Sannies seeds all the way

So there here. Shipped Oct 27th and arrived Nov 4, man can't complain about that. I was happy with the stealth and descretion. So I ordered and got 10 regular Jackhammer and for my 5 freebies I got Blueberry Indica X Jackberry. I've only got room for 5 plants max but 4 I think would be better so I planted 2 Jackhammers and 3 BBI x JB. I'll get a journal set up soon and post it here when I'm done. Hope some of you join me and maybe help along. I've done a couple a trial run grows of bagseed now and I'm ready to get serious and grow me some nice flowers.

went to the po box today, got a stack of mail...sure enough, got my sannies beans...KO Kush...kept looking through my mail, and noticed they sent me another duplicate I got 2for1 for some reason, no complaints here.
So here's the Jackie sisters from the Jackhammer family. Jackie A is day 11 of 12/12 and yet to show herself. Jackie B and C are UB topped and vegging at day 19. B is a little slower than A and C is slower than B. The sprouts at C's node's were a little small when I topped but she's coming around.

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Also, Jackie A's top rooted and is now in her new bed after 17 days, so if Jackie is a girl then I now have a beautiful queen.
Had a problem with my original order and Sannie came through without any questions or bs and sent another, just got it today actually! My doe will be going his way for sure.
have to chime in on the sannies. Awesome breeder, and a pleasure to do business with. One of the few truly open breeders!
Has anyone purchased from sannie very recently? I noticed you cannot pay with a creditcard or paypal any longer? So has anyone tried this "iDEAL" online dutch bank payment thing? Is it still legit? Was really looking to buy from Sannie... :peace:
I tried this morning and found the same thing. Don't know about what's going to happen with the PayPal thing but I hear he'll be doing credit card again in a couple of weeks, and that was about a week ago. You could send him an international money order. I ended up ordering somewhere cause I want to start something else yesterday, but I will definitely still be putting my order in with him only a little later.
Paypal cut him off and he is in the process of acquiring another card servicer, hopefully in a week. There are tips in Opengrow on sending cash. With the Christmas rush, it would be wise to wait until the first of the year.

yea no paypal anymore, fuck paypal. i like the convenience of the credit card but, i sent cash many times before sannie even had the credit card/paypal option with no problems. just don't send $ in a dumb way. one thing you never have to worry about with sannie is integrity.
no paypal? that sux... i don't have a credit card cuz i just don't like them. i had a paypal account set up through my checking account and it was super convienient to order through Sannie this way. why did paypal cut him off?
no paypal? that sux... i don't have a credit card cuz i just don't like them. i had a paypal account set up through my checking account and it was super convienient to order through Sannie this way. why did paypal cut him off?

I'm sure its because of the nature of his business that they cut him off. It can't be because he doesn't deliver. I was lucky enough to order some KO Kush from him recently (which, btw is doing fantastic) and I ended up getting two additional packages for free for no reason. It was great, I got my order with free seeds and then got two more duplicate orders, so I'm stocked up on his KO Kush and El Monstere.
Sannie just posted that he is able to take credit cards again. Let the orders begin.


cof, my wife's gonna put you in the bad influence category. Actually she's been very kind this holiday season, with a new Vortex fan and Phresh filter, and more, so I really am pushing it, but what the hell?
He's got a new strain coming out soon too:mrgreen:

I've got a couple of his strains going now in a coco hempy setup, Cheeseberry and Killa Queen x Blue Kronic. They're a couple of weeks into flower, big and vigorous and stinky as all hell.:hump: