Transplant from 3 inch nets to 5 inch nets cup

what up fellow stoners with brains!! hey looking for a little help here. I have 4 G13x Haze in my first DIY bubbleponic CFL grow. I fully understand that my pretty little ladies are going to get a lot bigger, i was wondering when or how I should transplant them into a larger net pot? They are all living in 2.5 inch net pots with hydro-ton. Should I just assist them and cut the smaller net pot away and place them into the larger pot of hydro-ton? Will this set me back a week? Oh they are moving a little slow, I would say about 2 weeks behind where I figured they would be by now. I was building an airplane in flight and was not taking care of the ph levels and over fed them twice, but now they are rolling along and I don't want them to have any more delays. I know my set up is a little ghetto but I had to start somewhere and I appreciate constructive criticism not just a bunch of negative comments. Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
what up fellow stoners with brains!! hey looking for a little help here. I have 4 G13x Haze in my first DIY bubbleponic CFL grow. I fully understand that my pretty little ladies are going to get a lot bigger, i was wondering when or how I should transplant them into a larger net pot? They are all living in 2.5 inch net pots with hydro-ton. Should I just assist them and cut the smaller net pot away and place them into the larger pot of hydro-ton? Will this set me back a week? Oh they are moving a little slow, I would say about 2 weeks behind where I figured they would be by now. I was building an airplane in flight and was not taking care of the ph levels and over fed them twice, but now they are rolling along and I don't want them to have any more delays. I know my set up is a little ghetto but I had to start somewhere and I appreciate constructive criticism not just a bunch of negative comments. Thanks guys
No need to transplant like a soil grow, your roots hang below bro and no way your stem will get that big lol... the roots will all be meshed together late into their lives I suggest you not top these and allow them to grow one single cola


Well-Known Member
yea DONT transplant, you will break roots and that will stunt plant for a bit, just keep what you got, roots hang in water, just make sure water is about 5.6-5.8 ph, in veg dont go over 900ppm and keep rocking it
right on! Thanks for the good info fellas. I will let them stay then. Do you guys flush and clean your rez every week? I have been doing this and now that the roots have gone root crazy. I think Im just going to refill the water and add nuts. What do you guys do? My little set up is in a nice size shower stall so water replacement is not problem. It just seems like every time i would take the ladies out for 10-15minutes they would look sick for 3 days then jump up 1 inch and I dont want to have any more problems. Thanks


Active Member
i have 2 totes in my closet; one of them is a small 2 gallon tote with 6 3" net cups... The other tote is a 20 gallon .... In my small tote I have 2 auto widows that are flowering fast; in the larger tote I have an Ice plant, big bud and a white widow skunk hybrid... In the smalller tote I was also running a regular pure afgani strain. I'm waiting on the autos to finish in order to flip to a 12/12 schedule.. I didn't want to leave the Afgani with the autos in fear that the roots will get tangled up, so I took the Afgani that's in a 3" net cup and placed it in a 6" square net pot that I'm using on the larger tote.. I first layed the roots (that are about 5" and bushy) carefully on the bottome surface of the square net pot holding the net cup at an even level to the bigger pot, I slowly covered the roots with hydroton, and filled around the net cup until it was stable and covered, after about a week the roots are already hanging in the reservoir.... I hope this helps...Peace!


Well-Known Member
2GA tote is going to drink a lot of water with 6 plants I hope you don't mind adding fresh nutes daily


Active Member
2GA tote is going to drink a lot of water with 6 plants I hope you don't mind adding fresh nutes daily
Yeah it has 6 planters, but only 2 plants lol... like I stated above, 2 auto widows that are flowering... Thank you... and I don't mind doing anything for my girls!


Well-Known Member
I do this all the time, just put a little hydroton in your 5" basket and put the entire 3" basket in the 5" basket, fill in any area between the two with more hydroton..

My veg station is a 2-1/2" net pot and my bloom is a 5", i buy a ton of 2-1/2" baskets.. they pull apart easy enough when you harvest..


Well-Known Member
Okay missed that been hittin' the ROOR this evening :D

You will be adding fresh nutrients almost every other day based upon how much they drink.


Active Member
Okay missed that been hittin' the ROOR this evening :D

You will be adding fresh nutrients almost every other day based upon how much they drink.
No, I change the reservoir every week, and top off about a gallon and a half a week of just ph'd water, and there doing fine, very healthy, thanks for your concern8)


Well-Known Member
No, I change the reservoir every week, and top off about a gallon and a half a week of just ph'd water, and there doing fine, very healthy, thanks for your concern8)
I'm just saying later in their life they start to drink a lot of water just be prepared mine went from drinking 1/2L a day to now 1GA / day!


Active Member
I'm just saying later in their life they start to drink a lot of water just be prepared mine went from drinking 1/2L a day to now 1GA / day!
It's funny you mentioned that, there about 5 weeks from seed, and budding heavily! After I left that post yesterday, I went to check the reservoir level, and it was lower then ever!! I was like that Weedler jinxed me!! lol!! I had to add an entire gallon, after adding new nutrients on wednesday!! So your totally right! They are starting to suck m it down, which makes me happy that there feeding so much!! I dont mind it at all! Have to keep an even closer eye on those two, lol! Thanks!:weed:


Well-Known Member
LOL I told you :D

I can leave and top off the reservoir to 4GA, 10 hours later she is down 2L top it off, by morning another 2L... 1 GA/ DAY :D


Active Member
My vote is to put each plant in their own bucket.
Go to the dollar tree and get pitchers or if they still have them for one dollar, 1 gallon black plastic buckets.
buy the lids online for 55cents each at


Active Member
LOL I told you :D

I can leave and top off the reservoir to 4GA, 10 hours later she is down 2L top it off, by morning another 2L... 1 GA/ DAY :D
That's alot of water, lol.. I dont even think I drink that much and I'm 250 pounds lol! To think all those nutrients are going torwards bud growth, puts a smile on my face, just got a keep an eye out.... and there two autos that are under 20" each.... crazy


Well-Known Member
Have you forced the autos into flower? I have hard that some people have had issues with their autos not automatically going into flower? I have never grown an auto strain just from what I have read lately...


Active Member
Have you forced the autos into flower? I have hard that some people have had issues with their autos not automatically going into flower? I have never grown an auto strain just from what I have read lately...
Not at all...if I tell you the story of how I almost killed these autos, you wouldnt believe it! After about. a week from sprout, I made an overzelous noob mistake... I fed my 3 auto widows, and two ice plants a week solution of the GH flora series, and was on my way. Upon my return, I was saddened to find all have shriveled up and were lying flat on the ground dead.. I tryed to revive them and nothing.. out of frustration I squeezed one in my hand, the other two I pulled out of the rooters, (suprisingly the stem didn't snap) and threw the reamining 2 autos in the toilet... I thenn left had dinner with trhe wife... returned hours later... before bed I was about to take a leak to find the autos floating in piss water and very sprung and stiff... I decided to slice up to rooters in half slide them back in and place them back in the tray.. I also germinated anothers et of seed but of the autos I had no expectations. They stayed the same for 2 weeks, but didnt die... To make a long story short, now there flowering and drinking a half gallon daily!!! SIck!!bongsmilie


Active Member
nice to meet u sleeper, i gotta say that is a great story lol..weedler i have a lil exp with autos if ur curious man..peace