses (noro, enteroviruses, herpes, hepatitis A and papilloma viruses) can be spread by contaminated vinyl or latex gloves,” Dr. Thomas Warner of Wisconsin told World Net Daily.
A pulmonary critical care physician from Connecticut added, “That doesn’t make sense that they’re not changing gloves.”
“Anything can be transmitted. If there are open wounds and they [TSA agents] are not aware, there’s syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, lice, ringworm.”
“As screening procedures get stricter and more passengers opt for pat-downs instead of graphic X-rays, the likelihood of bacteria being spread increases, Patrick Schlievert, a microbiology and immunology professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, told MSNBC.
Charles Gerba, a microbiology professor at the University of Arizona, found norovirus, MRSA and influenza virus on the trays that travelers handle before they are subject to pat downs, while self-checkout kiosks were also loaded with germs from thousands of people pushing the same buttons every day.
The TSA and the Centers For Disease Control has failed to respond to growing concerns about TSA gropers spreading infectious diseases.
As we have previously highlighted, the menace of global terrorism has been labeled the greatest threat to western civilization since communism and yet swimming pools, peanuts and lost deer kill more Americans every single year.
As Ohio State University’s John Mueller concludes in a report entitled A False Sense Of Insecurity, “For all the attention it evokes, terrorism actually causes rather little damage and the likelihood that any individual will become a victim in most places is microscopic.”
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Americans are not only sacrificing their liberty when submitting to invasive and humiliating grope downs at the hands of the TSA, they are in fact putting themselves at a greater health risk statistically of catching a fatal disease than they would ever face from being a victim of terrorism.


Active Member
If I were a terrorist, it'd seem way more plausible to just go in with a few guys with automatic weapons and mow down hundreds of people. But yea back on point, fuck the TSA and the pussies that think this kind of shit is acceptable

Hidden Door

I have learned that if you do not set off the metal detectors you won't get scanned or receive a pat down.

Food for thought.
this is what i have seen. i think if the metal detector is being set off you either need to get your ass in the body scan machine, or get patted down to see what's setting the thing off. or you always have the option of driving and not having to mess with the tsa.


Active Member
TSA skould go private with hotties doin the men and hunks doin the women. That way the popularity of flying would go way up...and don't extremist Muslims have an aversion to the opposite sex handling their junk ???


Active Member
. Of cource its B.S. they should be profiling instead of molesting and radiating everyone. I like to get a boner going while i'm in line and then try to flex it while their patting me if I'm unable to maintain a boner I try to fart.

ahahahahahahaahaha thats messed up.

But seriously just imagine what the poor guy running the x-ray machine has to view all day. Next time your standing in line look around at the people standing around you. They aren't always the hottest people. I think its abusive to the TSA that have to feel us up.