SOG Sea of Green in a Big Room with lots of plants


Active Member
what kind of rocks are those @ 1/2 the price and dont roll all over sounds cool to me
Basically a lava rock looking thing like reggaerican said. When my supplier gets them in I will give more info. Hopefully by early next week.

yea i seen those lava grow rock on another thread they worked good for her.. as far as the bad effects in rockwoll all i can think of is algae..
and that really isnt even harmfull to your plants its just ugly and atracts pests.. all i do to prevent is cover with a small piece of panda plastic
Perfect, thanks for the tip.

hey everybody
wow now thats my ideal of a grow system im subbed to this one for sure
hope to get some ideals for my next build in a few months
Thanks for checking it out. Will def have more in depth pics when time comes. As of today we got a few ideas on how we will heat the entire (hopefully) upstairs of the house with the heat from the lights thus saving $$$ on heating costs.


Active Member
sure did go big on this one
what do you estimate your final cost at for build and equipment
Yeah, haven't kept a close count but in the neighborhood of 4-6k by the time is all said and done.

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. I've got faith.
Indeed...I am sure it will be fine, I have 2 friends who are giving advice and live close by and has been growing SOG also for years now so that helps...Also, one of the two friends setups is in the upwards of $35k...he is def knowledgeable. Thanks


New Member
a drink is highly recommended cure for a hangover try it or 2 or 3 oh fuck it drink all u got on hand tommorow is a new day

No, but thanks for the offer...

Work is delayed today due to a major tomorrow night (assuming I don't drink again tonight).


New Member
yep and getting ready to do it all over again tonite
hope my gf dont bitch to much when i sneak on tonight to check out everyone
she wants me to pay attention to her not computer
i told her to sign up here and i would pay more attention to her

good times fab!!


Well-Known Member
yep and getting ready to do it all over again tonite
hope my gf dont bitch to much when i sneak on tonight to check out everyone
she wants me to pay attention to her not computer
i told her to sign up here and i would pay more attention to her
haha well thats a tough one i think the woman should come first then RIU.. but she just needs to understand you are in demand these days..
but that does sound like a good compromise her joining