How do I Hide my bill

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Do you not realize that since it is a new place, you will be setting the standard for what the bill should be?
Unless you go in at 400w and then a few months down the road change up to 1000 or add a lot more nothing will ever seem out of the ordinary.

For the first month or so just keep all the lights and power drains on. As you start to use your lights and fans more turn the other stuff off.
The first full months bill will set the standard for the new place, so make sure it's up there.
Did you read the above quote? Your fist bill will set the standard for the case worker if it's a new place.
So just make sure your first bill is high.
All buildings are wired differently and there is no way to say what the new applieances consume and what it takes to heat and light the place.


Well-Known Member
If it is winter, any kind of electric heater will use mass watts. Even on low my oil filled electric radiator uses 600 watts. I don't think a 400 watt or 600 watt HPS on 12 hours per day is going to alert anyone to excessive power usage. If they ask, just say she does a lot of cooking, which is another thing that uses mass watts.


Well-Known Member
What the hell does the hydro bill have to do with anything??? Unless your stealing water you should be fine filling up a 10-15 gallon tank isnt much on your water bill


Well-Known Member
hydro is electricity? the hydro company sells electricity! are you smoking psp? I like your point WHEN I FIRST move into the new place i will be setting my bill! its geniouse! Im gunna be moving into TH sometime after the new year i will let you guys know when i do and thank you to those that gave me POSITIVE COMMENTS! And no my girlfriend is not fat she is hot! I like the sport of growing MJ and is an awesome feeling to know that i have my own little garden that i work hard to grow and put time into but its time for me to expand and i will hopefully be able to do so!


Active Member
For folks wondering about all the 'hydro' talk: In Canada, we often refer to electricity or electric companies as 'hydro'. It dates back to when much of our power came from hydro-electricity.


If the case worker asks why you have a high hydro bill, just say you use a space heater, not a dozen, just one. If they keep pressing, just say you don't know why it's so high (At that point you could even ask for extra funds to get cfls to save money, and see if they go for it.). They are more concerned with whether or not you are saying you use more power than you do to get more money, not if you are growing.


Well-Known Member
Thats a good point but my main concern is just them looking at the hydro bill and if it where 300-400? That will ask how is she paying that?


Well-Known Member
Thats a good point but my main concern is just them looking at the hydro bill and if it where 300-400? That will ask how is she paying that?
I thought you said you were working. Or do you not really live there, you just want to grow there? If you are working, problem solved...


Active Member
It depends on the situation.
Are you two considered a couple, or just roommates? Do they know you live with her? You might be able to say that you are carrying the bulk of the bill because she is unable to afford it. Just be careful that they don't try to claw back her funds.


Well-Known Member
They don't know I live there! If they knew I lived there she would not be getting any funds at all! Everything is in her name!!


Active Member
You could put the hydro in your name or just not claim it as an expense so that SS doesn't look at it (But it's likely stated in the rental agreement.). Either that or she could just say family is helping her with the bills.

The only long-term solution here is to get her off of welfare so that no one needs to look closely at her finances. You might want to hold off on expanding until you have 4 or 5 months worth of expenses saved up and can operate without people nosing around. It'll take longer, but is safer.


Well-Known Member
In lease it wi say if hydro is included or not, I think all I could do is move in and give it a shot! The worst that could happen is them ask questions and then I'd have to pull the plug! Oh ya my girlfriend is just telling me now that the case worker o lymphoma at hydro bill at her yearly review! I could lower it down two months before she goes because they only ask to see the last bill BUT my girlfriend said on the hydro bill there wi be a bar graph on all months of hydro use going up or down


Well-Known Member
fucking baked and reading this crap!! dude get a grip a 1000watter should nt make to much of a diffrence to your bill neva mind a 600
skank the goverment i say down to the last penny i give my country over £200 in tax every fuckin week and they give it to some cunt that should nt even b in this country i find ways of claiming most back but fuck em i say your hear once so enjoy i say