sexing?are theses female preflowers or stipules?


Active Member
So my plant is 6 weeks old and been on 12/12 for a few days and it looks like preflowers are growing all over because on like all of the middle side branches their is things that look like little tiny stipules growing at all the middle of the side branch joints their not in clusters and their like one on each side of the joints or nodes what ever they are called are these just more stipules growing or are these small early female preflowers? my webcam sucks and i cant get a good pic


If you see any white hair whatsoever you've got a female(or hermie). If you can't see any white hair and it's just green it'll be an offshoot and your plant isn't ready to sex yet. Hope that helps!


Active Member
no white hairs coming out of them yet that i can see yet but i dont have a manifine glass and they dont look like balls


Well-Known Member
^Agreed. Without any pics, all we can do is tell you to wait for the pistils to form. You could also start looking at pics of preflowers, so that you have a better idea what to look for. I'm guessing they're stipules, though.


im completely new to this, started from clones, done everything by the book and have used my own initiative and they have really come along :)
my worry is that although i can see the little fussy white hairs coming from these green spikes at the node site, the node its self has really started to swell up? is this normal or do i have a hermy? The white hairs were present throughout the whole veging cycle, and its only been 6 days since i started flowering, this has now caused the nodes to swell to the point they look like they will burst! im hoping its just bulking up to support all the weight of that juicy cheesy bud. has anyone else had this problem, or non-problem as the case may be, any help muchly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
im completely new to this, started from clones, done everything by the book and have used my own initiative and they have really come along :)
my worry is that although i can see the little fussy white hairs coming from these green spikes at the node site, the node its self has really started to swell up? is this normal or do i have a hermy? The white hairs were present throughout the whole veging cycle, and its only been 6 days since i started flowering, this has now caused the nodes to swell to the point they look like they will burst! im hoping its just bulking up to support all the weight of that juicy cheesy bud. has anyone else had this problem, or non-problem as the case may be, any help muchly appreciated!
No worries bro, unless you start to see male preflowers growing from those nodes. Sounds perfectly normal, to me. :)


cool thanks guys, i was really starting to worry , these girls are my pride and joy! its amazing how good it makes me feel every time i open the tent. iv had so many problems, i didnt know anything about all this stuff till about 6/7 weeks ago, researching the net every time iv had a problem, over feeding, algai, temprature etc but i think im through the tunnel now! i will try and get some pics up soon, the girls are currently sleeping :)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
cool thanks guys, i was really starting to worry , these girls are my pride and joy! its amazing how good it makes me feel every time i open the tent. iv had so many problems, i didnt know anything about all this stuff till about 6/7 weeks ago, researching the net every time iv had a problem, over feeding, algai, temprature etc but i think im through the tunnel now! i will try and get some pics up soon, the girls are currently sleeping :)
Um... Hijack much?
You're growing with clones dude... Clones. They are no different than the mother plant they were taken from. If someone sold you male clones that'd be one thing... but that didn't happen. Your clones are female, all of them, that's WHY a person uses clones in the first place...



Um... Hijack much?
You're growing with clones dude... Clones. They are no different than the mother plant they were taken from. If someone sold you male clones that'd be one thing... but that didn't happen. Your clones are female, all of them, that's WHY a person uses clones in the first place...


Yeah but you dont know how bad i nearly killed them! I was worried my inexperience and cock-ups might have stressed them into changing sex.... I started with 50 and only managed to save 9! Iv looked at many pics now and they are diffinitly healthy girls! The stalk is so so fat, if i get anything vaguely smokable i will be a happy chappy. One more thing, one of the plants have a few yellow dots on quite a few of the lower leaves, bacteria or a bug problem??? Thanks in advance :)