
Active Member
Wayne Madsen: China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California

Wayne Madsen Report
November 10, 2010
Pentagon and its embedded media covering up Chinese show of force off LA
China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.
The Pentagon spin machine, backed by the media reporters who regularly cover the Defense Department, as well as officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the U.S. Northern Command, is now spinning various conspiracy theories, including describing the missile plume videotaped by KCBS news helicopter cameraman Gil Leyvas at around 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, during the height of evening rush hour, as the condensation trail from a jet aircraft. Other Pentagon-inspired cover stories are that the missile was actually an amateur rocket or an optical illusion.

Experts agree that this was a ballistic missile being fired off of Los Angeles. Pentagon insists it was a jet aircraft or model rocket.
There are no records of a plane in the area having taken off from Los Angeles International Airport or from other airports in the region. The Navy and Air Force have said that they were not conducting any missile tests from submarines, ships, or Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Navy has also ruled out an accidental firing from one of its own submarines.
Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S. territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles.
Navy sources have revealed that the missile may have impacted on Chinese territory and that the National Security Agency (NSA) likely posseses intercepts of Chinese telemtry signals during the missile firing and subsequent testing operations.

Japanese and other Asian intelligence agencies believe that a Chinese Jin-class SSBN submarine conducted missile “show of force” in skies west of Los Angeles.
Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength.

Likely route of Jin-class submarine from Hainan base.
The White House also wants to donwplay the missile story before Presidnet Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart in Seoul and Tokyo. According to Japanese intelligence sources, Beijing has been angry over United States and allied naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas, in what China considers its sphere of influence, and the missile firing within the view of people in Southern California was a demonstration that China’s navy can also play in waters off the American coast.
For the U.S. Navy, the Chinese show of force is a huge embarassment, especially for the Navy’s Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor, where Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor remains a sore subject.
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In 2002, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice reportedly scolded visiting Chinese General Xiong Guankai, the deputy chief of staff for intelligence of the People’s Liberation Army, for remarks he allegedly made in 1995 that China would use nuclear weapons on Los Angeles. Xiong denied he made any such comments but the “spin” on the story helped convince Congress to sink billions of additional dollars into ballistic missile defense, sometimes referred to at “Star Wars II.”


Active Member
Ladies and Gentlemen

I have come to a new conclusion
and it's quite worse than this thread
scenario might reveal.

I believe the US Military is in a defacto
state of war with the Chinese Military.
And I believe this has not just started
with this missile event but rather a long while
back. A tit for tat [COLOR=#e0e060 !important][COLOR=#e0e060 !important]exchange[/COLOR][/COLOR] between
the US and China with Black Ops
and covert sabotage objectives on
both sides.

Remember, the sinking of the SK vessel Cheneon
and it was blamed on NK. It was the Chinese
sub and torpedo.

The Gulf Oil Spill?
Attack by Chinese sub and torpedo

The Chinese Oil spill that followed
was in retaliation by the US. US Sub
and torpedo

The Japanese freighter that was hit
in the side but didn't sink was a torpedo
that never armed itself before striking
the ship so when it hit, it just rammed it
only the torpedo sunk but it caused lots
of internal damage. I believe oil was on that freighter
if I'm not mistaken.

US Missiles launched from Louisiana
and Arizona in the past month.

China shoots down own satellite to
show capabilities.

Bernake dumps $600B on US Treasury Bonds
to devalue the US Dollar which China holds
more notes than any nation including the
US. A US monetary attack on China's
Financial Markets.

A Carnival Cruise lines [COLOR=#e0e060 !important][COLOR=#e0e060 !important]ship[/COLOR][/COLOR] is EMP bombed
off Mexican coast. Also a Chinese attack by a submarine

The outgoing missile 2 days ago off Los Angeles
was one of ours trying to kill the Chinese Sub
that EMP'd the Carnival Splendor.

A boat sinks with 55,000 tons
of Nickel onboard headed to China
in last 12 hrs. A US response.
Metals is a Chinese asset.

meanwhile both sides play dumb to
the public. it's a virtual tit for tat war.
This is why you won't hear our military
claim it was a missile. How can they
tell the public we launched at a Chinese
Sub without telling you about all the other
events which led them to this point.
Sure, it was a plane and contrail

Speaking of contrails, now I understand why
those CHEMTRAILS are being sprayed.
Chinese radar works by using the ionosphere
to bounce the waves off of to see and target
objects that are out of line of sight. Spraying
aluminum and Barium into the atmosphere
jams the Chinese radar from locking onto
those long distance targets. It disrupts the
bounce off the ionosphere and there's no
positive return.

Too many coincidences to be ALL

When a strike kills a LOT of people
on 1 side, I expect ICBM's on both
sides to be flying.

of course, this is just my theory

but it makes perfect sense for all these
events making the news.


Well-Known Member
If America & China goto war (God forbid) it would be end up a nuclear one. America would have no choice given the size of the force it would be fighting.

Now I don't know what others think but there is a theory about that in the Christian community because America is not mentioned in the book of Revelations or Daniel. But a huge army out the east is...


Not trying to start a big thing here, but it certainly bears looking into :)

Although this is getting to be a pretty serious conversation for a bunch of pot heads... (me included!!!)


Well-Known Member
remember the U,S. bombed their embassy in yugoslavia and China put lead in toys for the u.s.


Well-Known Member
in reality. if a nuclear war broke out, The other side of the planet would get hit 10x harder than America. If America, Russia, China wanted to fk the planet over they could do it easily. But America more-so could have Nuclear icbms in the air within seconds of any Hostile launch. Even if America "Absorbs" a nuclear attack on one of its coasts. Some 3rd world nation, Russia, or China will be destroyed shortly after... . where we go from their who knows. thats why I feel thoes who run this planet are smarter than that. Nothing happens for no reason, if something big happens.. .its in the plans. Cause if you think about it, Our AMERICA isnt the same, China, Dubai, Greenland & other countries are now the FUTURE HOTSPOTS. Time doesnt stop, America can only advance so much until the rest of the world catches up, then their will be a totally new way of humanity :) We think in seconds, minutes, hours, days.. . Others without our distractions think in years, decades, centuries. and it will come.


Well-Known Member
The good news folks is that china does not have a blue water fleet capable of bringing red troops to the states, the bad news is they have nuclear missiles that can do the job just as easily. I didn't buy the "it was an airplane" reason, clearly it was a missile. I'm SO glad I joined the air force and leave in 6 months for intelligence, I may have a tad bit more insight on these matters lol BTW can anyone name the U.S. President that gave China sensitive U.S. missile technology????


Well-Known Member
The good news folks is that china does not have a blue water fleet capable of bringing red troops to the states, the bad news is they have nuclear missiles that can do the job just as easily. I didn't buy the "it was an airplane" reason, clearly it was a missile. I'm SO glad I joined the air force and leave in 6 months for intelligence, I may have a tad bit more insight on these matters lol BTW can anyone name the U.S. President that gave China sensitive U.S. missile technology????
they did under clinton for one. I don't know if others did as well
china and the us need each other to survive, with out us they would starve and without them we would be broke. No nukes, those are coming from israel and those crazy fucks over there in the desert, they arent afraid to die. You take death out of the cards and whats left?


Well-Known Member
WOOO i hope the grid goes down and its back to square 1. :) tho, i hope it doesnt fk me over at the same time. Or I hope I get a really good view of something Epic.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
It's just like a really BIG Real Time Strategy game.

China are presumably planning to exert a little muscle in their own "field of influence" ... maybe to secure their supply of Vespane Gas or some other resource.

They know that the USA will recognise the threat to the resources and will move to protect their supply.

So China must keep the USA away and builds ship killer missiles.

To make sure that the USA doesn't declare open war on China, they show their hand ... making it plain that they can king hit the USA anytime they please, don't need to win the war to really hurt the USA.

All the USA needs to do is keep away from China's back yard ... or call their bluff, and that is not something that would be a strategically good decision.

Maybe the USA needs to do a "Quick-save" so they can try a different tactic ... oh, bugger - the save function doesn't work in multi-player games.


Well-Known Member
Nah.. the US still has 100:1 ratio of the asswhopage ready to reign down from the sky. Even if the US lost a coast.. Their would NEVER be an INVASION, and whoever did it would be gone. =/


Well-Known Member
If it happened, its in the PLANs. and the US will continue and some BS new world order shyt would come along. But if Nuclear War ever did happen, the world would change that day on.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
China doesn't need to invade the USA - they have all the vespane gas they need locally - they just need to secure their gathering zone from the USA.


Well-Known Member
But still, China and Russia is not an enemy the US will go to WAR with. if anything russia or china will supply some 3rd world terrorist to hit the US. but even the the US will go on, and some other county will be fk'd. things will change. Its not random at all, we think in a different time period from thoes who run the world or know how it works. Its more than one lifetime, more than 10. If you really think about how far along we have gotten, Someone has knowledge we couldn't dream of. Average for any Billionaire to own their own Bunkers miles underground. GOOGLE, VIVOS.