DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)


Well-Known Member
Yak - I use R/O for 2 reasons. 1 is because I already had an R/O system for my 120 gallon saltwater reef tank and 2 because I like to start with 000 ppm water so I know EXACTLY what level of my nutrients are after I add them. If I started with my tapwater, which is hard water and is about 260 ppms, I wouldn't be getting my plants the correct level of nutes. I assume my tap water has a lot of unknown minerals and metals, which I don't know how they would effect my plants. This is the same reason I flush with R/O water as well. It wouldn't be a true flush if the plants were being flushed in 260 ppm water. Make sense?

I usually take pics once a week or so. It has been 5 days I think, so sometime in the next 2 - 3 days. I like there to be a significant difference between each posting for shock and awe :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nice grow man, have you looked at your trichomes under a microscope yet to see how far along you are?


Well-Known Member
My buddy's got a jewelers loupe that he's going to bring over in the next few days, so I can start inspecting them then. Mandala Seeds says Satori matures in 65 - 70 days and I'm at day 52. I figure I'll be cutting the upper buds and branches in about 12 days, then give the buds on the lower branches a chance to get some much needed light and catch up. Probably cut them 8 - 10 days later.


Well-Known Member
Hey JC, man I have 3 Satori's finishing up right now, and they are at day 77! They just keep going! I will shoot you some pics if you would like....Nice thread..


Well-Known Member
hey j did you start from seeds, or clones? If from seeds how long did you leave them in the dome to sprout and grow before putting them in your DWC? Just asking cause I just germed my seeds and have the same set up as you. Right now my seeds are in rockwool cubes in a humi dome waiting to sprout.


Well-Known Member
Smitty, never put them in a dome. Went straight from germ into jiffy cubes embedded in the hydroton with drip system. Took the drip system off once roots hit the water level in the res.


Well-Known Member
Well, didn't want to write this til it was done. But the girls were moved to my buddy's house earlier this week as I've got some contractors coming over tomorrow to do some emergency plumbing work. I obviously didn't want them in the house. My buddy is an old growing vet and will take good care of them for the final days. Hopefully I'll be able to get you guys some late grow and harvest pics. Got to admit, it feels pretty good to be a law abiding once again. I'm going to take a break growing for awhile as I've got a number of upcoming trips planned and this hobby just doesn't work well for the traveling man.

It's such bullshit that growing is illegal. So fucking lame...

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, just distancing myself a bit. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
J why no on the dome? Ive researched a ton and most people use a dome for seedlings. Should I take them out and put them in the DWC? Man now Im confused and nervous ssshhhiiiitttt!


Well-Known Member
LOL, don't be worried, don't be confused. Domes are great for cuttings (and seedlings) but they aren't necessary to get seeds growing. You'll be fine if you put your rockwool (I'm assuming it's a 1.5 inch cube?) straight into your netpots. Just fill the net pot about 1/4 - 1/3 full with hydroton, put the cube in, then fill the rest of the netpot to the brim with more hydroton. You don't even need the drip system, especially if you've got good air pumps and air stones. The bubbles will create a fine mist within your reservoir which will keep at least the lower 1/3 of your hydroton/netpot moist. You can also raise the level of the water in the reservoir up to the bottom level of your rockwool and just lower it as the seeds emerge and grow down. The tops of your plants will weave their way up and out of the hydroton and you'll be well on your way. The key is strong pumps and good, fizzy airstones. The Hagen Elite Aqua Fizz line of airstones are excellent!


Active Member
Hey - like Smitty I'm setting up damn near the same system you described but wanted to find out about the drip. early on you said it was a pain - in what way.. needing to move it when you were changing the juice? Also what wasthe drip that you were using just something like what you can get a Walmart or something fancier?



Well-Known Member
thanks J I feel better now I think Im gonna take em outta the dome today. How long do you think it should take for the plant to pop through the rockwool? And should I give them light or no? Sorry for all the questions but you give good answers HA HA THANKS


Well-Known Member
Veer - The drip was a pain because I use organic nutes (Botanicare) and the drip sys would clog over time. I made a setup from the garden drip line of stuff that's available at Depot, Lowe's, etc. I just connected a section 1.5 inch vinyl tubing to a small aquarium pump and put a 2 way splitter on it (to run to 2 plants) then ran each line of vinyl tubing to a dripper head (like you connect to you 2 inch sprinkler line). From there I ran the black drip line around each net pot and poked holes in it. Remind me later and I'll take a picture of it for ya. Might not clog at all if you use GH nutes or another line of synthetics. I just found it to be unnecessary altogether.

Smitty - Should take them 2 - 3 days depending on how deep you bury them in hydroton. Just try not to let any singly piece of hydroton rest on the top hole of your rockwool so the sprouts have a clear path. As far as light, assuming you're using an HID bulb, place it high to start (2 feet or more for a 250 or 400 W / 3 feet or more for a 600 W) and slowly work it down day by day as the plant emerges and grows. You'll know if it's stretching too much. Some stretch is better than a burned seedling! Good luck, keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
thanks J I appreciate you always taking time out of your day to answer my questions no matter how dumb they might be. Ill def keep you posted as the grow gows on. So you think 2-3 days right now as Im looking at them the root seems to be pushing the seed to the top of the rockwool hole. Is this normal? I initially put the seeds 1/4-1/2 in deep in the rockwool. Im in the middle of transfering them to net pots. Again thanks for all your help.