heat issues - discreetly


Active Member
k im living with the parents still (:( i know) and doing a small grow in my cupboard thing in my room where they never go in to - so theyll never find out.
anyway i popped a small seedling about two weeks ago and its a whorlled phyllotaxy - meaning it has three petioles per node. (anyway its a fucked up one - a bit retarded and its phototropism response isnt going so well.)

im using just one small 85W equiv. cfl that would be good for flowering (just because its ony like an inch or two tall and i dont need any more light atm.) but ill get more soon for when it gets bigger.

i heard on this forum from someone that everytime he got a whorlled phyllotaxy, it turned out male, so im not relying on it to be female. so i have nine seeds waiting to pop now and im doin a really small grow.

the problem is, the cupboard thing - is sort of in the walls in my room and is really cold. i mean like around 2-4degC at night and at best maybe 10degC durin day. (shitty weather :()

because i still live with the rents, i have to be super descreet about anything i use, so i was wondering,

what sort of solution could i use to keep heat in there?
keep in mind it has to be small, cheap(around 20-30euro tops sorry im broke lol), quiet(not priority but still..), and practical to buy.

and remember its not a really big load of heat i need as the space is only
2-3' X 3-4' X around 2-3' high.

i had thought of using an incandescent light from far away - theyre cheap to run and are relatively heat efficient.

thanks a mill for reading and rep for feedback - i love learning about weed and know a lot but really wish i had the leeway for having good conditions :(
ive grown the strain i have before(i dunno what it is - sat dom hybrid - fairly weak though and has near to no smell)
but if its a prob ill just burn some insense
i grew 6 plants in my bathroom closet when i lived with my parents. if you do your own laundry and your parents give you some privacy thats what i would recommend. dont know how big your house is or the layout. i would thing you could get a space heater, but if youre really broke, anything electronic like an amp or something like that can give off a lot of heat in a small space. doesnt really sound like you can insulate it. probably be better off finding a friend that can grow it at his place and split the goods. hope you figure something out. i will look for other solutions.
i grew 6 plants in my bathroom closet when i lived with my parents. if you do your own laundry and your parents give you some privacy thats what i would recommend. dont know how big your house is or the layout. i would thing you could get a space heater, but if youre really broke, anything electronic like an amp or something like that can give off a lot of heat in a small space. doesnt really sound like you can insulate it. probably be better off finding a friend that can grow it at his place and split the goods. hope you figure something out. i will look for other solutions.

cheers mate
i live in a fairly big house compared to other people - but unfortunately nothing but a few shared bathrooms.
i have enough privacy to grow in these side panels im talking about, like if they ever needed to get in there for anything - they'd just ask me to get it for them.
i was lookin up to see if you can but like a small heater fan, but it seems theres nothing out there really thats like under 2KW - which sucks. if my parents noticed a spike like that in the bill they'd know somethings up.
and unfortunatly none of my mates have moved out yet either and aslo they wouldnt have the faintest idea on how to grow weed.
they'd be like, "ok whats a bud..":P
by the amp do you mean just sort of leave it on in there? does that really produce heat?
and what else can you use?

cheers for the feedback anyway + rep
Stop there, I really recommend you don't grow at your parents. If you can't afford your own place yet, then don't get your parents placed involved in your experiments without their consent.
put you 8-10 26w cfl bulbs in there on a fixture made out of a bathroom vanity light and some bulb socket Y's. fairly easy and cheap. i have a box thats 2x3x3 and with 8 bulbs and a room temp of 65F and intake and exhaust 120mm fans, i stay at 77F. people say cfls dont put off heat, but in a cabinet, they can push 100F+ temps without fans.
incandecent bulb in the first post is your best bet for heat still need teh cfl for light the incan light is no good for growing but really good for heat.

you had your best solution in the first reply that funny.
I have no idea of where you live, nor do I care and neither am I asking, but in many places if you were to get busted your parent's home could be confiscated and even though they may never know you were growing they could still face a long list of charges.

It is never wise to grow in your parent's home ... that is unless they are cool and doing it too and are already accepting any and all possible risks and repercussions of growing.
I was in court yesterday, for possesion and a teenage boy was busted for growing in his closet. They arrested his dad, brother and a freind of his dads that were there when the police arrived. The boy was not home and did not get arrested. Now he has to explain everything to the court to get everyone else who knew nothing about what he was doing, unarrested. This is the first time I've seen an entire family arrested because of what one of their children was doing. Unless you are prepared to deal with these sorts of things that can happen, don't grow pot in your families home. If you are planning your own place soon, start a seed so in a few months you'll have a good mom. Only do one. Two or more plants constitutes a charge of cultivation for the purpose of trafficking. If you are caught with one unbudded plant at your parents, they'll just take it and chances are the police will not be heavy handed.
thanks all!!
to people who are saying not to grow, i think first of all youz are overestimating the size of this grow and simplicity im looking for. - a light + a plant.
i UNDERSTAND both what is good for growing and also the reprecussions was i to be caught.
however due to the unreal simplicity and secrecy of the operation, the chance of me getting caught is next to none. - all the electricity i need is the light(unnoticeable in elec. bill) and the grow is for my own supply cos i dont like the idea of confronting illegal shoddy drug dealers.
that is why my solution to this problem needs to be simple and small - like the incandescent.

jaibyrd7, that is exactly the sort of set up that would get someone like me caught - the simplicity reflects a safeety system - if i think they are goin to go into the grow area i have a routine to hide it all - because theres not much to put away.
however, i am going to need another light so may i ask whereabouts can you buy those "y" splitters?
and do they half the current flow going to each light?

again thanks all your input is still very much appreciated.
+rep to all who have not recieved.
i UNDERSTAND both what is good for growing and also the reprecussions was i to be caught.
however due to the unreal simplicity and secrecy of the operation, the chance of me getting caught is next to none. -

When I was a member of a similar board, that is now defunct, a guy was busted because they had a small fire in their kitchen and the firemen inspected their entire home, attic and all, to make sure nothing had spread anywhere else before they left. They left .. and they notified the cops and the cops came for a visit.

Every kid thinks the chances of; "getting caught is next to none."

If by chance your parent's house were to be broken into the cops would look it over with a fine tooth comb.

If a pipe burst and there was water damage or a storm hit and there was damage and an insurance inspector came and looked the place over you never know what they might see and or smell and who they might mention it to.

You never know who might snoop around where when you are not home and guarding your secret squirrel grow location.

If you're still living with your "rents" its evident that you're not 40 ... or at least for your parent's sake I hope you're not ... so likely you are young, possibly too young to actually be a member here. Younger growers have the loosest lips of all and they are the most likely to show off their grows to their friends because they think it's really cool to grow and they want to look cool. Do you really think you can keep a secret? Do you think it might be possible that one day you might be showing a pal you feel it is safe to show your grow your horticultural handiwork and your mommy will bring your freshly washed and ironed Spongebob Squarepants jammies and Spiderman sheets into your room and see your secret little Batcave grow?

Don't fool yourself into believing that the chances of you; "getting caught is next to none" when you will be attempting to grow in your "rents" house.
it is a sad day when someone goes on a site like riu, which usually has such a welcoming, helpful, kind, - and well, everything like stoners should be - community, and is mocked, ridiculed and condescended by strangers who seem to be too much in character of their avatar....