Active Member
you simply dismiss each perfectly valid reason with pathetic cliches like insurance industry conspiracies
that was a fact not a conspiracy theory conservatives were even sayin it was bad because the competition would drive insurance companies out of business, kind of like how the postal service put ups, and fedex out of business(sarcasm). why would they not work together for mutual benefit?
i'm surprised you didn't bring up the failures of public education as an example of the proper operation of government. maybe you'll be able to rope in a lofty intellect to match your own with this new thread you've started. i, for one, don't have the time to waste on fools who simply ignore reality.
what about japan is theres public school system a failure? maybe everything in America sucks compared to everywhere else because people like you want everything to fail and back rich elites who are against anything that is good for America. you say I ignore reality but you say it was a good idea to deregulate the banks?