Jessie Ventura is Awsome

I think Jesse 'the Body' Ventura deserves some respect around here
Yeah I watch Jessie every week on conspiracy theory. The last episode on the FEMA camps is some crazy, scary shit. All this germ warfare and the coffens there stockpiling. It's no wonder this country is so deep in debt. They've been building secret prison camps all over America off the backs of the people who will most likely be incarcerated in them.

America Fuck Yeah. Land of the free and home of the brave my ass. We got senators and congressman passing bills for this shit and they don't even know what there actually signing into law. And there supposed to be working for us.

Okay I'm done.
show is gonna get banned, because it happens to be something I enjoy!!! but thats just the thing, if they ban or yank it, people will know something is up. and Jessie's "conspiracies" will have even more credibility.

love the show, god bless him!
show is gonna get banned, because it happens to be something I enjoy!!! but thats just the thing, if they ban or yank it, people will know something is up. and Jessie's "conspiracies" will have even more credibility.

love the show, god bless him!
I am amazed the show is even on and I'm suprised jesse has been allowed to continue asking questions. Why did he get out of politics?
yeah I got mad respect for the guy.

he's right about our government. they can pretty much do whatever they want without suffering any kind of consiquence.

the American government is as crooked as they come. but.. then again, that's what you get with Politics. ;)

Politics can be a good thing to know.. but then again.. its got its downsides too IMO.
I feel dumber for having read this and watched this garbage. Did they really compare these places to Concentration camps? This shit is fucking dumb.
I feel dumber for having read this and watched this garbage. Did they really compare these places to Concentration camps? This shit is fucking dumb.
what would you compair them to? did you watch the video? didn't it concern you?
Mr. Beardo, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I truly feel sorry for you people with the negative comments. You clearly don't have any clue what's actually going on in this country. Facts are laid out right before your eye's and you still deny it's happening. Our government has you so brainwashed it's pathetic. Do you really think Jessie Ventura, a former Governor of Minnesota is blatantly telling lies for ratings? The man is out there putting his life and reputation on the line to inform the American people what's really happening in this country and you think it's all a big joke. So just go on believing that our government has your best interest at heart and I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Alex Jones does not fact check he just spews shit for his ratings.

Well...he's gotten WAY fucking better at it.

Now he and is writers know when to outright allege and imply things without saying stuff as a matter of fact. I remember finding way too much BS there prior to 2007...they cleaned that up quite a bit. I guess actually being considered a journalist has rubbed off on him.
I truly feel sorry for you people with the negative comments. You clearly don't have any clue what's actually going on in this country. Facts are laid out right before your eye's and you still deny it's happening. Our government has you so brainwashed it's pathetic. Do you really think Jessie Ventura, a former Governor of Minnesota is blatantly telling lies for ratings? The man is out there putting his life and reputation on the line to inform the American people what's really happening in this country and you think it's all a big joke. So just go on believing that our government has your best interest at heart and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

If I want to hear the truth, I'll listen to Glenn Beck. Jesse Ventura is just another kooky democrat.