and that is what it is all about.
my last grow i grew out 3 bagseeds. only wanted 1-2 fem's but did 3 just in case. well they were all fems. 2 of them i killed about 5-6 weeks into flower with my very low pH well water, around 4, and they other lived on strong. well after 12 weeks in flower and still spitting out white hairs, i was dumbfounded. everyone said light leak light leak light leak. one grower said Sativa dom. they said let it go cause it was probably around 70-80% Sativa and it may have gone several more weeks. well i harvested the plant and ran several tests with a video camera in the cab to check for light leaks. couldnt find a single one. so i wish I would have let it finish because it would have def plumped and ripened for a better high and better yield. but it gave me the end result I wanted, a fresh supply of my own herb. luckily i pulled about 3 seeds off of her and I intend on growing her all the way out when i plant them.
I suppose everyone probably has a grow or two in their back pocket like this

. It's good to hear the stories though. I definitely plan on completely maximizing my next ER seed. I have 4 more!
WOW! Just wow. aggreenvln, you have certainly showed and properly documented how to do a DWC PC grow. You have inspired a lot of people to go in the direction you have.
You have also been very generous in answering questions with quality responses(few do that). CONGRATULATIONS!!!
How was the smell in your room when you came back from your trip? How long will this last you? On your next grow, will you do this strain since you really enjoy it or a new one?
You also mentioned you could have yielded more, what would you have done different to yield more?
You are awesome! Will you please document your next grow.
Hey, thanks so much greenKandy! I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out, and I'm very glad to help however I can. My philosophy is that the only way to ensure the quality of a community improves over time is to do something about it yourself, so I'm pleased to hear so many people are finding this thread helpful.
Now after all that preaching, let me try to answer some of your questions

. I'll get more into the smell later, but suffice it for now to say that the smell when I got back (and as I understand it pretty much the whole time I was gone) was VERY strong. I walked into my room to a sort of sickly sweet trashy skunky smell. After the fact, my room is now pretty much dominated by the smell of evaporating isopropyl alcohol. Yech

I'll be growing at least one more Easy Ryder before I switch strains -- mostly to ensure I'm able to use my first grow as an accurate control for tweaking my next one effectively. I'm thinking Auto Hindu Kush after the next ER.
What I could have done differently... I'll get more into this in a future post, but my main priority is solving the space issue. To that end, I plan on raising my screen a bit (~1inch, so 5 inches above the reservoir instead of 4) and using slightly larger ScrOG holes. I'm sure gumball will give me hell for this, but I also plan on trimming pretty much everything that is not a top bud. Basically, I don't want any growth below the screen. I just want about 10 or 12 really nice plump buds that are allowed to fill out as much as they want. I think I'll end up with a much denser, more complete, healthier product this way and overcrowding won't be an issue. And I'll still be able to take maximum advantage of my space.
You have put together an incredible journal here. I have been lurkin' on these forums for a bit and your journal has answered nearly every question I've ever had without even having to ask. Well done, thanks for the hard work! I really like how you made your case.
I do have a few strong was the scent while growing? Were there certain weeks or time period of any kind that it noticeably stronger than others?
Howdy Pottna! It's good to see you out of the shadows. I'm sure if you wanted to know for sure you could go through the thread and find out when the smell was worst based on my comments on specific days, but here's a general idea: There is basically no smell during the first three or four weeks of growth. After she gets a bit into flower, the smell starts creeping up and up. At first it's only noticeable if you rub the leaves and smell your fingers, and then after about a week it becomes apparent if you put your face close to the plant. I would say after five to six weeks the smell is definitely noticeable in the vicinity. There was a period of roughly one to two weeks in the middle of flower where smell wasn't too bad (not sure why), and then it got progressively worse and worse until harvest. According to my housemates, my room smelled like "straight up asshole" for at least one day while I was gone. Hahah

. I'll let you know how the final dried product smells in a few days.
iv growin easyryder it has a powerful smell like fruity
i only had one it stank my house out
Hahaha, thanks SoA. I lawled at how you said that
