first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Weed Modifier
hell yeah man... I'm down with oils. I had an overabundance of shwag at one point and made some oil with 2ozs... MUCH better than the product it came from.
Exactly...crappy weed can become something new!!!

After learning to do this I bragged a bit about how i can make some killer oil and he called me on it so......i said fine i'll make some but it might give you a headache it is so strong!!! hahahah

so he said ok.....well i had an idea....take the powder from bottom(some have this with a screen) of grinder and make some killer oil! So good smoke condensed into oil??? wtf sound crazy! and it so when i made it i said come on over! Got everything ready and decided to go with hot-blades over the stove.

Well he took a big one... and just as he was ex-hailing he passed out!!! we caught him and layed him on the floor! Fuck i thought i killed him??? he woke up after a few smacks...hehe....and wow that was the first i ever seen!!! Knocked the fuck out!!!! hahahahahah that was too much??? but a good story? he was young and thought he could handle it...well i guess I was right!!! lmao


Well-Known Member
Will have to you my story similar to that only it ended with me lighting my best friend on fire..young ones ;) well take care boys..serious this time will be gone for a bit will have pics when I return..


Well-Known Member
so just got some good smoke and my shit has had some time to cure :D so i thought id have a bday bowl
IMG00036-20101123-0037.jpgso currently i am most the way through that feeling great...this should be interesting :D


Well-Known Member
Lime your girls look awesome , I'm trying to find your thread oh there it is making my way over :)

Happy B-day rene, I tried to look back at your girls but this thread took off. I have no clue whats going on in here and I'm stoned and tired lol... I'm assuming there done so when I check them out I'll be sure to leave some rep along with it! Later.


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks guys! And lime I do feel special damn it why must you lure me out of my shell like! Oh and smelly they aren't all done yet but can't keep up with these boys and work anymore lol I just may repost the pics..


Weed Modifier
Lol thanks guys! And lime I do feel special damn it why must you lure me out of my shell like! Oh and smelly they aren't all done yet but can't keep up with these boys and work anymore lol I just may repost the pics..
Good you haven't done the same to me? lol

you know these boys tease:-P and show a little porn and Bam... now they can't get enough!!! haha :clap:


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks guys! And lime I do feel special damn it why must you lure me out of my shell like! Oh and smelly they aren't all done yet but can't keep up with these boys and work anymore lol I just may repost the pics..
LoL, I hear that! Well I'm subbed so if you throw some more up I should catch them :)


Well-Known Member
Hey lime who you calling a tease you worse than I am man! And I can't wait to see what other kinds of hell ww brings ya :D and ok so ill pull up all the old pics after awhile may sleep idk yet..


Well-Known Member
Oh not me man I have 4x4 and plenty of empty parking lots can't you say donuts? I can! :D what gets me is the 10 degrees and snow halfway to my knees wa is not short people friendly!


Well-Known Member
well ive experienced my fair share of snow...i was all around new england...was in maine vermont and brockton/boston...vermont was gayyyy lol snow all the time cold all the time! ugh! only thing there is good weed, cows, hicks, and stupid ass local cops...might go bac though lofl...move out there go to burlington grow some legal good ass weed