leaving the light on 24/7

its been four days sense i planted my seeds and i have been keeping the light on 24/7 and it seems to be makeing it grow pretty fast i was wondering tho if this could be bad for the plant thanks
it does no harm, except to your power bill
the science channel televised a documentary called Revenge of the Plants. a study was conducted about the effects of a 24hr lights on cycle. Their findings show that about 1 week in plants will begin to yellow out and stress showing signs of definenceies. By the end of the second week with 24hr lights on plants began to die off.

You cant expect to get the same level of producution out of your plants with out any rest, just like i cant expect you to finish a marathon with 3 days no sleep ;)

Now personally i have done extended day cycles a couple times for clones and veggin but i always give them a rest right afterwards. as an example this is what i have done a couple times with pretty good success.

ON 6am-12am (18hrs)
off 12am-6am (6 hrs)
ON 6am-12am (18hrs) + night 12am-6am (6hrs) + another day cycle 6am-12am (18hrs) for a total of 42hrs of lights on.
off 12am-6am (6hrs) rest period

rinse and repeat but i dont do this often cause i dont like stressing the plants or any stretching