Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

Love the shrooms kitty! Your making me super jealous cause I had some shrooms from denver last week and made me think why buy when you can make yourself! And nice mary grow looks like you got your shit locked down. Check out my starting SCROG grow!

Thanks! It would cost one person under $20 to grow an entire cake, that'd include the spores, a bag to fruit them in, a jar, and even the brown rice verm and perlite. When you get 6 'servings' per cake each flush, that works!!! :)
Thanks! It would cost one person under $20 to grow an entire cake, that'd include the spores, a bag to fruit them in, a jar, and even the brown rice verm and perlite. When you get 6 'servings' per cake each flush, that works!!! :)

What do you consider a "serving" (in dry weight)... I ask because I am going to be doing a shroom grow soon (got my spores today and all i need is the BRF) and i am not sure of dosage. I have only taken shrooms once and i took a little under an eigth dry, and i had a great time but deduced that they werent the best shrooms. I think heat got to em or something but i didnt trip as hard as i would have wanted to. So since you are using the same tek, what sort of trip would you expect off an eigth of your shrooms dried...

I just cant imagine 21 dry grams per flush per cake, and if that is average than I am gonna be overwhelmed with what im gonna get of 24 jars
3.5g is a healthy starter serving. 2g is what you should give the girl who "doesnt want to lose control" and is generally the cunt of the group. For a great time, try 7-9g. For an even better time try 4g of aborts. :-)
idk bout that...
people should be educated about mushroom dosage if they arnt used to it.
especially if they are fresh.

i think 3.5 grams cubensis dried is too much for someone who isnt quite used to it.
it may be a good dose, but NOT AT ONCE.
eat it through out the night, if you eat it all at once, you could get overwhelmed.
some people dont though. but you have been warned about dosing too much.
bad trips suck...

REMEMBER... you can always dose more, but you cannot "un-dose" what has already been dosed

you want a comfortable trip right?

i just hated when i was a noob and took to much and always had the thoughts...
"what have I done?"
"what am I doing in life?"
"Where am I going""
"I have made myself permanently stupid"

if this doees happen, you just gotta realize you are on a drug.

but this shouldnt happen to you anyways cuz you shouldnt dose a high dose you arnt comfortable with.

and a high dose for a noob can be anywhere from...3.5 grams - 5 grams dried. of cubensis.
5 grams would definitely keep anyone on their toes, no matter how used to tripping they are.

id keep a good comfortable dose around 1.5-2.5 grams dried. and if its not good enough an hour or two later...eat another gram or two
I disagree, 3.5g is good starter size. You cant 'chase' mushrooms, you know by eating more and more if you want to trip harder, it doesnt work like that. The only drug I know of that you cant chase. After 3.5g if someone wants less next time, cool. If they are pussy enough to be a bitch on their first trip and all paranoid they werent ready to trip. Keep a cool mind and eat many mushrooms. :)
I disagree, 3.5g is good starter size. You cant 'chase' mushrooms, you know by eating more and more if you want to trip harder, it doesnt work like that. The only drug I know of that you cant chase. After 3.5g if someone wants less next time, cool. If they are pussy enough to be a bitch on their first trip and all paranoid they werent ready to trip. Keep a cool mind and eat many mushrooms. :)

see thats your opinion.

you may have a "strong" mind but some people dont.

why do YOU use psychedelics kitty?
I ate an entire eighth my first time shrooming, didn't know what to expect but I knew it couldn't hurt me.

Hour and a half later my couch grew arms and tried to hold me down, I finished out the trip in my closet in the dark with my bong, lol.bongsmilie
see thats your opinion.

you may have a "strong" mind but some people dont.

why do YOU use psychedelics kitty?

Yep, purely opinion. I tried 2 grams my first time and wondered where the trip was. People do have different tolerances too.

Why do I trip? Its just fun as fuck. :-) Even better with a little ecstasy at the same time!
3.5g is a healthy starter serving. 2g is what you should give the girl who "doesnt want to lose control" and is generally the cunt of the group. For a great time, try 7-9g. For an even better time try 4g of aborts. :-)

So since i'm accurate on dosage your yielding 21 dry grams per flush per cake!!!!? At 150 cakes, 3 flushes per cake......... That adds up to your total dry weight as 9,450 dry grams..... WOW!

My math is right i just double checked it.... Either your wrong about 6 dosages per flush per cake or you are going to be swimmming in shrooms.

Lets figure out how much these are gonna be worth in money if sold...

3.5 grams is worth about 20 bucks GENOROUSLY. so total weight (9450) divided by 3.5 equals 2700 eighth ounce 20 dollar sacs. 2700 times 20 bucks is.... 54000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!

Something has got to be wrong here... but that math is correct.... Regardless congrats on your outstanding shroom grow..
Rules of tripping.... (From the song The Last time I did Acid I Went Insane by Jeffery Lewis)

And the first rule of tripping was
Don't be with people you don't trust
The second rule of LSD
The rooftop is not a good place to be
The third rule is to be prepared
The fourth rule is to not get scared
The fifth rule is to stay serene
Turn off your mind and float downstream
The sixth rule's to have a good friend at hand
The seventh, I hope that you understand
Is not to look to deep into your soul
Or you might find a hideous, hopeless hole
Of hatred, hunger, infinite, idiot
Mindless, meaningless, nothingness, nothingness
Nothingness, nothingness, nothingness, nothingness
Nothingness, nothingness, nothingness, nothingness

It applies to all psychedelics. Regardless of dosage if you follow all the rules you'll have a good time...
So since i'm accurate on dosage your yielding 21 dry grams per flush per cake!!!!? At 150 cakes, 3 flushes per cake......... That adds up to your total dry weight as 9,450 dry grams..... WOW!

My math is right i just double checked it.... Either your wrong about 6 dosages per flush per cake or you are going to be swimmming in shrooms.

Lets figure out how much these are gonna be worth in money if sold...

3.5 grams is worth about 20 bucks GENOROUSLY. so total weight (9450) divided by 3.5 equals 2700 eighth ounce 20 dollar sacs. 2700 times 20 bucks is.... 54000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!

Something has got to be wrong here... but that math is correct.... Regardless congrats on your outstanding shroom grow..

I'm probably off in some aspect, but that was more just suggesting that regardless of your yield the first time, the first time pays for itself.

My yield was posted a few pages back, so feel free to do the math backwards to come up with the right numbers of servings. :)
Yep, purely opinion. I tried 2 grams my first time and wondered where the trip was. People do have different tolerances too.

Why do I trip? Its just fun as fuck. :-) Even better with a little ecstasy at the same time!

okay kitty, get some of them cambodians you just grew, eat 7 grams dried all at once in a peanut butter sandwich and wash it down with some grapefruit or orange juice. WITHOUT your MDMA.

and tell me how that was...
She is not yeilding 21dry grams from cakes, thats unheard of. Even the best growers with perfect conditions and isolated strains max out around 15 dry grams AFTER 3 flushes. Not trying to discredit this grow in any way, just pointing out that was deffinately a miscalculation. By the way, how are they doing Kitty? Any more contaminated cakes? How about the tub with holes on every side? Let me know.
wow i just looked through the whole thread i couldnt read ALL of it :p awesome awesome setup im truly jealous I love me some shrooms but i cant get a hold of them anymore my person got busted so i think you just made me want to grow my own. thanks for sharing this awesome grow :D
i've watching/reading this thread almost since day one, and its probably the best shroom thread so far. lol, i check it out in the am and pm when i get home from work. hell of a job kitty, hopefully one day i'll have a set up like urs.

on a side not......i knocked up 6,drinking glass with b+(i think they're called tumblers,not sure) last suday and they're starting to colonize!!! so far no contams. this is my very first grow. but i did a lot of reading researching and stuff and kinda mixed together some of the "how to's" and kitty's example also. no pics yet cuz its just some whire fuzz....but when i think its worth posting i will..

thanks to all u guys and gals for the help,pics,info,and the answers to all the quest. I and others post... love this site
She is not yeilding 21dry grams from cakes, thats unheard of. Even the best growers with perfect conditions and isolated strains max out around 15 dry grams AFTER 3 flushes. Not trying to discredit this grow in any way, just pointing out that was deffinately a miscalculation. By the way, how are they doing Kitty? Any more contaminated cakes? How about the tub with holes on every side? Let me know.

Well I got 45 grams dry from two cakes...... so not unheard of, cause now you've heard