Well-Known Member
i would have to agree wit this! is gonna wanna keep his distance from matt hughs who always goes for a jab or right hook and looks to tanke down...or clinch...he loves to clinch and back u into the cage and hold u there for a bit untill he can get one of his notorious slams on u thnen hol du down all fight and punch u gonna wanna stand up and try keep distance but we all kno this fight gonna start and finish on the ground!...i love machida and i love rampage but idk man if machida gets caught its lights out...he hasnt proved to b able to take much damage as he is the least hit fighter in the ufc! but he betta have been in the weight room for this one cuz u try submit or play on ur bac wit rampage he gonna pick u up man!...i ordered that shit i will b watching lol!
machida shouldnt get caught..... rashad is light years faster then rampage and coulndt land shit on machida...... machida will own rampage with the leg kicks!!!!!!!!! and keep hitting the same spot over and over again.... and rampage always gets fucked up in the clinch!!!! wich machida should and will take advantage of... i dont think machida can ko rampage even if hhits the same spot all night like he did to rashad.. i do beleave and know that rampage can k.o. machida but wont ever get to land flush... if even at all........