Did my plant really just start showing flowers?


Well-Known Member
I was doing my normal inspection of my Jock Horror, been under T5 18/6 for 6 weeks at least now maybe more. I noticed 2 different areas with white hairs not typical female flowers, anyone have an opinion and no this is not supposed to be an autoflower. Jock Horror Feminized from seed, DWC, plant topped at 5th node very health feeding GH nutrients using lucas formula. PH 5.8, PPM 650 PPM, reservoir temp 68F, plant is inches from T5 light.

I circled the hairs that I noticed, second pic shows them more clearly than the 1st but the circles will help.



Well-Known Member
its a girl for sure
I hope so, its a feminized seed, hope it doesn't turn hermie, does this mean 100% female for sure? Already had a WW go hermie on me with a feminized seed, never really noticed pre flowers during veg usually only veg for a month but this one is a mother and my first one of those too normally just grow from seed. This Jock Horror though is better used with cuttings I hear plus she (hopefully she) has to wait her turn, AK is finishing right now


Well-Known Member
yeah :) Ummm... pre flowers are either going to sprout balls or white pistils. Sometimes it takes a few weeks from pre flower to sex I think. Also, there are rare cases where the female plant doesn't have white pistils, but she is a female. It's very hard to determine whether or not she's a hermie at that point...


Active Member
yeah :) Ummm... pre flowers are either going to sprout balls or white pistils. Sometimes it takes a few weeks from pre flower to sex I think. Also, there are rare cases where the female plant doesn't have white pistils, but she is a female. It's very hard to determine whether or not she's a hermie at that point...
thay do this during veg? huh mines two months old and nothing ????? is that normal?????


Active Member
im growin super skunk and super lemon haze, just put 4 into 12/12 after veggin for 2 months, all have white hairs.i have 6 that i was able to veg 2 months also, 1 month into flower now, all had hairs going into 12/12 no hermies, its preflowers. my veg room has 24 hr light so dont believe that hermie shit


Active Member
oh yea forgot to mention that the lemon haze that shows hairs in veg r all clones from female lemon haze ss is from reg seeds i pollinated myself


Active Member
what the fudge are u talking about???? Sorry dude its probly a hermie if its sexing under vegg light. Only time they should show sex is after changing lights to 12/12. And all females show white hairs. males.....they have testicles.
Bummer brotha. turn that shemale into hash:)
and fyi all seeds from a hermie are feminzed seeds lol. thats what u buy from the company when it says fem. they have other methods but thats the most common, hence some fems hermyin.
15 years of dro'in
1 love
What the fudge are you talking about??? You couldn't be more wrong on your first point. Looks like a girl to me, and for a plant to show preflower in veg is common and doesnt mean in any way that its a male or hermie. Now, some femised plants could turn hermie, and your plant still could I suppose. But from what I see you have 100% female and you should be stoked.



Active Member
You veg long enough and some strains will show some preflowers in veg, I love when they show sex in veg cause then I can determine which plants are keepers and give you more room for flowering. 6 weeks in veg is plenty long enough to get signs of preflowers.



Active Member
What the fudge are you talking about??? You couldn't be more wrong on your first point. Looks like a girl to me, and for a plant to show preflower in veg is common and doesnt mean in any way that its a male or hermie. Now, some femised plants could turn hermie, and your plant still could I suppose. But from what I see you have 100% female and you should be stoked.
exactly on both ur points i hate when people get on here and give bad info to the newbies ive expanded since i first started growing and it allows longer veg time always have pre flowers on most of my girls now


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses guys, great thread with good information I guess I now have a Mother Jock Horror :D This grow will be updated daily after the New Year. I am finishing up two AK48's right now one done at the end of this month the other around Dec. 20th. Shutting down for 3 weeks then starting back up with Jock Horror I will be taking cuttings and starting to veg them out mid December for a good 5 week veg before 10+ week flower