busted? my apartment was inspected =(


Well-Known Member
triple true that. dumb idiot kid growing in a dorm. what kind of moron does that? good thing he learned his lesson and is in jail now serving hard time getting butt sexed

Matt Rize

triple true that. dumb idiot kid growing in a dorm. what kind of moron does that? good thing he learned his lesson and is in jail now serving hard time getting butt sexed
I'm with ya bro. Life is crazy sometimes. Get your grow on, BALLS OUT


Active Member
They might not site the inspection in the warrant, but, they can damn well base an investigation on a "random" tip-off. Heck, they might not ever come, but if they do, well, your screwed.
HELL fucking no they can't base an investigation off a random tip off you need more than that. you can't get a warrant without evidence. They only thing they can do now is watch you and try to build a case then get a warrant.


i my self have been busted growing my landlord came into my apartment and say 9 plants in my closet ( in my state it is required by law that unless it is and emergency such as flood, fire, or other type. they have to give a 24 hr WRITTEN notice.) they never had givin the notice i had a free attorny appointed by the court and had the charges dropped due to the illegal entry of the landlord. then proceded to sure the landlord, got out of my lease plus was reimbursed for the prior months rents i had paid. dont know if this will help at all but it is juss what happened to me


Active Member
you should have taken all the plants and made hash out of them instead of just throwing them out.(this is assuming you would have had the time)acctually on second thought i would have gotten that shit out of the place asap.like someone said before you can always grow again.


Active Member
I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of stoners. You grow in a rental, which by contract allows outsiders into your home for various purposes, and then when someone does come into your place on what is a contractually legal reason said stoner logs into this site and asks if he should get rid of his plants. When told they should get rid of the plants, said stoner bemoans the loss of their plants and debates whether or not the plants really need to be trashed.

Are you guys for real?

First, don't grow where someone else can enter your premises. Second, when someone finds out about your grow, either because they entered your place or you told someone thinking they are a friend, you are now out of the growing business at that address.

So, either listen to me and save your ass from some butt pounding by Bruno the cell block rapist and clean out all evidence (that means everything) of your grow, count your blessings that whatever providence exists allowed you the time to clean out your grow, and then plan your move to another location. Or, don't listen to me and get busted ... which if you are a college student means the end of any financial aid you may be receiving, possible expulsion from school along with the associated black marks on your collegiate record (most certainly will happen if you are growing on or within the school zone) and all the costs associated with defending yourself in court in the hopes of staving off the nighttime attentions of the aforementioned Bruno.

I swear folks! Its a God Damned plant! Screw it! Never worth your freedom! Trash it all if you have to and plan on starting over. But then again, most stoners are stupid kids and stupid kids don't see the big picture.
People cannot just waltz into your place of residence even if you are renting even if its the cops or even if it is the owner of the house you are renting they can't come in your place of residence without your approval.

And cops sure as hell can't come into your house for any reason ie smelling smoke, they can bang on your door all damn day if they don't have a warrant you can yell "get the fuck off my porch" and they can't do shit, just don't open that door. its not like in high school where the teacher can search your locker for any reason, this is fucking America. holy crap doesn't anyone know their rights?

they can try to trick you though. one time when I used to sell mids (local cops knew) cop came to my door and asked if he could come in to see about a gas leak my neighbor complained about (bullshit you don't look on the floor of someones bedroom with a flashlight for a gas leak lol) they knew I sold weed but its a hell of a lot harder to get a search warrant then all of you think and he was hoping to find something in plain view after I mistakenly let him in. do you realize what would happen if the police got a warrant and found nothing? do you know what they do to your house when they have a search warrant? they completely destroy it (happend ta me) they will cut holes in the walls to see if there's anything hidden there so they have to be reaaaaaaaaal fucking sure they're gonna get something, thats why they watch you and do a BUTTLOAD of homework before they ever show up with a s.w.

my point is that they are so afraid of not finding anything with the search warrant (law enforcement and especially the judge) that it doesnt ever happen because of the crap they gotta do to make sure they will find something before they get the warrant. JUST DONT OPEN YOUR DOOR FOR THEM NOT EVEN A CRACK.


Well-Known Member
Just remember you have rights, YouTube has a great video called 'Busted: know your rights' gives the everyday guy an idea of the rights we actually have.


Well-Known Member
Was the grow tent open? Was anything illegal in plain view? If not then the cops have no way of getting a warrant, they can't just search you shit on a hunch. You should be fine just don't let them in without a warrant, don't even open the door unless they say police search warrant or they will push you out of the way and lie about it in court.

And it doesn't matter that its owned by a company they can't allow authorities to search your things, you'd still have to give them consent to search without a warrant.
Even if they know its gotta be weed they can't do shit with your consent or a warrant which requires some real evidence. That doesn't mean they won't be watching you though.

I was an MP
I agree with angery there they cant just come raid your apartment becuase someone saw what may or may not have somthing ilegal... Plus the man hours and paper work it would cost to raid your apartment over some collage kids lil closet grow seems they should have bigger fish to fry ...but i live in Ca so we are spoiled when it comes to marijuna laws....... Do ya know how many times the pg&e guy as walked on the side of my house seen mee smoking or gardening.....Nothing as ever happened to me...they also say sorry just here to check the meter and leave .....


Active Member
No the guy who started the thread isnt in a dorm, he is just a student he lives in a apt. He must be referring to another incident involving a dorm grow.


Well-Known Member
cops never came. I'm kinda sad about trashing my plants. and my previous comment was just sarcasm for all the haters. i still love them all though, it keeps this site interesting.
i really want to move to colorado, or california sometime (raised in cali) and grow freely. too bad i signed a full time offer to work in dallas after i graduate. i need to get out of texas

Matt Rize

cops never came. I'm kinda sad about trashing my plants. and my previous comment was just sarcasm for all the haters. i still love them all though, it keeps this site interesting.
i really want to move to colorado, or california sometime (raised in cali) and grow freely. too bad i signed a full time offer to work in dallas after i graduate. i need to get out of texas
YAY! still a free man! fuck the haters, get your grow on wherever you are! yeah man, texas is far from going medical. priorities i guess. with that job you should be able to secure some medicine. or use your vacation to take a cali trip...


Active Member
cops never came. I'm kinda sad about trashing my plants. and my previous comment was just sarcasm for all the haters. i still love them all though, it keeps this site interesting.
i really want to move to colorado, or california sometime (raised in cali) and grow freely. too bad i signed a full time offer to work in dallas after i graduate. i need to get out of texas
Hey, at least you didnt get busted. Im sure you will have plenty of grows in the future!!


Well-Known Member
cops never came. I'm kinda sad about trashing my plants. and my previous comment was just sarcasm for all the haters. i still love them all though, it keeps this site interesting.
i really want to move to colorado, or california sometime (raised in cali) and grow freely. too bad i signed a full time offer to work in dallas after i graduate. i need to get out of texas
result but gutting mate, i feel for you...