It's never going to be legal


Well-Known Member
go troll somewhere else, we dont like people who spam/litter the boards with utter nonsense like you want someone to stuff and mount your grandmother.


Active Member
You want my mother to light your penis with a lighter and try smoking it as if it were a blunt, (which even in gigantic form would be tiny if compared to an average penis)? :clap:


Well-Known Member
But seriously folks, I disagree with the original post. It will be legal nationally within 5 years, is my prediction. The momentum is there. Medical marijuana didn't happen overnight, but once it started it was/is unstoppable. That we had a state actually have it on the ballot makes it inevitable I believe.
First, there's the $$. Govt gets it two ways: saving on enforcement and revenue from taxes.
Second, baby boomers, the biggest pot using generation ever, is replacing the more conservative senior generation that has been the biggest oppostion to pot.
Third, the commercial/industrial interests that have opposed marijuana/hemp no longer really have a reason to. They face competition from other materials today.
It is going to happen.


Well-Known Member
tet nailed it, next prob will be them taxing the piss out of it and the tabacco companies squezzing out the small time farmer. That's why the NOCAL growers were in strong opposition to prop 19.


But seriously folks, I disagree with the original post. It will be legal nationally within 5 years, is my prediction. The momentum is there. Medical marijuana didn't happen overnight, but once it started it was/is unstoppable. That we had a state actually have it on the ballot makes it inevitable I believe.
First, there's the $$. Govt gets it two ways: saving on enforcement and revenue from taxes.
Second, baby boomers, the biggest pot using generation ever, is replacing the more conservative senior generation that has been the biggest oppostion to pot.
Third, the commercial/industrial interests that have opposed marijuana/hemp no longer really have a reason to. They face competition from other materials today.
It is going to happen.
Every ballot legalizing marijuana was struck down this year. People have been trying to legalize pot for over 40 years (actually 50 or 60 years) and it never has. The closet it ever came to being decriminalized was Jimmy Carter and that was over 30 years ago. Also it's been 16 years since California's Prop 215 and only a handful of states have medical marijuana. Maybe pot will be legal one day but it's certainly not going to be in 5 years. Especially in places like the South and Midwest, states will just pass laws criminalizing it again. Obama doesn't even support legalization, and very few national political figures support legalization. It's going to be at least 15-20 years.