Huge Multi-Strain Perpetual Grow! 1000ks of Wattz!


Well-Known Member
im not a electrian but if its the amp of the breakers can u just replace the breakers with a high amp, assuming you have the right wire size ran to the plugs!!

But sounds like it will work, lol. Well thats what i would do until i noticed a burning smell :)


Well-Known Member
hmmm well I have figured out that there are 3 different 15 amp breakers in my box.. This shall work for a couple months but soon enough when I'll be flowering 12 plants every 6 week. I'll have some pics up soon.. Currently I moved all my vegging plants into the new spot. I have no odor control currently so I can't move my other plants over yet..

I weighed in at 5.5 ozs off of 4 plants... Not bad for my first run... But seriously this weed is KILLLLLER.. Especially the big bang.. I am stoked for the next big bang coming down soon,as well as the 4 white skunk..

I noticed the purple wreck are very unstable plants.. I do not think I'm going to ontinue to grow this strain specifically because it's a low yielder and very hard to grow.

the big bang is a breeze and so is white skunk.. Bot seem to yield quite alot more than the purple..

can't wait to get fully moved in and my lights set up :)

happy growing!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey baby how ya doing. Look into uping a couple of the breakers to 20amps. Pretty much going to have to with what you have planned. Very quick job but use someone who knows what their doing.


Well-Known Member
doing quite well.. Just stress with moving and getting orgaized.. I still don't have my budding plants at the house yet.. Which is stressing me out even more.. What do you think of neem oil and soap mixture to get rid of spider mite infestation???

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My experience with mites,,,,, Use something stronger than neem to kill them such as one of the Safer products, or Capt Jack or Fox Farms version. Key thing is to use at least two dif kinds with dif active ingrediants otherwise the mites become quite resistant to it. All three of those have dif active ingrediants. Hit them the first time and then the second time when the label says, usually a week give or take and then a third time a week later to hit any possible survivors but you have to be very dilligent with it or it can get out of hand and effect your yield. Spraying with water and or neem in between helps also


Well-Known Member
moved into the new house... had a lot of troubles with that... including totally drying out the flowering plants... they perked up in a week or so..

let me know what you think... the big bang in the center of the flowering plants are 8 weeks into flower, and the white skunk are 6 weeks.

the vegging plants: 2 large church 2 large big bang are almost 60 days vegging... the purple wreck way in the back of the smaller plants vegging are also 60 days but were severely stunted my some type of bug.. that i think might still be there.

lots of spider mites unfortunately. im using safer all kill and 3 days later neem oil mixed with soap water, than repeat...

temps are staying decent.. once i get more lights ill have to set up a better ventilation system, but that is cool because my landlord actually has his card and he is totally down with growing!

i have a 4 camera security system i have in mind, i guess you could say im paranoid.

happy growing



Well-Known Member
moved into the new house... had a lot of troubles with that... including totally drying out the flowering plants... they perked up in a week or so..

let me know what you think... the big bang in the center of the flowering plants are 8 weeks into flower, and the white skunk are 6 weeks.

the vegging plants: 2 large church 2 large big bang are almost 60 days vegging... the purple wreck way in the back of the smaller plants vegging are also 60 days but were severely stunted my some type of bug.. that i think might still be there.

lots of spider mites unfortunately. im using safer all kill and 3 days later neem oil mixed with soap water, than repeat...

temps are staying decent.. once i get more lights ill have to set up a better ventilation system, but that is cool because my landlord actually has his card and he is totally down with growing!

i have a 4 camera security system i have in mind, i guess you could say im paranoid.

happy growing
nice man nice. Glad to hear you made the move ok. Just remember cameras don't do shit to protect you when ur sitting on 20k of crop.


Well-Known Member
thank you! lots of work is being put into this setup..

video cameras : $300
advanced security system: 60 a month
being able to call the cops if something happens: priceless

makes me feel alot better about bringing in 10 more hps lights and plants to match..


Well-Known Member
going to the hydro shop tonight, HTG, and getting a 6" htg tall boy carbon filter and Inline fan... both for 195. great deals this place has! also picking up 2 T8 6 lamp fixtures with bulbs, some wall mounted oscillating fans, mylar, pots, a 600 watt HPS with digital ballast, some vac flexible ducting, duct insulators, possibly another inline fan to move more air outside not sure yet though, definitely getting bamboo sticks.. sorry im rambling im actually prob going to use this as my check list tonight.

is getting something to edc device or whatever its called a good investment?? im seeing a good one go for 150 at htg so i was wondering if i should pick it up


Well-Known Member
going to the hydro shop tonight, HTG, and getting a 6" htg tall boy carbon filter and Inline fan... both for 195. great deals this place has! also picking up 2 T8 6 lamp fixtures with bulbs, some wall mounted oscillating fans, mylar, pots, a 600 watt HPS with digital ballast, some vac flexible ducting, duct insulators, possibly another inline fan to move more air outside not sure yet though, definitely getting bamboo sticks.. sorry im rambling im actually prob going to use this as my check list tonight.

is getting something to edc device or whatever its called a good investment?? im seeing a good one go for 150 at htg so i was wondering if i should pick it up
Not sure what u mean by edc. a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) device what your referring to? They measure EC/PPM and are mostly useful for hydro growers & synthetic nutes. Def no use if your doing soil+organics. A good PH meter or drops are a must for anyone though, I think the gh drops work just fine for the price.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what u mean by edc. a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) device what your referring to? They measure EC/PPM and are mostly useful for hydro growers & synthetic nutes. Def no use if your doing soil+organics. A good PH meter or drops are a must for anyone though, I think the gh drops work just fine for the price.
good to know. Thanks for the advice!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
High Streets baby how ya doing :)

Use actual duct tape, not the common grey kind the kind that is made for ductwork, instead of clamps.

Good luck hon your going to have a grow op to be proud of. And the security system is worth the peace of mind fer shure!!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what u mean by edc. a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) device what your referring to? They measure EC/PPM and are mostly useful for hydro growers & synthetic nutes. Def no use if your doing soil+organics. A good PH meter or drops are a must for anyone though, I think the gh drops work just fine for the price.
thanks for the advice!!