FullD...is'nt it great from having no real information to work with..we suddenly have a Load...

We have so much study to do.
Indeed it is there is tons of info, more and more each day. But it looks like we are taking it all on, or at least as much as we can.
The Brain work is stunning too isn't it...?
I have never come across info so good in all my hunting.
I think that this is what drives me most is the brain part, other than the pain part i love what it does to the brain as well as the way the brain tick's on it. My mind does some serious thinking on a good matched bud. If i find one that fires the creativity i like to hold on to it as much as possible.
So..it looks like your little girl is coming down today huh...
looks like you will be waiting a while to see another buxom beauty...
I hate to cut them down....
I hate it too....you watch them grow and take care of them and then eight weeks later you butcher them

So its kinda bitter sweet really : and it wont be long, by the time christmas is here ill have some beauts ....i hope.
BTW..I have left a SIMPLE.."how to determine the dominance of your crosses" guide in upto's thread..
just incase you need it..for your project...
I remember seeing this over there and its already in my notes

Had to grab this when i saw it. That way when i start my roll ill be able to keep the looks and the strength of the mum with the auto and color traits of the JEM.
I also have some ideas about your medicinal cream..
but I'll save them...time is pressing..
I willprobably be missing monday/tuesday coz I've got jobs to do..so I'm getting the evil eye..
for yapping in here instead..
Couldn't send me the caretaker for 2 weeks could you..he is handy with jobs.
Sounds good and i hear ya on the chores, i have a few here i need to get done that i have put off, Lady D says she wont give me any more test results till i finish the "honey Do" list....So i better help
Id be glad to send you Caretaker IF he were willing to travel, lol hes not much one for far distances from the home stead lol. We keep trying to get him to travel with us but he wont leave, says theres too many things to tend to around the house...Imagine that one
ha ha ha.

The high winds were so bad..it took the washing line down off the wall..
along with a good bit of cement..
so..things have to be fixed.
Wow now thats serious, had some 2 years ago around here that knocked over a 90 red oak tree in the back yard. Instant new fire pit

If you smoke dope..don't wear fleece....you are likely to spontaneously combust...
Noted....and id hate to hear ya go out like that.