Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!


I have been researching auto flowers just wanna get some other opinons and suggestions on where to get them form...thanks for the help...:):):)


Well-Known Member
Attitude seeds are good you get free seeds and a lot of times there autos


alrite thank you...and do you guys know what size lights i should use i was think on going with 105 watt cfls maybe three of them...


Global Moderator
Staff member
alrite thank you...and do you guys know what size lights i should use i was think on going with 105 watt cfls maybe three of them...
Welcome to RIU.
Lighting requirements are pretty specific, what you really should do is cruise into the "growing" section & start reading. There are answers to questions you haven't even thought of yet.
Good luck & again, welcome.


Sector 5 Moderator
Attitude is super!! And so is Nirvana and Doctor Greenthumb. I would decide which strain I wanted to grow then check each website for availability and see their prices.

Active Member
I placed orders at attitude and herbies on Saturday both came on Monday no probs with either,however my 1est ever order was rhino and took over a week !! And seeds weren't labled so I def will be using attitude and herbies again !!


Active Member is awesome just got some today and they included 5 free whitewidow when I ordered 10 other seeds. They also shipped it super stealthy inside a free gift. Took about 1.5 weeks and im down under...

Gypsy nirvana's seed boutique is also amazing got from them last week.

Id say demon seeds has a cooler site though.

As Green man from "I grow Chronic" the movie says : get your seeds online, and pay top dollar for females to save yourself alot of time.


since its my frist grow i think im going to go with my bag seeds for this test run since it being my frist grow then move up to ordering would that be smartin then ordering seeds for a first time grower?? i just have been smoking so much good bud i dont wanna grow anything unless its going to be good? any suggestions on a set up either i know i wanna do indoor in soil just need some input on lighting and things of that nature....any help would be apperaciated....just tryin to spread the love around...


Well-Known Member
IMO why waste a couple months or more on a grow when you don't even know if it's any good? I'd start with good seeds personally, take clones from the plants asap when they start growing so the seeds aren't wasted. You're researching RIU so I doubt that your grow can go all that wrong :)


i have heard some sketchy things about attitude in some other posts on here...about not getting seeds and information being stolen form their credit card think i may just go with my seeds i have and order some after..or clone the plants once their able to be cloned...and any suggestions on a cfl set up?.


Sector 5 Moderator
since its my frist grow i think im going to go with my bag seeds for this test run since it being my frist grow then move up to ordering would that be smartin then ordering seeds for a first time grower?? i just have been smoking so much good bud i dont wanna grow anything unless its going to be good? any suggestions on a set up either i know i wanna do indoor in soil just need some input on lighting and things of that nature....any help would be apperaciated....just tryin to spread the love around...
I would *highly* recommend using bag seeds if it's your first grow. Chances are slim that they will survive, no matter how good the genetics. As hardy a plant as it is, more than likely you're going to wind up killing it, sad to say - unless you're already great at growing veggies and stuff. Losing a bagseed plant does not hurt like the ones that are $10 / seed.


i was thinking the exact same thing...and yea i have grow veggies and other stuff before had my frist garden this year actually and it turned out pretty good had some tomatoes,peppers,strawberry's and even some corn. but that was outside. thats why i even had the idea to try to do indoor. i have tried before when i was younger but that was a couple yearsr ago and i had them for about 3-4 weeks before my step dad found them :( you have any suggestions on lighting...etc....I am going with some organic soil i already know that...i really just wanna use water no nutes or anything...


Sector 5 Moderator
Depending on the number of plants, you can "get by" with CFL's; T5's are great; but HPS is the best. If you're still at home I don't think you'll get through flowering even one plant without getting caught. To do it where you would not get caught it would cost you a lot of money. You have to consider the lights, ventillation, temperature, smell, and the threat of pests and disease. Your soil can come with nasty little critters that eat your roots or do other damage. If you are set on doing it, the only thing I would even consider would be some autoflowers.


i am not still at home so it is not a problem....i was just thinkin about two plants for now since its my frist grow..Beleive me i have been giving auto flowers a hard thought. but i heard they arent as good smoke..I got all the time in the world so i can give all my time into this operation 100 percent dedicated to this grow...i just dont wanna spend all the upfront money for a more expensive method of growing until i do one or two small grows to see if the budlets are dank and im a good enough grower to grower te bud i want to smoke...sorry about the spelling and junkmy keyboards dark..


and you said aviod getting caught temperature do the cfls run a high temperature or something? becuz i thought they were lower temp cuz u can pretty much touch one while its turned on and not get burnt or anything..