ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

hey matt i noticed when i started making bubble that the biggest rookie msitake is too much water,not enough ice
just my 2cents ,great thread
What are your personal opinions on bubble hash vs. honey oil? I am finishing my first grow soon and I was considering investing in a bubble bag set or just being cheap and making my own honey oil. I have never made either one, and I have only ever smoked bubble hash once but it was BOMB! I feel like bubble hash looks much easier to store then honey oil but looks a lot more complicated to make. Is a set of bubble bags durable enough to last many hash pulls? Is it worth the money? Why am I asking so many QUESTIONS!?
hey matt i noticed when i started making bubble that the biggest rookie msitake is too much water,not enough ice
just my 2cents ,great thread

Thanks for the input. You are totally correct. I find making bubble in the summer is way more difficult than in the winter. In the summer I will use almost twice as much ice per run because I have to keep adding more during the wash.

The machines help to increase the ice:water ratio because they spin from the bottom like a washing machine.
What are your personal opinions on bubble hash vs. honey oil? I am finishing my first grow soon and I was considering investing in a bubble bag set or just being cheap and making my own honey oil. I have never made either one, and I have only ever smoked bubble hash once but it was BOMB! I feel like bubble hash looks much easier to store then honey oil but looks a lot more complicated to make. Is a set of bubble bags durable enough to last many hash pulls? Is it worth the money? Why am I asking so many QUESTIONS!?

Okay, Ill come out of the closet and say that I used to work at a well known dispensary. While working there I convinced them to stop carrying BHO as there was a lot of bad local press about idiots blowing up apartments. But properly purged BHO is awesome, and rare IMO. Good BHO should not be sticky or oily, but more like an off white-wax, imo of course :)

Yes, the bubble gear is worth buying and lasts forever. The actual drain bags last literally decades. The work bag that comes with the machines gets beat up and will need to be replaced after... I'll say... around 200 pounds of trim if you take care if it well.

As for worth the money... yes. Any hash you make will be worth at least 20/gram commercially. my suggestion would be to make your bubble as good as you can. Smoke it with your grower friends. Then convince them to let you make their hash, for a commission of half the final product.

I would try (if you are on a budget) to just buy the bags you need to get started. The 45, the 120, and the 190.
Matt Rize - But the machine gives me time on rollitup :)
haha touche!

Great questions.
I dry the blob as-is overnight, mold/mildew won't grow that fast on bubble that is exposed. By the next day the blob has completely changed texture, and at this point I can already judge the overall qualities of the hash. I can judge the purity by color, which is related to my separation process. I can also judge how melty the hash will be when cured, which mostly depends on strain an if you did a wet or dry trim and separation. By the next day this oily mass doesn't want to crumble, it has melted into a solid. This allows me to really grate the hash into a powder (because it won't crumble), which ensures 100% mold/mildew free bubble hash... and frankly the hashes get the best colors from this drying method.
Sounds good to me man. Going to give this method a try over the weekend. I'll post back some results.

My blackberry hash picts show both drying methods together. The brown candy is simply broken up by hand, the gold powder was grated, then combined to make this image. That was my secret, but now it is everyones :)
Talk about bag apeal! Good lawd!! haha nice stuff :weed:

These are grated/dried/cured hashes: The top pict (romulan) is half melt, and the lower (sour d) is full melt. Same trichome sizes, same methods. The oil soluble terpenes are what makes hash melt, and sour d is a full melt strain. Romulan is not. They are equally potent.

The latest info on terpene and terpene levels, and their medical benefits is really a trip.

I have also noticed some strains were more melty then others. I had chalked it up to "ripeness" of the trichomes themselves. Neat stuff dude.

As for pressing, that depends on where it is going... if you feel me ;). I prefer to smoke unpressed/untouched hash, as it is perfectly pure and smokeable after curing. Dispensary buyers operate on false beliefs surrounding hash, and unfortunately I have to cater to these falsehoods.
This is some of that same romulan bubble, but pressed and sprinkled with unpressed romulan bubble. Just for comparison.
I like keeping a mix around. Can change it up. Top flowers with the unpressed, and usually use the pressed on it's own.

I am learning, thanks to Bubbleman, that processing wet trim hold the most potential for full melt hash. BUT both are equally potent, and melt has nothing to do with overall potency. I've been doing both, as it works into my life. To best freeze fresh trim I lay it out on sheet trays and quick freeze it, then combine it all in a bag after being frozen. If you freeze it all together you will have to break it all up to process... so cold on the hands.
Good to know.
Thank you for this thread! Never thought of using a wooden spoon as the drill bit, GREAT IDEA! + rep
(also for the tincture/freezer recipe using shake and alcohol!)
Thank you for this thread! Never thought of using a wooden spoon as the drill bit, GREAT IDEA! + rep
(also for the tinture/freezer recipe using shake and alcohol!)

Thanks mang. Wooden spoon as drill bit was as epiphany of mine. Then it became all about find the "perfect" spoon, lol. Round is better than rectangle. Just kidding, I don't really know.
Not bubble related but I wanted to give a link to this CBD thread I started.

Here is the intro:
"Today I want to to post about CBD. First is the basics to explain what CBD is and why it is important. Then some really killer insight from Sam the Skunkman about smoking pure THC and other pure compounds. After that we look at high CBD strains in a peer reviewed article about the effectiveness of CBD from the Society of Cannabis Clinicians."

Peace all
I am in the market for a set of bubble bags and i noticed all the ones i looked at were made of nylon. is there a better material? or are nylon ones just fine?
Wow, thanks bunch for the informative post Matt. I am now seriously considering spending my next paycheck on hash and grow gear. Ah college.
I am in the market for a set of bubble bags and i noticed all the ones i looked at were made of nylon. is there a better material? or are nylon ones just fine?

I use bubbleman's gear, and have no complaints. Nylon seems to work great. But the bags will go moldy/mildewy if left wet and dirty. I compulsively rinse and hang-dry my bags. They have to get 100% dry within a day IMO to be safe. I sometimes clip them to the ceiling fan and turn it on to help them dry faster.
Nice thread Matt, good info all around. Definitely one of the better "how to" thread on making bubble I have seen. Cool to see someone else using the drain method too. I built a similar set up for my 20 gallon bags about 4 years ago, and man what a difference it makes. One question though - why do you soak your material for 10-20 minutes before you agitate it? Is it to get it cold?

I don't think this was mentioned in this thread, but I always freeze my material first . I've found you tend to get much a much better extraction when you do this. The trichrome heads beak free much easier, allowing you to maximize your yield with a a much shorter mixing time. I've seen some people claim the freezing ruptures the trichromes, but after observing them with a microscope before and after being frozen I've found this to be total BS.

Also just my two cents: Having done many, many batches using both fresh, wet material, and dried material, from the same plants, I've found the fresh stuff always comes out better IMO. I'd agree with you that people that claim dried shake gives you "crap bubble" don't know what the hell they are talking about, since you can pull some amazing quality with dry shake, but the wet always comes out a little better IME.
Nice thread Matt, good info all around. Definitely one of the better "how to" thread on making bubble I have seen. Cool to see someone else using the drain method too. I built a similar set up for my 20 gallon bags about 4 years ago, and man what a difference it makes. One question though - why do you soak your material for 10-20 minutes before you agitate it? Is it to get it cold?

I don't think this was mentioned in this thread, but I always freeze my material first . I've found you tend to get much a much better extraction when you do this. The trichrome heads beak free much easier, allowing you to maximize your yield with a a much shorter mixing time. I've seen some people claim the freezing ruptures the trichromes, but after observing them with a microscope before and after being frozen I've found this to be total BS.

Also just my two cents: Having done many, many batches using both fresh, wet material, and dried material, from the same plants, I've found the fresh stuff always comes out better IMO. I'd agree with you that people that claim dried shake gives you "crap bubble" don't know what the hell they are talking about, since you can pull some amazing quality with dry shake, but the wet always comes out a little better IME.

Hey thanks. I let the dry trim soak in ice water before beginning agitation for two reasons. First: to chill the trim. I make my own ice, so freezer space is always limited. Second: is to rehydrate the plant matter, so it will not crumble or break-up. This gives cleaner separations.

Agreed on wet is better, and dry is also great if you treat the trim gently.

Freezing trim is not bad for it. I've worked with trim that has been frozen for half a year or more and got amazing results. The Blueberry/NL hash pics previously are from fresh frozen trim that sat in someone's freezer for half a year.

20 gallon bags: get it!
Hey thanks. I let the dry trim soak in ice water before beginning agitation for two reasons. First: to chill the trim. I make my own ice, so freezer space is always limited. Second: is to rehydrate the plant matter, so it will not crumble or break-up. This gives cleaner separations.

Ahh, OK that makes a lot of sense. I've noticed the same thing on my runs. If I have some shake that I feel is too dry I will re-hydrate it by slipping a tortilla into the bag the day before I freeze it in preparation for the next batch. Over-dried material definitely results in contaminants in your hash.

Do you have an ice maker to recommend? With the amount I've been making the last year or two I think it's finally time to buy one. I'd need a pretty good sized one, the 20 gallon bags use up ice pretty fast.
Ahh, OK that makes a lot of sense. I've noticed the same thing on my runs. If I have some shake that I feel is too dry I will re-hydrate it by slipping a tortilla into the bag the day before I freeze it in preparation for the next batch. Over-dried material definitely results in contaminants in your hash.

Do you have an ice maker to recommend? With the amount I've been making the last year or two I think it's finally time to buy one. I'd need a pretty good sized one, the 20 gallon bags use up ice pretty fast.

For ice makers, no I make mine the old fashioned way with lots of trays. I prefer round edge ice cubes, and the larger the better as CA is hot most of the year and I like to do run after run, re-using the unmelted ice from previous runs. I'll also say that this week my local water temps are super low, making the process way more efficient.

Most ice makers are crap as they design the ice to melt fast, which is good for drinks, bad for bubbling. I've been in kitchens for over a decade, have worked with ice from dozens of machines, and homemade cubes are tops.
it about time u get this thread going
r u going to post a video on ur fruit roll-up storage?

Ah dang, no roll-ups in stock right now lol. But I have lots of freshly cured "rize style" granular bubble, that is ready to make into rollups. I'll make some fresh roll-ups this weekend and document the process. I'm excited about the sour d, it looks really amber so the rollup should take on a nice hue. Forgot about the rollups mo, thanks.