Prop 19 didn't pass!

Again well said + rep for individual responsibility and a massive state by state increase in pressure....tired of the took most of my life....
Or... you can get over and get on to the work of making 2012 the year we come up with a legalization effort that we can all support. Even most proponents agreed that Prop. 19 wasn't perfect. Hell, some even admitted it was badly written, but were willing to accept it as something instead of nothing. Seriously.... this emoraging from the proponents is just getting old fast. Those of you in the state of California, we have a little over a year to come up with a proposition we can all support and that the rational public will find palatable. Those of you not in the state of California, there is nothing to stop you from further pursuing legislation in your own state. Your state legislators and government agencies value YOUR opinions and ideas far more than what we do in California. For all the talk of ending prohibition and metaphorical references to the end of Alcohol Prohibition, you seem to purposely or benignly miss the really important fact of that comparison. Alcohol Prohibition ended because a majority of the states told the Federal government it was time to end it. A Majority of the states. If you really want this to end, then it's time for EVERYONE, not just one state, to stand up and demand it.
What are you talking about? They already had a 60,000sq ft facility almost ready to go in Oakland if the prop passed. I read that on this website.

I hadn't heard about that, but it turns out you're right. Well... partly right. The company is Gropech and they are seeking approval to build a 60,000 sq ft medical marijuana factory. It doesn't have anything to do with Prop 19. They want approval regardless of whether it passes or not.

How ironic! You growers are already screwed! Seriously though, I wonder if the feds would allow something that big to happen.

Also, I'm no expert on the law in California, but isn't there a limit to how many plants you can grow? How would Oakland get around that part?

Now that I think about it, didn't prop 19 limit the size of gardens to 5x5 or something like that? I'm not sure these factory farms would be legal even if it had passed.
congratulations fellow californians, you've managed to assure that the dark ages remain firmly in place. the defeat of prop 19 is a testament to both the gullibility of the masses and the greed of the little guy. how many more folks do you think will be imprisoned while we wait for another chance at the brass ring? while you smug medical users gloat over your fraud, the rest of us will just have to keep wondering at every knock on the door. while you small time growers protect your precious profits, the individual grower will just have to keep the grow lights burning in the closet. while all of you uber-liberal fools are demanding free herb for all, we simple working folks will just have to keep on hiding our stash. you really should be ashamed, but you won't be. you'll claim it as a victory over corporate greed or some such silly rationalization. you'll swear that a better bill is on the way and that the compromises of 19 were too much of an imposition.
the forces behind this prohibition are laughing at you simpletons. while reaching for the gold, you've let that brass ring pass you by. yes, it was just brass. it was slightly tarnished and didn't shine as much as we would have liked, but it was a stepping stone and you just ignored its promise. tomorrow's news may very well bring us a new crackdown on your precious medical rights, but you'll still gloat that you've denied someone else their profits. you'll whine over how unfair those evil leos are being, but you're the ones who have supplied them with their ammunition. what short-sighted wanna-bes you are.

I could not have said it better. California just took us all one giant step backwards in the fight to legalize. How do people think that their greed is any better then the greed of big business. The only reason they voted against prop 19 is because they want to keep all the profits for them selves. That greed is the same as any others. Thanks guys!!!!!!!! Enjoy those last few crops you have left.
u medical growers act like ur fucking docors or something, you deal drugs to maybe 1% of legit customers. I know so many ppl w medcal cards for bullshit. you guys fucked it up for the rest of the us. What happend to cool, laid back call??? I cant wait for your cali economy to fall above a 20billion debt u fuckers....oh that should be soon being that guys have been steadily increasing over the years. hope an 8.0 quake rips thru just to put the icing on the cake for u guys
You're a fucking idiot. How old are you? You sound like a little girl who on her first period. So you're hating on me because I grow and don't want to be taxed. Stay your ass on the east coast, you guys don't know what the repercussions would be if 19 passed? I don't and it would have piss the feds off and they'd come down hard on very one. It's real hard to arrest a person who's sick or in pain for pot but just for recreation come on. Just because you don't have a medical reason for it you'd rather suck a dick for some smoke what a fucking ass you are
You're a fucking idiot. How old are you? You sound like a little girl who on her first period. So you're hating on me because I grow and don't want to be taxed. Stay your ass on the east coast, you guys don't know what the repercussions would be if 19 passed? I don't and it would have piss the feds off and they'd come down hard on very one. It's real hard to arrest a person who's sick or in pain for pot but just for recreation come on. Just because you don't have a medical reason for it you'd rather suck a dick for some smoke what a fucking ass you are

too bad, they will tax you anyway.

now, not only do you get taxed, but you get the added bonus of being an easier target to get busted. you really think they would have bothered with medical growers with a bevy of recreational growers to bust?

by the way, if you don't want to also sound like a girl on her first period, you should probably try to hold yourself to a higher standard than who ever you're insulting (repeatedly). just sayin'
too bad, they will tax you anyway.

now, not only do you get taxed, but you get the added bonus of being an easier target to get busted. you really think they would have bothered with medical growers with a bevy of recreational growers to bust?

by the way, if you don't want to also sound like a girl on her first period, you should probably try to hold yourself to a higher standard than who ever you're insulting (repeatedly). just sayin'
What does Miami Florida have to do with Cali? All businesses in Cali have to pay taxes on sales so what are you talking about?
What does Miami Florida have to do with Cali?

try to stay with me here.

miami is what we call a "major media market". as such, they print these things called "newspapers". these "newspapers" cover national events and "news". recently, some national events caused "news" to happen in california, and this "newspaper" reported on it for the consumption of the "major media market" they serve.


All businesses in Cali have to pay taxes on sales so what are you talking about?

i was responding to your original sentiment, quoted below, with relevant information regarding your concern. not only did your no vote on 19 not prevent new taxes on cannabis, but it made you more vulnerable to raids and busts.

it is almost as if you have no idea of what it means to vote in rational self interest. not surprising considering what little of your drivel i have read thus far.

I grow and don't want to be taxed
Did anyone think that maybe they did it on a bad year? I mean, the republican's were taking control and such and more conservatives were out voting...

If this would have been in vote 2 years ago with the democrats were the majority of voters it prolly would have passed.
try to stay with me here.

miami is what we call a "major media market". as such, they print these things called "newspapers". these "newspapers" cover national events and "news". recently, some national events caused "news" to happen in california, and this "newspaper" reported on it for the consumption of the "major media market" they serve.


i was responding to your original sentiment, quoted below, with relevant information regarding your concern. not only did your no vote on 19 not prevent new taxes on cannabis, but it made you more vulnerable to raids and busts.

it is almost as if you have no idea of what it means to vote in rational self interest. not surprising considering what little of your drivel i have read thus far.
You are lost buddy. The Media is the worst they speak half truth half hype plus I already get taxed why I buy stuff 9.75% between the State and the Feds they take 23% in taxes from my paycheck every week so why would I want to be taxed for something I grew no matter it was 5x5 or more. Keep in mind I only grow 3-6 plants at a time but they're huge plants. I grow because I enjoy doing it and as for selling it hell yeah I gotta pay the electric and the rent.
You are lost buddy. The Media is the worst they speak half truth half hype plus I already get taxed why I buy stuff 9.75% between the State and the Feds they take 23% in taxes from my paycheck every week so why would I want to be taxed for something I grew no matter it was 5x5 or more. Keep in mind I only grow 3-6 plants at a time but they're huge plants. I grow because I enjoy doing it and as for selling it hell yeah I gotta pay the electric and the rent.

i didn't say the media was god.

i certainly didn't try to persuade you that you like paying taxes.

let me assure you, i do not give a shit how many plants you grow or why or what you do with them.

i am simply trying to inform you that they are adding new taxes on cannabis RIGHT NOW, with or without prop 19.

your assessment of who is lost applies to one of us. and it ain't me.
i didn't say the media was god.

i certainly didn't try to persuade you that you like paying taxes.

let me assure you, i do not give a shit how many plants you grow or why or what you do with them.

i am simply trying to inform you that they are adding new taxes on cannabis RIGHT NOW, with or without prop 19.

your assessment of who is lost applies to one of us. and it ain't me.
So are they gonna tax crack next or maybe crystal meth. It's gonna only apply to the MJ dispensaries who makes the big money and some growers that are doing big co-ops. 19 is the wrong step in any direction MJ should not be a schedule 1 drug.

This is a yes on Prop 19 Youtube video

It's a shame how they tried to trick people in voting yes
come on people. we all had our opinions on prop 19, but now it's over. The voting is done. Time for everyone to move on. Let's all quit fighting and focus on legalization in 2012!
come on people. we all had our opinions on prop 19, but now it's over. The voting is done. Time for everyone to move on. Let's all quit fighting and focus on legalization in 2012!
I'm not mad and not trying to argue but a lot of people still talking shit about how us no on 19 folks wons and how it's gonna set us back they so quick to forget prop 215 and sb 420 that paved the way. I was hoping 19 was gonna benefit us but after reading it I saw it was a sham. No where in the prop it said it was gonna be legal just taxed and regulated.
Well I guess we'll never know for sure how prop 19 would have effected us. It's over. There is always 2012! That's what we should be worried about. Regardless of if we did or didn't support prop 19, there are ballot initiatives written for 2012. We need to get one on the ballot.
come on people. we all had our opinions on prop 19, but now it's over. The voting is done. Time for everyone to move on. Let's all quit fighting and focus on legalization in 2012!

Proponents of 19 don't seem to realize that although many like me voted No. It wasn't because we don't want weed legalized/decriminalized. Its just with these past years and our government, we were to skeptical to follow an already poorly written bill. I have much hope for 2012 and an improved bill. Why must we jump at the first sign of legalization? It's like a person who buys a car without researching and test driving other cars, you're not going to get what you want. When all one needed was some patience.
Proponents of 19 don't seem to realize that although many like me voted No. It wasn't because we don't want weed legalized/decriminalized. Its just with these past years and our government, we were to skeptical to follow an already poorly written bill.

At this point, no one will be convinced of anything.

I have much hope for 2012 and an improved bill.

I don't, but I'll be there to try. It's also worth mentioning that Richard Lee has already announced he's writing a new initiative. If no one else gets a better ballot measure on the ballot first, it'll be the same thing all over again. There has been fair warning this time.

Why must we jump at the first sign of legalization?

Because there is no guarantee that another one will come a long that is likely to pass. Even if there is, there is no guarantee it will be any better. It could be worse.

It's like a person who buys a car without researching and test driving other cars, you're not going to get what you want. When all one needed was some patience.

You're assuming there are other cars. That is not a guarantee. I'm sure that in 1972 they thought there would be a next time. That next time didn't happen for another 38 years.
At this point, no one will be convinced of anything.

-Not relative
I don't, but I'll be there to try. It's also worth mentioning that Richard Lee has already announced he's writing a new initiative. If no one else gets a better ballot measure on the ballot first, it'll be the same thing all over again. There has been fair warning this time.

-So he is already writing another. I said revised not completely new.

Because there is no guarantee that another one will come a long that is likely to pass. Even if there is, there is no guarantee it will be any better. It could be worse.

-I'm sorry but that's no reason at all to do something. No guarantees ever in life.

You're assuming there are other cars. That is not a guarantee. I'm sure that in 1972 they thought there would be a next time. That next time didn't happen for another 38 years.

-And since 1972 you can legally buy, sell, and grow weed in California. What backwards steps do you think we are taking? Prop 215, sb420..?
I'm not mad and not trying to argue but a lot of people still talking shit about how us no on 19 folks wons and how it's gonna set us back they so quick to forget prop 215 and sb 420 that paved the way. I was hoping 19 was gonna benefit us but after reading it I saw it was a sham. No where in the prop it said it was gonna be legal just taxed and regulated.

You obviously didn't read the initiative, by your own statements. It allowed for 5' x 5' square gardens, that isn't decriminilization? It allowed you to smoke marijuana recreationally, that isn't decriminilization? How were they going to tax your personal garden? Do you think it is fair that co-op growers/dealers can sell "surplus" tax free?

19 would have made growing and smoking LEGAL for recreational users. That was the point of the initiative.
Excuse me? What 1972 statute makes it legal for anyone to grow weed in Cali?
SINCE 1972 when the first prop came around, we can NOW grow, sell, buy etc under medical system.

Sorry for the confusion.

It allowed for 5' x 5' square gardens, that isn't decriminilization? It allowed you to smoke marijuana recreationally, that isn't decriminilization?
I believe he meant decriminalization as in no more jail for weed. You could have still been arrested for growing too much or handing a joint to say a minor...etc etc