TESLA LAMP 1.0 Real or Fake

The Ruined

Active Member
And sorry if I came of rude but when you see 100's of these posts and have to justify every time, it gets old.
I didn't feel you were being directly rude. Mostly evasive. Thank you for helping me to understand. And I also understand your frustrations. Especially when people as for answers for the same questions over and over then when they hear the answer it's so far above them. Thank you ;)


Well-Known Member
The Tesla has 2250 lumens available to the plant, at which distance they're not saying. Cannabis needs roughly 3000 lumens per sq ft to flower. The measure of light is usually taken at 1 ft away from the light so thats telling me that you would need 4 of those at 1 ft away to produce a sad 9000 lumens and that's if they were close together, spaced apart it takes away light. That's not even taking away for penetration and shading. My 400w puts out 45,000+ lumens at 1 ft, see the difference.
What you are saying is true, having experimented with massive amounts of CFL and in fact LED I can now say that I have gone back to 2x 600W dutch poots, why? because the HID still has the penetration factor that LED can't deliver right now or CFL never going to deliver.

You are right about LED or Induction not quite being there yet but before we know it they will, so it is prudent to stay in the shadows till it is truly on par but then leave the brave and courageous experimenters to do exactly that, some lead others follow.

And with the advent of induction and LED more and more people/growers are realising that there is more to a plants needs than just lumens or the right colour spectrums, plant lighting is a combination of requirements that current design and technology still has not covered effectively. HID may be the industry standard but it ain't perfect.


Well-Known Member
I want to a see a grow using those lights.
I can't stand those fuck heads saying it doesn't work without even seeing one in real life.
Umm, you won't see many grows with them because they don't work. That's why we say it. Feel free to go ahead and start a journal if you want to waste your money.


Well-Known Member
Umm, you won't see many grows with them because they don't work. That's why we say it. Feel free to go ahead and start a journal if you want to waste your money.
A grow can be a failure as well, and I've seen many prototype grows turn to shit.

I've seen a grow with only low W T5s that went kinda nice, so I guess this thing could work as well.

People said just what you are saying about LEDs 2 years ago, which turned to be pretty stupid.

I don't have the funds to try new light technologies but I got my own experiments going.

My point is - as long as no one tried (even if failed) these lights properly, or at least I haven't found one, nothing can be said about them.


Active Member
For people who dont know what they are. They have 100000 hr life span, more efficient than HID, and brighter. As soon as price drops they will replace HID


Active Member
do some searching on external inductor lamps of what they really are and youll get the specs. The only thing keeping people from using them for growing is the high price tag


Active Member
They are a scam for the most part.

Why? Because the manufacturer/seller isn't sharing any information about the PAR produced (with the reason being that the lights do not produce a good/usable spectrum that plants use). And short of that, the specific spectrum of light produced by the lights isn't being disclosed (again there is a reason). Without this information about PAR/spectrum... discussing straight watts, efficiency, lumens, etc is absolutely and completely pointless and just put out there as a sales pitch to separate you from your money.

Or in other words, watts to lumens (efficiency) is completely irrelevant when it comes to growing a plant. While PAR/spectrum to watts is everything. Be skeptical of anything being sold for growing that pushes watts/lumens and hides PAR/spectrum.

... the issue at hand is how many of those lumens are useful for the plant. ...
^ Exactly right.


Here's some good reading if interested:
