We have the original cheese going from clones and blues cheese fact
give them yanks nothing they like 2 tell the police
A little parinoid HV, no?
I'm guessing you think only the US police will getcha.
Don't look now but any of your brit mates will turn you in, if LEO makes em the right deal. THEY are alot closer to you than anyone in any other country.
I'd like UK Cheese.. I'd be proud to let the world see waht was bred in the UK. Same with TW and OGK types here.
Shit, I can't get a trainwreck cut and I'm in the US.
That doesn't meen that YOU shouldn't have TW because you're in the UK or wherever.. If I had it, I'd send it to ya (if your not LEO..LOL!!). I'm not in it for the money. It is a money thing you know.
But LEO is so stealth that we can not trust anyone via the web..
It's not the yanks or the brits or whomever! Stop it, please.
It's the establishment (US or UK or wherever) that makes us so mistrusting of each other.
We should be here to grow 'gods plant' not to be political or support/bash my govenment/country or yours. Fuckem.
No matter which govt/country we speak of, there is someone who has a problem with their own govt/country and how they run their respective govt/country. You will find that those same people have a problem with another countries govt/country too but THEIR govt is better!
I do not get it. An Oximoron (sp?) (the same but opposite)?
I know it's is
our evil (our govt/country) so one can say what they want about their own govt/country. True. But using generalities for and idividual govt/country when speaking of that govts people isn't right.
I want to grow and vape/smoke/ingest/mainline/inhale/etc. marijuana.
Would I like a cut of the UK Cheese? Shit yes. I had a m8 in new york in the 80's, that had it for about 4 years untill he became too 'popular' and then busted. It was FANTASTIC! I know the difference. Everyone wanted it at any cost.
This is what happens when I vape and go on line... diarea of the mouth, sorry.
I'm not trying to offend anyone or say anyones political position is wrong or unfounded but WE shouldn't carry the political ball for them.
Coexist, vape/smoke a bunch, love and be happy.