First time grow - pictures, will update, suggestions please! closet trash can

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
cool deal man, like i said, i dont worry about smell here, i love the way the pink girl smells when the lights go off, a nice sweet pine smell.


Active Member
cool deal man, like i said, i dont worry about smell here, i love the way the pink girl smells when the lights go off, a nice sweet pine smell.

Man that sounds nice. If I lived in my own house somewhere outta the way I would def keep the smell lingering but alas I do not :/ lol but yeah im about to post pictures.. no sure if its starting to show sex ...


Thanks Monk!!!


Active Member
yay 041.jpgyay 051.jpgyay 029.jpgyay 049.jpgyay 037.jpgyay 032.jpgyay 045.jpgyay 040.jpgyay 054.jpgyay 050.jpgyay 036.jpgyay 044.jpgyay 027.jpgyay 055.jpgyay 035.jpgyay 026.jpgyay 028.jpgyay 048.jpgyay 039.jpgyay 043.jpgyay 034.jpgyay 047.jpgyay 038.jpgyay 031.jpgyay 033.jpgyay 053.jpgyay 046.jpgyay 042.jpgyay 052.jpgyay 030.jpg

Cant really tell in the picture but most of these now have like two splinter type things coming from some of the nodes? also... sativa or indica? pretty sure they look like indica..... but I could be wrong

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey, those are looking real good, and i would say indica by the short fat leaves. most sativa have long narrow leaves, and remember the the pics i posted for you, that will tell ya if their male or female. the first litte hairs you see are stipules, both male and females have those and they are on the side of the plant, not on the nodes where the branches come out, thats where you'll find the calyx/pistals or the male nut sacks.


Active Member
Ah ok, I believe my friend we have those. Also I think branches are actually growing from the nodes where I cut the dying or dead small leaves off.. pretty neat

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
each node is a set of leaves, now would be a great time to try and top a couple of them, its real easy to do, heres how. this will give you 4 or more main colas.

#1 Locate the very top of the new growth. #2 With a clean, sterilized scissors, Fold the fan leafs over and cut approximately 80% of the new growth off the plant. #3 This is what it should look like after the cut has been made. #4 View of the Cut section after 2 days growth, showing the 4 new growth shoots (branches).



Active Member
WOW this is so interesting... With all the reading I have done I have not come across this. I thought topping was just bending the branch to get a new cola but I guess that is actually just lsting

I finally get what topping is... Thank you.

This video is sweet and is funny as shit

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
oh, no problem. now that was funny, you think that dude has a problem with the f word, LMAO. and like he fuckin said, you can keep doing it over and over, LoL. bending the branches over or LST, low stress training is used to expose the lower buds on the plant to get more light to make them bigger.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro, just take your time and cut them where the picture shows and you'll have happy little bushes, LoL.


Active Member
All of them got watered, and topped. I added AN Big BUD to a gallon pitcher. I added a .05 teaspoons less than recommended so I put in 1/4 of a teaspoon. IMG00595-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00598-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00602-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00596-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00601-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00597-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00600-20101108-1127.jpgIMG00599-20101108-1127.jpg

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
there you go bro, good job, i top mine between 8 and 12 days old, have great success except with one little bitch i topped 3 times and she just wouldnt do it, came up with 1 big fat cola about 10" long and she only grew about 14" tall, LoL.



Active Member
i think it might be a bit early to add nutes and u should prolly re-pot soon
I had read somewhere that a little Big Bud earlier on had success on quickening the pace of the plant sexing and budding.. I could be wrong, but have seen others write that. I was actually thinking the same thing but said "ah to the hell with it." Hopefully, it does what they say, but I never want to over nute. AN big bud has a lot of phosphate and and even more potash. I will look for signs I suppose. Repotting! I was thinking about doing it when I found out which ones where females. So I can judge how large the pots I want to be... but if I 'was' to leave one in a cup it would still grow and give me buddha right?

there you go bro, good job, i top mine between 8 and 12 days old, have great success except with one little bitch i topped 3 times and she just wouldnt do it, came up with 1 big fat cola about 10" long and she only grew about 14" tall, LoL.
Dude but still it is a lovely cola... I was actually thinking about just lollipopping my females. Maybe lollipop them with 2-3 colas or something

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah thanks man, heres a pic of new bean, my first grow, i think i did lollipoppin and didnt know it when i cut all the fan leaves off, this one was a wild bitch, LoL. the first 2 pics are 1 day apart when i cut all the fan leaves off at day 61, the last, at day 88 is looking straight down at her, had her all tied down and she looked like a pinwheel, LoL.



Active Member
I saw those when I was reading through the forums! lol they look pretty sweet. How many colas and how much yield? wet/dry

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
it was just over 2 oz's dry, and just over 140 grams wet. there were 5 main colas, would have been 6, but i broke 1 off when i first tied them down early in the grow, dont make that mistake, LoL.

