John Boehner

you simply dismiss each perfectly valid reason with pathetic cliches like insurance industry conspiracies

that was a fact not a conspiracy theory conservatives were even sayin it was bad because the competition would drive insurance companies out of business, kind of like how the postal service put ups, and fedex out of business(sarcasm). why would they not work together for mutual benefit?

i'm surprised you didn't bring up the failures of public education as an example of the proper operation of government. maybe you'll be able to rope in a lofty intellect to match your own with this new thread you've started. i, for one, don't have the time to waste on fools who simply ignore reality.

what about japan is theres public school system a failure? maybe everything in America sucks compared to everywhere else because people like you want everything to fail and back rich elites who are against anything that is good for America. you say I ignore reality but you say it was a good idea to deregulate the banks?

I've never owned or read a Glenn Beck book, or seen either of his television programs.

How can you know what Beck's opinions are if you do not read his books? I sincerely doubt you watch his TV show or listen to his radio show either.

In fact, I would guess that you simply get all your Beck information secondhand from some Left-wing source.

If I parrot beck, as you assert; some examples are in order.

I do have a theory why you despise Beck and Limbaugh so much - it's because they are effective.

They make Liberals like you spit nails and eat your own liver.

And I think it's hilarious.

I tell you what, I'll read what I want to read and you do the same.

I really don't give a shit what you choose to read.

I read things to learn you read things to keep you narrow minded. Sometimes I do watch beck to laugh at it, its a fucking joke. In what way are they "effective". they are efective in the sense they make lots of money from stupid ignorant people who cant think for themselves. smart conservatives tend to distance themselves from those kinds of people.
this would be great in utopia,unfortunately we live in the real world the many trillions of dollars this would require would be a death blow to our weak economy

and just how would a public heath insurance option cost trillions? I know you arnt talking about a socialized heathcare system because I just damn said I wasn't talking about that, not that it is even necessarily true.
I read things to learn you read things to keep you narrow minded. Sometimes I do watch beck to laugh at it, its a fucking joke. In what way are they "effective". they are efective in the sense they make lots of money from stupid ignorant people who cant think for themselves. smart conservatives tend to distance themselves from those kinds of people.
Why are you still responding to me?

You make a liar out of yourself every time you do.

You have very little idea what I read. As to the narrow-minded conclusion, that is nothing more than your uninformed opinion.

Where did you get the idea you could insult someone into agreeing with you? :dunce:

Beck and Limbaugh are effective for the sole reason that they elicit such a visceral response from people like you.

You don't like what they say, yet you have no answer for their views beyond a condescending and dismissive attitude toward their audiences.


And Proggies wonder why the Obama Agenda is heading down the shitter. :-P
we are the public, not they there is no they, do you know what public means? you guys are so damn patriotic but hate the idea of "we".

forget everthing i have said so far

i think it would be a good idea for americans to have an option to get together and put their heath insurance money in a giant jar, then if somone needs care in our private system they could use the jar money. It would be the same concept as a private health insurance company but without the profit motive therefore making it more affordable for people who can't pay for private health insurance.

Nothing you have said so far is memorable anyway.

Just funny.

Not so much 'Ha Ha!' funny as it is sad funny.

Like a clown's funeral.



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I just want him to explain how this great idea is going to work. Why won't he adress my questions?
Am I one of the Rural People he was refering too? Am I too stupid to have things explained to me?
tea bagger they get that kind of response from me because because they lie and make shit up (like the 200 mil Indonesia trip thing) to confuse rural people like you into supporting policies that help private companies monopolize shit. I am talking about their opinions right now trying to either understand why they don't support a public option/ or prove there is not a good reason and they just do it to support private monopolies and are not real conservatives.

im not trying to get you to agree with me, I asked you a simple question that you cannot answer. i will now stop responding to posts like yours.
tea bagger they get that kind of response from me because because they lie and make shit up (like the 200 mil Indonesia trip thing) to confuse rural people like you into supporting policies that help private companies monopolize shit. I am talking about their opinions right now trying to either understand why they don't support a public option/ or prove there is not a good reason and they just do it to support private monopolies and are not real conservatives.

im not trying to get you to agree with me, I asked you a simple question that you cannot answer. i will now stop responding to posts like yours.
tea bagger they get that kind of response from me because because they lie and make shit up (like the 200 mil Indonesia trip thing) to confuse rural people like you into supporting policies that help private companies monopolize shit. I am talking about their opinions right now trying to either understand why they don't support a public option/ or prove there is not a good reason and they just do it to support private monopolies and are not real conservatives.

im not trying to get you to agree with me, I asked you a simple question that you cannot answer. i will now stop responding to posts like yours.[/QUOTE

I've seen several reasons the public option is bad. It goes againts the Constitution first off. You can't tax someone for doing nothing. call it a penalty call it whatever you want it's still a tax.
It makes private companies compete with the goverment.
It raises the cost of health care. Ask AARP about that one.
WE can't afford it
What more do you need
Sorry you won't reply to me anymore, so much for Dialog.
why is competition between the public and private sectors and bad thing? i know it goes against your ideology but why is that a bad thing. lets keep it in the other thread. oh and where does the constitution say there cant be any public health insurance? this aint the glen beck show you can't just say crazy made up bullshit that doesn't make any sense and call it fact.
hahahaha theres like 5 of you and 1 of me and you still havent given an example of how a public option would be detrimental, proving you just abide by what the propaganda tells you. some of you dont even seem to know what a public option is and you are against I even put it terms rural people could understand and rick sitll doesnt understand.
Normally compition is good but when the federal goverment says you HAVE to have it, and they give you a big fine for not having it. It is nothing but the Monopoly you are crying over.
The Constituttion is set up to protect the people from the goverment not for the goverment to use for it's own grab for power
hahahaha theres like 5 of you and 1 of me and you still havent given an example of how a public option would be detrimental, proving you just abide by what the propaganda tells you. some of you dont even seem to know what a public option is and you are against I even put it terms rural people could understand and rick sitll doesnt understand.

Any reasonable person would look at this situation and think " Maybe I should look at what I'm saying and thinking" not put down what the masses are saying...... Are you running Nancy Pelosi's campaign to be Minority leader?

Yeah and the big jar of money concept was reall in depth
I've seen several reasons the public option is bad. It goes against the Constitution first off. You can't tax someone for doing nothing. call it a penalty call it whatever you want it's still a tax.
It makes private companies compete with the government.
It raises the cost of health care. Ask AARP about that one.
WE can't afford it
What more do you need
Sorry you won't reply to me anymore, so much for Dialog.
there never was a dialog. it was only the bleating of an angry liberal ewe, demanding answers it only intended to ignore. nothing that anyone says can make it past even the outermost layers of its indoctrination. eventually it will become bored with the derision and slink away with its tail between its legs, believing that it has bested the forces of evil conservatism and leaving behind only the faint aroma of slightly rancid kool-aid.