North Korea bombs South Korean island - just less than two hours ago

Aw, shit. More conflict. You know the US is going to step in, and hell; we're spread thin as it is.
God help those that need it.
i walk through this place all the time, this is in seoul station

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My heart goes out to those South Koreans man. That's really fucked up to get your country bombed. That shit is bringing tears to my eyes. They are just standing there watching the shit unfold on TV right in their own home. Fucking breaks my heart. We seriously need to get some peace on this planet before it's too late. WTF is NK doing launching on their own Korean people.

The US is not going to take this lightly. Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, PNG, Austrailia are all VERY good friends with good ol Uncle Sam. And I've heard that the arsenal we got on Guam and Japan is stealth and nuclear. Like fucking 10 air craft carriers within 48 hours. And 17,000 hot and ready Marines of the III MEF sitting in Okinawa screaming and crazy as motherfuckers to pull some fucking trigger. Motherfucking Korea is going to be the straw that ends it all man. This world can't afford any more war. We're dead broke. China needs to slap fucking NK silly.

But let me tell you something if Uncle Sam has got to fight............we'll fucking bring it baby. NK will be in the stone age. God bless my North American brothers and sisters. Let Freedom Reign.
DOOOD - someone get a cargo ship of weed over there stat!

No shit dood those mofo NK's got some stick up their ass launching on a whim for no good reason. Send the weed fast. Drop it from the fucking B52's. Weed in parachutes. Fuck that lets make a biological weapon out of weed and carpet bomb the whole fucking tight ass country.
My heart goes out to those South Koreans man. That's really fucked up to get your country bombed. That shit is bringing tears to my eyes. They are just standing there watching the shit unfold on TV right in their own home. Fucking breaks my heart. We seriously need to get some peace on this planet before it's too late. WTF is NK doing launching on their own Korean people.

The US is not going to take this lightly. Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, PNG, Austrailia are all VERY good friends with good ol Uncle Sam. And I've heard that the arsenal we got on Guam and Japan is stealth and nuclear. Like fucking 10 air craft carriers within 48 hours. And 17,000 hot and ready Marines of the III MEF sitting in Okinawa screaming and crazy as motherfuckers to pull some fucking trigger. Motherfucking Korea is going to be the straw that ends it all man. This world can't afford any more war. We're dead broke. China needs to slap fucking NK silly.

But let me tell you something if Uncle Sam has got to fight............we'll fucking bring it baby. NK will be in the stone age. God bless my North American brothers and sisters. Let Freedom Reign.

Name one country that has nukes that America has attacked. Not much we can do about it period except cave in to their demands. Put the fucking country on welfare I say.
I think Kim yung is a little ill, but then again the west has been baiting the little fucker with its poodle, south korea for so long, the shit was gonna snap sooner or later.
I've never realy bitten on the story of the submarine hunter ship being blown up by a sub with a torpedo. There is more to this story than just the psychophants running either side.

P.S. north and south korea are technicaly still at war, and have been for many years as there was no formal war seccation (sp.).
A lot of Japanese don't even know that Japan has an air-craft carrier because the government calls it by another name. Japan has a larger Army than England. A lot of people don't realize that the Asian arms race has in part been fueled by America forcing Japan to buy it's weapons and increase it's force. Takes two to tango.
Anybody thinking the US will retaliate militarily on behalf of SK hasn't a clue of what's happening. US casualties would be so high that the fear of those losses is a deterrent. Has always been a deterrent since the armistice was signed in the 50's. NK would have been handled a long time ago by US without that threat.

Unless NK tries to invade SK the US will just look on. In that event US troops would pull back to their bases hoping to defend themselves...Not jump into the conflict GI Joe style.
Anybody thinking the US will retaliate militarily on behalf of SK hasn't a clue of what's happening. US casualties would be so high that the fear of those losses is a deterrent. Has always been a deterrent since the armistice was signed in the 50's. NK would have been handled a long time ago by US without that threat.

Unless NK tries to invade SK the US will just look on. In that event US troops would pull back to their bases hoping to defend themselves...Not jump into the conflict GI Joe style.

It really just depends on what China does...
You mean to tell me south korea were having war games when this happened and they did not blow the shit out of north korea. WTF???
are the bastards chicken shit are like every other country America will take care of it for us. clinton's strong letters to north korea are not working
You mean to tell me south korea were having war games when this happened and they did not blow the shit out of north korea. WTF???
are the bastards chicken shit are like every other country America will take care of it for us. clinton's strong letters to north korea are not working

Just wait. The strong UN sanctions will fix the issue right up. We all know that nasty little dictators always listen to what the UN jokers tell them!