shocking plant 30 min before harvest?


Well-Known Member
I have seen a buddy of mine "shock" his plants right before he cuts them down. He swears this increases potency. What he does is simple , He just pours boiling water over the roots. I have only seen this done while using buckets though so I dont know how well it works in the ground or in a hydro setup. What happens is obviously you severely damage and shock the roots. The plant will usually begin to "twitch" or "shake". The effect is more noticeable on larger plants with longer limbs. My friend said that this forces the plant to send any extra THC or other Cannabanoids up into the buds. Has anyone ever tried this? Do you think there is any truth to this technique? Any thoughts will be appreciated thanks!:blsmoke:
wouldnt the plant require a central nervous system to "twitch"or"shake"lol


Active Member
The reason plants finished in 72-hours of darkness have increased levels of THC is because THC works like 'sunscreen' in the trichome heads. It protects the delicate inner glands and membranes from damaging light rays.

Each day, or period of time under a grow light, some THC is degraded when protecting the delicate inner workings of trichome heads.

During periods of darkness, when most THC is created, the amount of THC that was lost through light degradation is replaced plus an additional amount, so during flower you have a long slow but steady increase in the level of THC. When plants finish in total darkness there is no THC degradation due to light damage so there is only an increase.
thank you very educated answer, and the right one.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt the plant require a central nervous system to "twitch"or"shake"lol
Ever heard of a Venus Fly Trap? Be careful what you laugh at. I dont believe the original post. But... there are many plants throughout the world that exhibit forms of reactionary motion among others.


Well-Known Member
Ever heard of a Venus Fly Trap? Be careful what you laugh at. I dont believe the original post. But... there are many plants throughout the world that exhibit many forms of reactionary motion among others.
There have been clinical studies done involving hooking plants up to lie detectors, tools for measuring human galvanic skin response etc, that showed plants react negatively to being insulted, physically abused, even being exposed to noxious music (apparently they're partial to Beethoven, etc...).

On the other hand, they like being spoken nicely to, praised, sung to, etc.

I shit you not.


Well-Known Member
as rg2027x said

We are all connected. All living things. Humans, plants, animals, etc. To the universal life force. As 1 consciousness
There have been clinical studies done involving hooking plants up to lie detectors, tools for measuring human galvanic skin response etc, that showed plants react negatively to being insulted, physically abused, even being exposed to noxious music (apparently they're partial to Beethoven, etc...).

On the other hand, they like being spoken nicely to, praised, sung to, etc.

I shit you not.
They did this on Mythbusters, and it is indeed true! I always talk nicely to my plants :)


Active Member
I heard that shocking the roots does nothing, put it in a 24 hour dark period before harvest and the thc levels will be higher.
I've also heard of a method of driving a nail through the main steam for the last week before harvest apparently this works...but I havent tried it yet.


Well-Known Member
Alright, since we seem to be drifting into mutulation and possibly outright sadism, I might as well mention a technique from a grower's handbook published decades ago.
It doesn't involve shocking but here goes:

To add weight or tighten-up fluffy buds, some growers crimp the stem below the buds and letting the buds hang down for a couple of days before harvest. By crimping, but not breaking the stem, it allows the plant to flood the buds with resin in a desperate attempt to heal the injury.

Of course talking dirty to them, like Pilgram does, couldn't hurt either.


Active Member
"mmm yeah baby, you swell thos f*ckin calyx's, mmmmmm yeah show me that frosty goodness, yeah slow and nice,...just like that."
lol sorry couldn't help myself.


Active Member
Alright, since we seem to be drifting into mutulation and possibly outright sadism, I might as well mention a technique from a grower's handbook published decades ago.
It doesn't involve shocking but here goes:

To add weight or tighten-up fluffy buds, some growers crimp the stem below the buds and letting the buds hang down for a couple of days before harvest. By crimping, but not breaking the stem, it allows the plant to flood the buds with resin in a desperate attempt to heal the injury.

Of course talking dirty to them, like Pilgram does, couldn't hurt either.
I'm going to do this. Don't see how it will hurt. Put them in the dark with some crimped buds..

Brick Top

New Member
To add weight or tighten-up fluffy buds, some growers crimp the stem below the buds and letting the buds hang down for a couple of days before harvest. By crimping, but not breaking the stem, it allows the plant to flood the buds with resin in a desperate attempt to heal the injury.
Maybe I am too high so I am confused and unable to comprehend what supposedly takes place when a stem is crimped in the manner you describe ....... so please explain to me how by crimping a stem below or near a bud, which will severely limit the flow of moisture and nutrients to the bud due to the damage to the plants vascular system in that location resulting in slowing down the movement of the very things that are relied on to produce the terpenes that travel up the trichome stalk into the trichome heads and become resins, terpenoids and cannabinoids, will be increased by hampering/slowing/limiting their flow to the buds?

Moisture and nutrients are not pumped up through plants from the bottom or lower portions. They are drawn up through the act of transpiration, evaporation through leaves and other plant matter. There will be nothing below the crimp to increase pressure to force more of what you believe you want through the damaged/crimped location. The act of transpiration will be slowed down because there will be a limitation at those points, the crimped points, there will be a choke point that will slow down the upward draw of moisture and nutrients. As slow as plants heal and overcome such damage there will not be sufficient time for the damaged vascular system to repair itself. So how and from where does the gain or increase come from? How does what you want to get to the buds get from point 'A,' below the crimp, to point 'B,' that being the bud at an increased rate rather than a decreased rate?

Too me that sounds like if you wanted to get more fuel to your fuel injectors, or carburetor if it were an old car, you would crimp your fuel line limiting the flow of fuel.

It just does not make any sense to me at all.

And when it comes to things that; "some growers" do, well "some growers" will boil their roots or pour boiling water into their pots to 'force the THC in the roots, stalks, stems, branches and leaves into the buds and up into the trichome heads' even though THC, and all other cannabinoids, are produced in the glandular trichome heads and not in 'the roots, stalks, stems, branches and leaves etc. "Some growers" do insane things because they do not have the slightest clue about how plants actually grow and work.


New Member
I've seen people debate this subject a bunch of times, but never anybody who has actually done it. You'd think that if somebody really wanted to prove something one way or the other they would just do it.

Brick Top

New Member
I've seen people debate this subject a bunch of times, but never anybody who has actually done it. You'd think that if somebody really wanted to prove something one way or the other they would just do it.

You mean like the people who believed if they strapped things the shape of wings to their arms and leaped off of a really high cliff and flapped their arms really fast they would be able to fly tried doing, right?

Some things are just too nonsensical to attempt, especially when there is so much factual information to base the decision as to if something is worth trying or not, and crimping stems is one such thing.

It is impossible to increase flow by decreasing the ability for flow. Damaging a plant's vascular system will slow the flow, not increase it.

Find even the dumbest first year botany student and they will be able to tell you it will not work.