My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
So I thought I'd give my mothers a little more room to spread out and bought a 3x6 flood table. Well, they are more than happy to spread out! I think I'll repot them into my old cap ebb and grow buckets so they won't be so tippy. Haven't had one of those hydroton scattering accidents lately but it could happen. I'm taking lots of cuttings right now, so I'm messing with them alot

My aero cloner wasn't performing so great, my cuts were just rotting before they got roots, so I replaced all the neoprene and put the pump on a 10 mins on/12 mins off cycle. Bingo. My cuts from Friday are already showing lots of white bumps. Roots coming on strong!

I took another round of cuts and dipped them in rootone and stuck them in rockwool under a humidity dome, old school.

I have 10 plants now on day 16 of flowering. They are very happy indeed. Just changed to all bloom formula at 990ppm.



Well-Known Member
shnkrmn I'm doing a similar style opp. Just like Al's pretty much I'm using 2-1000w hoods. I was wondering what size pots are using? Are they 6 inch or 8?


Well-Known Member
Those are 5 inch pots. Bigger would be more stable. I got the five because I wanted to pack my tubs full, but now I'm thinking ten is a better number, so I'll probably get larger pots at some point

I'll feel like al when I get all my tanks running in correct sequence. I've realized I needed to increase my clone supply radically. But I have one tank in flower, and another one in at the first of the month, say, so those will only be one month apart. I'd like to shorten that time so clone numbers is what I have to build up.

I'm using a 50 gallon stock tank for a reservoir right now. I'm going to have to try something else. It's too wide and shallow and the pump runs dry before it overflows. It gets right up there but anyway, I don't want to burn out the pump, so I have to get a narrower, deeper res that still fits under my table. I have a bout 22 inches there. Does this job never end?????


Well-Known Member
Those are 5 inch pots. Bigger would be more stable. I got the five because I wanted to pack my tubs full, but now I'm thinking ten is a better number, so I'll probably get larger pots at some point

I'll feel like al when I get all my tanks running in correct sequence. I've realized I needed to increase my clone supply radically. But I have one tank in flower, and another one in at the first of the month, say, so those will only be one month apart. I'd like to shorten that time so clone numbers is what I have to build up.

I'm using a 50 gallon stock tank for a reservoir right now. I'm going to have to try something else. It's too wide and shallow and the pump runs dry before it overflows. It gets right up there but anyway, I don't want to burn out the pump, so I have to get a narrower, deeper res that still fits under my table. I have a bout 22 inches there. Does this job never end?????
Hi great work on your grow. I wanted to know how long you let the clones root before chucking them straight into flower. What sort of root mass do you have before the switch?


Well-Known Member
Yea, you have to have decent rooting before you flower. Once roots show up in the cloner, I let them develop for 5 days or a week. It doesn't really take much. I've grown plants that gave one ounce each with roots that looked like half a cocktail napkin.

This plant probably had a root ball like a thick wallet:


Well-Known Member
Those are 5 inch pots. Bigger would be more stable. I got the five because I wanted to pack my tubs full, but now I'm thinking ten is a better number, so I'll probably get larger pots at some point

I'll feel like al when I get all my tanks running in correct sequence. I've realized I needed to increase my clone supply radically. But I have one tank in flower, and another one in at the first of the month, say, so those will only be one month apart. I'd like to shorten that time so clone numbers is what I have to build up.

I'm using a 50 gallon stock tank for a reservoir right now. I'm going to have to try something else. It's too wide and shallow and the pump runs dry before it overflows. It gets right up there but anyway, I don't want to burn out the pump, so I have to get a narrower, deeper res that still fits under my table. I have a bout 22 inches there. Does this job never end?????
I was going to use a 50 gal res for 20 plants (i.e. I'll have 4 tables with 20 plants each and each table would have a 50 gal res). You think that res is too small for 20 plants? I figured thats over 2 gals for each SOG plant. You think I should do 70 or 100 gals?


Well-Known Member
It pretty much depends on the volume of your table. my 3x6 table uses about 45 gallons to flood, pretty much draining the res. I might go up to 70. I only just figured out that all the little fittings that came with the pump (Ecopump 633GPH) can convert it into an inline pump, so I have it intaking from a 1/2 inch tube instead of direct into the impeller. So I can pretty much drain the res dry during flood, leaving just enough to keep the pump running.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna need some pointers in a few weeks from you. I just ordered 2x600hps, 2 dr100L tents, and I'm going to get 2 3x3' flood tables here soon. I was planning to use chronic like you are before I even saw this thread, but they must have sent me the wrong seeds because my "chronic" mother seems to be autoflowering... Kinda scary finally just going for it. lol


Well-Known Member
Chronic has massive preflowers. I can see how you might think it's flowering. Did you get your seeds in the breeder's pack? I've grown out ten chronic seeds, the plants were all identical and all female. They definitely didn't autoflower.


Well-Known Member

This is what they look like. Pretty sure those are buds. I'll stop cluttering your thread too... Just figured you would know since you've grown it a few times.


Well-Known Member
Went away for a few days and my mothers got out of control while I was gone. I'm thinking about flowering most of them soon :):bigjoint::

I have 6 NLxSkunk and 4 White Russians. They are at four weeks. I had them in one tub, but they were really crowded in there, plus, the WR doesn't like as much juice as the NLxSk, it's got a bit of claw leaf going on. Plus they are somewhat taller than the NLs, about 30 inches. Not bad for pretty close to zero-veg!.

They are running 950 ppm of the usual Dyna-gro shite.

Not a great shot of the WR, but you can see the hooked leaves.

The NL is doing really fine. The growth habit is a little bushy for a SOG plant. I didn't trim these at all just to see how they like to grow. They are cloned tops, remember.

Fungus gnats are a minor issue right now. I got some yellow sticky tape for the adults and some Azamax to make a dunk. Seems to have cut them way down.

Clones are on track for another tub going on line in a couple of weeks. I have about 35 rooted clones just getting rootier. Some of them I've already planted in the mother pool, others are just hanging out in the cloner.

Bottom line is I've just hit 4th gear and it's straight and flat in front of me:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I washed 15 gallons of hydroton which with what I already had on hand allowed me to pot 27 nicely rooted clones. Phew!

It also allowed me to repot all of my mothers into 2 gallon buckets (or are they 2 1/2? oh well). Roots look nice, huh.


Well-Known Member
I still have about 6 cuttings in the cloner that are going to root in another day or two. They it's time to shear those mothers back! They are growing into the light suicidally.

I'm expecting delivery this week of a 1000W MH light. When that comes I'm going to swap my veg and flower rooms so I have enough height for my moms. This weekend I'll be a very busy person. This repotting operation is just the beginning!

Speaking of flowering, it's day 37 for the current batch. the AKskunk is running away;' I'm scared of what the yeild is going to be

. I know White Russian is a big yielder, but it's coming on a bit slow. Maybe that's just compared to the AKXS.
