6th week of flowering! PICS WHATS MY YEILD !


Well-Known Member
So their coming along good. on their 6th week.. will have new pics up soon

hoping within the next 2-3 weeks they pack on weight


i have to agree on around 8 zips give or take .been having some problems in my flower room so not confident on giving advise but i got quite a few harvest under my belt on a cycle bout a year in.3/4 of bo tops


been trying to figure out how to keep my leaves dark green like that into flowering.been gettn some fat buds but like 3 1/2 weeks into flowering they start getting yellow from bottom then to top then dyin.leaves i mean.cant figure out if locking out roots from hittn too hard or not hittn hard enuff and giving deficiencies that way.any advise?been using fox farm.grow,tiger and big bloom.wanted to figure this out before started with open,beistie and cha ching.


Well-Known Member
I use the fox farms, sylica, b1 thrive, guano, seaweed ext. uhm, my leaves on the Sativas are light green and kinda bleached. ^^ from my light. Tips of my leaves are kinda burnt due to not having a ph meter ^^. tho not too bad. Uhm But my INDICA is dark green. are you using TAP water? are you adding your PH DOWN with your NUTES at same time?


i use ro water from ro machine .i quit using ph adjusters because somebody told me soil acts as buffer in soil grow.and no matter how i have the ph when i check in water it always a little high in soil when i check that way like 7.5.im doing bubblegum indika/sativa.i was only using grow big in veg using every watering but recently only giving every other water then grow big/big bloom first two weeks into flower and just tiger bloom in later weeks til flush.i dont give full amount of what it says cuz i heard it will burn em.also try to slowly add more as weeks go on and i think roots can take it.but only been able to get em up to a 12 on ppm.think its cuz i didnt give straight water in between or mabey roots been weak cuz not using super thrive.sorry so long.tried using things like lime and epsom salt but seem to make worse although epsom seemed too make buds extra frosty unless im just trippn.


Well-Known Member
i use ro water from ro machine .i quit using ph adjusters because somebody told me soil acts as buffer in soil grow.and no matter how i have the ph when i check in water it always a little high in soil when i check that way like 7.5.im doing bubblegum indika/sativa.i was only using grow big in veg using every watering but recently only giving every other water then grow big/big bloom first two weeks into flower and just tiger bloom in later weeks til flush.i dont give full amount of what it says cuz i heard it will burn em.also try to slowly add more as weeks go on and i think roots can take it.but only been able to get em up to a 12 on ppm.think its cuz i didnt give straight water in between or mabey roots been weak cuz not using super thrive.sorry so long.tried using things like lime and epsom salt but seem to make worse although epsom seemed too make buds extra frosty unless im just trippn.
Stay away from the salt.. i dont do soil right now. so i gotta use a ton of nutes. your soil helps..but you could use other nutes of course.. might keep it up and growing longer durring flower.


Active Member
i use auto trays with auto pots,just standard shit very easy to use and work well,love them

grow in coco with coco a and b and the canna nutes,bit of overdrive at the end

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Standard is about a pound per 1000w light if you do good. It's very easy to go above and beyond that 1lb per 1000w if you do everything perfect.

600w / 1000w = .6 x 454 grams = 272.4 grams or 9.6 ounces

The bud's look kind of light and fluffy so while the average weight for a 600w and good strain would be 9.6 ounces I'm going to guess you'll get around 8 ounces, 1/2lb. I've gotten a pound from 600w before. It's not impossible. Those buds just don't look that dense.
A pound from a 600 watt is standard in good conditions. One should be getting
2 pounds from a thowy watt... 1 is not standard from a 1000 watt.. A pound from
a 400 watt is a good production.