Anyone make $$$ at Casino's?

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Just seeing if anyone else on here is a degenerate gambler on here like me! LOL j/k. I do usually take a bi-weekly trip over to the casino with one of my (grow) buddies though. Anytime I win I put my original money I took over there back in the bank and put the winnings in a piggy bank in the top of my little boys closet. Here lately Ive been stashing it in there in wads. I counted it and had $17,080 in there!!!! Man was I STOKED! I may have lost around 2-3K there overall this year AT MOST. I usually take around $200 and if I start winning then I bet bigger if not I have a good time and then go home. Craps and blackjack have been good this year! Im not making a living over there by no means but its a good chunk for just enjoying myself! Anyone else making money at casinos?
my cuz lost everything man, just dont get hooked or it will fuck your life up son. i use to gamble alot but after seeing my cousin i just quit goin man.
i go to casino once per 2 months ... i go in with 500$ , and i play electronic roulette, when i see my spot come up, i bid either on 1st or second or third .. and i always bet my full 500$ , if i win, i go up to 1500$ :)
Damn Bonzing, go big or go home, right? So what if you lose the first bet? Do you just leave or pull out another 500?
easiest way to make money at a casino is pyramid betting on a roulette table.You pretty much cant lose.It works better at an online casino tho cause you get more spins per hour.
easiest way to make money at a casino is pyramid betting on a roulette table.You pretty much cant lose.It works better at an online casino tho cause you get more spins per hour.

This is almost as dumb as saying Martingale is a successful gambling strategy. For some reason I want to stab people like you in the eye with something that isn't sharp so it hurts a lot.

@OP, you should be deducting the result of a losing day from that bankroll, as only adding to it is no indicator of gambling success or failure. With your system you could easily have a net loss, yet have several million stashed in "winnings." DUCY?
LOL@thedoc's post...bahahahahah

i fucking love gambling. i used to play poker 24/7 and run a poker ring with 3 tables. i stopped after like a year or two.

blackjack is my game. when im in new york i'll take 1-2 trips a week to ac..ill go alone a lot too because my boys can't come throguh every time. i'll puff 2 l's on the drive and ill be there. smoke an l in the parking lot, check in, smoke an l in the room, eat some food, go back to the room, smoke an l, hit the tables..drink, smoke an l, drink, play, drink, smoke an l, play, drink call some escorts, drink puff an i wish i could go back. i did the same in macau tho so that was fun.

when i was playing big, i'd play 100 min blackjack with a few g's. back in ny, every trip i'd bring back about an extra 2-5g's. i was in ny for a visit in july and i made 5 grand. i spent like 1g in ac, spent another 2g's drinkin and fuckin whores...and i gave a g to my mom and a g to my sister before i left.
LOL, damn doc! Thats some funny stuff. Blackjack is my fav too poonjoon. I just play basic stategy and try to steadily increase my bet if I start winning. Or if I see a table full of low cards ill triple my bet cause I know them face cards are coming. It pisses me off though when people jump in and out in the middle of the shoe or if someone is sitting there hitting a 14 against a dealers 6. Because of these assholes I usually stick to craps unless I go early in the morning where I can get on a blackjack table by myself or with 1 or 2 other people. Ive never really played roullette though. Might have to try it next time.
This is almost as dumb as saying Martingale is a successful gambling strategy. For some reason I want to stab people like you in the eye with something that isn't sharp so it hurts a lot.

@OP, you should be deducting the result of a losing day from that bankroll, as only adding to it is no indicator of gambling success or failure. With your system you could easily have a net loss, yet have several million stashed in "winnings." DUCY?

Seriously dude? Do you not understand odds and probabilities?let me dumb it down for ya abit.take 1$ place it on red.wheel spins now say it comes black , you lose your 1$.So bet 2$ on red .wheel spins and boom its black youve lost 2$ + your first 1$ for a total of 3$ bet red again 4$ this time.wheels spins you hit red and it pays double so total win is 8$ - the 7$ you lost gives you a total of 1$ as long as the "house" doesnt roll the same color 13 times in a row you will always walk away with a profit.the probability of the same number coming 2 in a row are 1/38 so on average you will see this 1 every 37 spins.probability of spin 7 of the same color in a row 1/91 .you tell me a game with better odds id be happy to hear it?
Yep, dammit...I've played at the casinos. I think I've paid for 1 or 2 of them, lol

I play Texas Hold’em in the poker rooms and usually win. I play 3 card and usually loose. I play the yo bet and always loose, lol.

Don’t get in too much of a habit of going, luck turns on a dime and dry spells are a bitch. You keep going back thinking your luck will change and it doesn’t.

They now have electronic optics in the card shufflers and can re-deal the last 8 hands backwards to check for cheaters. Luck has nothing to do with it anymore.

The experts say that video poker has the best odds for the player. I’ll stick with my odds of playing other poker players where the house doesn’t control the odds, I do. S
I dont know Cliffey, seems like that stategy would only work on online casinos where there is a mathematical algorithm built into the game to make the probabilities change due to the outcome of the previous spin. In a live casino each seperate spin of the wheel and ball are individual events not effected by the previous spin. This being said in a live casino the probability of the outcome of being red or black is mathematically the exact same as it was for the previous 100 spins. I dont know everyone plays how they want and what they want, thats what makes it so damn fun!
Seriously dude? Do you not understand odds and probabilities?let me dumb it down for ya abit.take 1$ place it on red.wheel spins now say it comes black , you lose your 1$.So bet 2$ on red .wheel spins and boom its black youve lost 2$ + your first 1$ for a total of 3$ bet red again 4$ this time.wheels spins you hit red and it pays double so total win is 8$ - the 7$ you lost gives you a total of 1$ as long as the "house" doesnt roll the same color 13 times in a row you will always walk away with a profit.the probability of the same number coming 2 in a row are 1/38 so on average you will see this 1 every 37 spins.probability of spin 7 of the same color in a row 1/91 .you tell me a game with better odds id be happy to hear it?
All casino games are -EV. Your system that you just described is called Martingale, and in the post you quoted I called your strategy just as dumb as Martingale, so now you post Martingale as a counter to me saying your original post was as dumb as Martingale. Please stab yourself in the face.
Ive never heard of it refered to as "martingale" Strategy.Either way its a winning strategy I know this because I have used it.Id like to hear your opinion on why its dumb?Seeing as you so fucking or red is almost a 50/50 chance the only thing that gives the"house" an edge is the zero.or on american roulette 2 zero's.Roulette has the second highest odds in a casino.Bacarat actually has the best odds.over the long run you WILL make money it just takes a while.Any good gambler knows its all about the long haul not the quick dollar.Just like poker pros they have their losing streaks but thats to be expected but in the end, if they always bet with the propabilities and odds the will end up profiting.
Then keep winning that money cliffey! I play what my buddy calls a "cover then collect" sort of system on the craps table. Ill start just playing the pass line with the table minimum. Then once a point is established Ill cover the board from 4-10 with a bet. If they roll anything other than a 7 Ill win (unless its a 2,3 or 12 then its a push). I also always take odds behind my pass line bet. once they roll 3 or 4 of my numbers Ill tell them to turn off all my number bets to where Im just playing the pass line. I never play any of the sucker bets in the middle like the "hard way" bets. It seems to work for me and Im comfortable with it. Im sure someone out there has some sort of system out there simular to this.
"poker is like sex...every guy thinks they're the best at it"

and with that said, poker players aren't "great" ...they sure as hell aren't "geniuses"...besides mild variance in style of play, the basic game "theory" that most players abide by hasn't changed much, and anyone can read poker books (I've read all your "harrington on hold'em" books too back in the day)

i love how all the players on TV are glorified on pedastals...they have multi-million dollar endorsement deals with websites that people gamble on like full tilt or pokerstars...and like the casinos, these sites are designed to take your money through rake. If you break even playing online- you still lose money. what a pathetic scam, IMO

i play a home poker game with some friends once a week- usually a $10 NL hold'em cash game with 5/10 cent blinds...sometimes PLO

it's competitive and fun...we acknowledge that we're all trying to take eachother's money, but it's all in good company with good fun, food and weed

the thing about poker is you just have to play. you can't be goal-oriented, you shouldn't look to be "making money" necessarily. play the hand the way you think you should and consider it entertainment.
oops lol, thought this was the poker thread i read earlier

well, my weekly/bi-weekly homegame is just about all the gambling i do...never brought money to a casino
I here ya budsmoker, Ive never actually played poker at a casino. I will play in a 10-20 dollar game at a friends house every now and again. I do like playing craps, and blackjack as long as it is hand shuffled and not machine shuffled.
Ive never heard of it refered to as "martingale" Strategy.Either way its a winning strategy I know this because I have used it.Id like to hear your opinion on why its dumb?Seeing as you so fucking or red is almost a 50/50 chance the only thing that gives the"house" an edge is the zero.or on american roulette 2 zero's.Roulette has the second highest odds in a casino.Bacarat actually has the best odds.over the long run you WILL make money it just takes a while.Any good gambler knows its all about the long haul not the quick dollar.Just like poker pros they have their losing streaks but thats to be expected but in the end, if they always bet with the propabilities and odds the will end up profiting.

It is the Martingale strategy, feel free to Google it if you think I made it up. Why it is dumb is not an opinion, it is fact, and I will show you why it's dumb, then address the rest of your dumb post, then wait 24 hours for you to make another dumb post so I can shit on you again.

First, to start at 1$ and be able to overcome 13 spins against you, you would need a bankroll of $4096, and with that kind of roll, who wants to have a goal of winning 1$?

Now to take it to a reasonable amount, with a reasonable bankroll: For this example, assume that your initial bet is $100, and you Martingale until you walk away for the day with that $100 profit.

Let's assume your bankroll is $6300 (6 bets) to keep the doubling simple.

Each spin your chance to lose is 20/38 or 52.63157%. So his chance to lose 6 in a row and go broke is 52.63157% ^6 or about 1 in 47.

In 46 wins his bankroll never gets high enough for a 7th bet, so on average he will go broke in 47 days.

I hope this illustrates why Martingale is a horrible system, unless you are Martingaling in a vacuum with an infinite bankroll and infinite time. If it doesn't you really should grab the closest pencil, stick the point in your nose, then fall face first down some steps.

Moving on...Roulette has a house edge of roughly 5.26%

Blackjack with a typical strategy has a house edge of about 2%

Blackjack with a perfect (MIT) strategy has a house edge of 0 to .5%

Craps has a house edge of .8%

Baccarat has a house edge of 1.06%

Hell, Video Poker with perfect strategy only has a house edge of .5%

Moving on again...

over the long run you WILL make money it just takes a while.
Had to quote this because it is an unbelievably stupid thing to say. Over the long run the casino will make money, because that's how casino's work. They make money in the long run off their edges.

Any good gambler knows its all about the long haul not the quick dollar.
And this...Any good gambler knows that casino games are -EV, and that they will lose in the long haul, making them bad gamblers.

Just like poker pros they have their losing streaks but thats to be expected but in the end, if they always bet with the propabilities and odds the will end up profiting

Hey you finally said something I agree with! I'm not going to go into the technical detail about why this is correct, but I will tell you that it's correct because the house has an edge in Hold Em, assuming you're playing a raked game at a casino, but since you're not playing against the house, you can make the correct decisions often enough to do what's called "beating the rake."

Even with you having one sentence that made sense, I still want you to die.
@budsmoker, your whole post was so bad I'm not going to individually chew you apart like I did to this other idiot, but I will tell you that the game has evolved to a ridiculous level of complexity, Especially with the UIGEA getting rid of the casualfish and weekend warriors.

As far as books go, the only books that I feel are relevent at this point is: Winning a Poker Tournament; One Hand at a Time written by PearlJammer, Apestyles, and Rizen. And for playing live at 5/10 nl and under, Mike Caro's Book of Poker Tells can be pretty useful.
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