trying to get some sprouts, could use advice!


living where it's cold has its ups and downs. a major down being that oil is pretty expensive so my house temp is not really ever over 60. still waiting for my fem seeds in the mail zzzzzzz. used some bag seed and planted them in some plastic party cups just to try to pop my cherry and make sure i know what im doing to properly get my good seeds to sprout!

anyways the reason im here is that in order to keep a high temp for them to sprout in i put them in my grow room and just covered the top of the cups with a black tshirt. they are a 1/2 down and just lightly threw some soil on the top. i know they need to be in the dark so i figured all the cfls im using to keep a nice 80 deg temp i needed to put a little bit more shade. the cups have a few slits for the water to seep out and i figured they'll be able to get plenty of air. just wanted to make sure im safe doing this or if i even need to haha.


Well-Known Member
well you should germ seeds before putting in soil or it will take a bit longer for them to pop. to germ them i place all my seeds in room temp water and over night most have a tail already, if it is cold in your house try putting the cup theri in on top of the fridge cuz most of them stay warm on top. and dam 60 is cold for a house bro but i know how it is my house has a shity heater so it is cold here to. and light is fine on seeds before they sprout, and the slit in the cups are also good, plants need drainage holes.


Well-Known Member
I dont soak seeds. I just plop em soil in solo cups and let them take there coarse. I use to soak, use paper towels etc. I have had 99%(1 seed never did anything) success with all my seeds I have ever done this way. Maybe a hundred seeds so far. Everybody has there own ways thats the beauty of this wonderful journey! As far as slits in the cops I think its needed. Your soil like you said needs air so it doesnt just sit soaked and get moldy or when you have roots get root rot.


yeah im trying to gather up as much info as i can in existing threads. just trying not to be the douche making 500 posts :). so many opinions on how to germ and it seemed like more people were leaning towards nat growth and not drowning the seeds.


hahaha and hell yeah its cold. first winter in my new house. went from a 1br apt to a 4br house lol. moneys just a bit tight and just trying to save some oil. i just have a few extra layers on when im home


Well-Known Member
the way of germing seeds is really how well it works for you. i used to do straight into soil and it would take 7-10 days for them to sprout witch is way to long of a wait. then i used the paper towel method and i had good succes but it took a few days still, then i did the shot glass full of water and put the seeds in and some would germ under 12 hours and some in 24 -48 hours and all germed for me. you just got to do what works for you and is less time consuming


Well-Known Member
hahaha and hell yeah its cold. first winter in my new house. went from a 1br apt to a 4br house lol. moneys just a bit tight and just trying to save some oil. i just have a few extra layers on when im home
well at least it is a home and not an apartment now. did you buy or are you renting


guess i'll just have to try em all and figure out what i want to do, thanks a bunch

and i took advantage of the 8k first time homebuyer tax credit earlier this year. im pretty much house poor but it beats living at home with my parents or just making payments on an apt.