Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

how long does it take for the mushrooms to grow from scratch like from the time u got em in the mail till when u could eat em i ve grown alot of bud and it takes atleast 2 months i was hoping this is alot faster
ah good ol brf cakes do you know your RH?

I know not of which you speak.

how long does it take for the mushrooms to grow from scratch like from the time u got em in the mail till when u could eat em i ve grown alot of bud and it takes atleast 2 months i was hoping this is alot faster

That big, baseball bat of a fungus is from a cake that was inoculated on 9/20 and harvested on 11/11. The jar colonized very slowly because of the 4 inoculation points only one was successful due to my lack of experience.

Thursday Evening.jpg

rh meaning realitve humidity :blsmoke:

It's not ideal. It's dry outside now. I've got a humidifier in the bathroom and a pot of water evaporating in the kitchen. I mist the inside and outside of the terrarium and the surrounding surfaces but during sleep and when I'm away at work I'm sure the humidity is not ideal. So I'm pleasantly surprised with the harvest I'm getting. In the last 12 hours I've gotten more vigorous growth. Magic Thanksgiving, indeed!
were can i find that many jars?

Yer local hardware store or Amazon.com. I'm amused that when you search 1/2 pint wide mouth canning jars on Amazon it says "Customers who ordered this also ordered..." and it shows brown rice flower. 8)
Amazon.com you can buy the wide mouth jars but they are like $17, much more expensive than if you called your lcoal walmart and have them sepcial order them for $9/dozen. :)
u said u payed like 450 for all the equipment is that including the spores? and if not how much are they? also how much money do u think u will end up making when your compelety done? im just tryin to do some math to see if growing shrooms is more profitable then bud
u said u payed like 450 for all the equipment is that including the spores? and if not how much are they? also how much money do u think u will end up making when your compelety done? im just tryin to do some math to see if growing shrooms is more profitable then bud

Spores are bout $10 per syringe, and per syringe I can do a dozen cakes. So figure $80-$100 worth of spores actually used.

You'll be profitable on flush #1 of your first harvest. Its wicked cheap.
Im sorry if you already answered this but once you have your jar fully colinized can you take a peice of that and clone it into a different jar? That way you dont have to keep ordering spores. Will it continue to colinize the new jar? I am very interested in starting some shrooms! Thanks Dirtfree.
Im sorry if you already answered this but once you have your jar fully colinized can you take a peice of that and clone it into a different jar? That way you dont have to keep ordering spores. Will it continue to colinize the new jar? I am very interested in starting some shrooms! Thanks Dirtfree.
yes you can, look up grain to grain. there are plenty of ways to keep shrooms going wtihout continually buying spores. liquid inoculation, cloning, collecting spores, grain to grain, isolation.

If this is hijacking yer thread, just say so and I'll bug out. Or if you don't mind hopefully the troops will enjoy seeing my little harvest pictures while you take a rest before coming back with way better pictures.

Picture taken tonight when I came home from work:


Harvest so far:

Gifts of Nature.jpg

Thank you to nature for these gifts.
Love the shrooms kitty! Your making me super jealous cause I had some shrooms from denver last week and made me think why buy when you can make yourself! And nice mary grow looks like you got your shit locked down. Check out my starting SCROG grow!