My heart goes out to those South Koreans man. That's really fucked up to get your country bombed. That shit is bringing tears to my eyes. They are just standing there watching the shit unfold on TV right in their own home. Fucking breaks my heart. We seriously need to get some peace on this planet before it's too late. WTF is NK doing launching on their own Korean people.
The US is not going to take this lightly. Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, PNG, Austrailia are all VERY good friends with good ol Uncle Sam. And I've heard that the arsenal we got on Guam and Japan is stealth and nuclear. Like fucking 10 air craft carriers within 48 hours. And 17,000 hot and ready Marines of the III MEF sitting in Okinawa screaming and crazy as motherfuckers to pull some fucking trigger. Motherfucking Korea is going to be the straw that ends it all man. This world can't afford any more war. We're dead broke. China needs to slap fucking NK silly.
But let me tell you something if Uncle Sam has got to fight............we'll fucking bring it baby. NK will be in the stone age. God bless my North American brothers and sisters. Let Freedom Reign.