Worst night ever.


Well-Known Member
My boss was totally cool with me all day and he even let me leave early cause I got everything done to receive today's shipment early. he told me not to worry about it cause days like that are far a few between, but they will happen.
At least you don't have to stress about it anymore, glad to hear it went well.:-P


Undercover Mod
yeah man, I spent probably two hours looking for that damn money recounting the safe and all of the drawers and it was mission impossible, that money was not there.


Well-Known Member
I used to manage a local Gas station years ago.
Money always came up missing.

My philosophy back then was, A Good Employee Only Lasts 30 days.

did it ever occur to you that maybe you were the problem? You went through more than 9 employees in a single spot in a year. You have a philosophy that no one is good after 30 days.....

Yep, it sounds like the problem wasn't arrogant employees, it was an arrogant ass boss....


Undercover Mod
Well I've found that people usually are a little less into their job after doin it for a month, but as long as you're a good boss they will always do their jobs and try their best.

New people always make mistakes, I've been working at this pharmacy for almost three years and money has never come up missing on my shifts. If it had I've always been able to find it misplaced.


Well-Known Member
Well I've found that people usually are a little less into their job after doin it for a month, but as long as you're a good boss they will always do their jobs and try their best.

New people always make mistakes, I've been working at this pharmacy for almost three years and money has never come up missing on my shifts. If it had I've always been able to find it misplaced.
It's been my experience that new employees generally begin feeling comfortable within a month. However I've not encountered 9 bad apples in a year, maybe two at the most. Maybe my hiring criteria was higher. If they came in for an interview, dressed anything less than "school" clothes, it would be a quick interview. If they slouched, hemmed and hawed to questions or used street lingo, they weren't considered either. Body langauage says an awful lot. If you are a hiring manager and haven't read up on body language and dressing for success, it might save you from having to fire 9 people a year. That is extreme.

I also would not have let employees know that $500 was the trigger for getting law enforcement involved. My policy would have been; "We do not tolerate employee theft and all instances will be prosecuted by law".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Personally i am always finding the tills down and such, at first i always got worried as hell, they could try and pin it on me, but after a bit i just decided screw them. It's their responsibility not mine that everything with the tills is ok, and by that i mean accountability, for example it is very easy to accidentally ring something thorugh simple till sytems when nothing actually went in, just by accident, then people forget to void off etc. There is no proof they can't do anything about it other than implement training and a system. For example if the company knows exactly what it's inventory was at the beginning of the day, then they can work out if it's money taken, mischarged etc, or whether it's simple till error. PLU's are useful for a reason, although of no use if the boss doesn't implement a good system anyway. I always let my boss know prior to moving into a position of money handling the limits of my liability.
My dad owned a restaurant a few years back. I used to work there for a year or so. My dad has that same mentality that good employees only last for about a month. I resigned after being so fed up. I was always the one who gets into so much work because I have to train the new employees and such. Also, I'm a bit emotional when it comes to people I work with. I sympathize with them so it really makes me sad seeing them go.


Well-Known Member
did it ever occur to you that maybe you were the problem? You went through more than 9 employees in a single spot in a year. You have a philosophy that no one is good after 30 days.....

Yep, it sounds like the problem wasn't arrogant employees, it was an arrogant ass boss....

You read my post, and got that out of it.
You're an idiot.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I used to manage a local Gas station years ago.
Money always came up missing.

I had a rule of thumb that I worked with always.
Any money missing under $50 dollars is a written warning.
Any money missing under $50 dollars 2nd offense within 30 days, immediate termination.
Any money missing under $50 dollars 2nd offense within 6 months, written warning and 3 month probation. meaning do it again and you're fired.

Any money missing over $50 dollars is a written warning and 3 month probation, meaning do it again and your fired.
Any money missing over $100 dollars is immediate termination.
Any money missing over $500 dollars is immediate termination and the cops were called to investigate.

I lived by this and it worked, and I had all my employees sign it.
After my employees signed it.
I had to fire only 9 employees for the 1 year that I worked there.
Getting clerks to work at the station that I managed was a dime a dozen.
Soon as I had someone fired, I had their position filled before the end of the day usually, if not the next day.
I always thought back then that a good employee only lasts about a month.
Afterwards, they would always get cocky/arrogant, or they would start to think they own the place by wanting to start making changes.
Then they start to call in sick, and showing up late. Then money would start to come up missing. Then they start to kiss my ass. Then when I don't
appreciate their ass kissing. They almost always turned into the person that would complain, bitch and moan all the time.

My philosophy back then was, A Good Employee Only Lasts 30 days.
In fact I think all these Fast Food places and any other minimum wage jobs should be run by temp agencies.
Where your employment contract with any place you work with should only last 30 days.
After that time, the employer would be able to renew your contract for another 30 days if they wished, or they could say send me a different one.

It would keep the businesses happy, and it would create more jobs.
Plus, it would make the employees happy.
If they didn't want to work for BK anymore they could go work at Mickey D's next month.

This is why the government pisses me off.. Their so FUCKING retarded. They need to let everyone from RIU come and rule america for a day.


Well-Known Member
This is why the government pisses me off.. Their so FUCKING retarded. They need to let everyone from RIU come and rule america for a day.
I agree with you, government is retarded.
But what would be more retarded would be to let a bunch of
Kooky liberals run the country.